
public final class RewriteEventStore extends Object
Stores all rewrite events, descriptions of events and knows which nodes are copy or move sources or tracked.
  • Field Details

    • DEBUG

      public static boolean DEBUG
      Debug AST rewrite events.

      If enabled, then ASTRewrite and ListRewrite throw an IllegalArgumentException if a rewrite operation tries to insert an AST node in a place where nodes of this type are not allowed (node type not a subtype of the structural property's type).

      Disabled by default, since this hasn't been enforced from the beginning, and there are clients (e.g. in JDT UI refactorings) that rely on a bit of leeway here. E.g. the qualifier of a QualifiedName cannot be a MethodInvocation expression or a SimpleType, but that's sometimes the easiest solution for such a change, and ASTRewrite has no problems with it.

    • NEW

      public static final int NEW
      See Also:

      public static final int ORIGINAL
      See Also:
    • BOTH

      public static final int BOTH
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RewriteEventStore

      public RewriteEventStore()
  • Method Details