Direct Known Subclasses:

public class BuildNotifier extends Object
  • Field Details

    • monitor

      protected org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor
    • cancelling

      protected volatile boolean cancelling
    • percentComplete

      protected float percentComplete
    • progressPerCompilationUnit

      protected float progressPerCompilationUnit
    • newErrorCount

      protected int newErrorCount
    • fixedErrorCount

      protected int fixedErrorCount
    • newWarningCount

      protected int newWarningCount
    • fixedWarningCount

      protected int fixedWarningCount
    • workDone

      protected int workDone
    • totalWork

      protected int totalWork
    • previousSubtask

      protected String previousSubtask
    • NewErrorCount

      public static int NewErrorCount
    • FixedErrorCount

      public static int FixedErrorCount
    • NewWarningCount

      public static int NewWarningCount
    • FixedWarningCount

      public static int FixedWarningCount
  • Constructor Details

    • BuildNotifier

      public BuildNotifier(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor, int buildKind, BooleanSupplier interruptSupplier)
  • Method Details

    • resetProblemCounters

      public static void resetProblemCounters()
    • aboutToCompile

      public void aboutToCompile(SourceFile unit)
      Notification before a compile that a unit is about to be compiled.
    • begin

      public void begin()
    • checkCancel

      public void checkCancel()
      Check whether the build has been canceled.
    • checkCancelWithinCompiler

      public void checkCancelWithinCompiler()
      Check whether the build has been canceled. Must use this call instead of checkCancel() when within the compiler.
    • compiled

      public void compiled(SourceFile unit)
      Notification while within a compile that a unit has finished being compiled.
    • done

      public void done()
    • problemsMessage

      protected String problemsMessage()
      Returns a string describing the problems.
    • setCancelling

      public void setCancelling(boolean cancelling)
      Sets the cancelling flag, which indicates we are in the middle of being cancelled. Certain places (those callable indirectly from the compiler) should not check cancel again while this is true, to avoid OperationCanceledException being thrown at an inopportune time.
    • setProgressPerCompilationUnit

      public void setProgressPerCompilationUnit(float progress)
      Sets the amount of progress to report for compiling each compilation unit.
    • subTask

      public void subTask(String message)
    • updateProblemCounts

      protected void updateProblemCounts(CategorizedProblem[] newProblems)
    • updateProblemCounts

      protected void updateProblemCounts(org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker[] oldProblems, CategorizedProblem[] newProblems)
      Update the problem counts from one compilation result given the old and new problems, either of which may be null.
    • updateProgress

      public void updateProgress(float newPercentComplete)
    • updateProgressDelta

      public void updateProgressDelta(float percentWorked)