Class HandleFactory


public class HandleFactory extends Object
Creates java element handles.
  • Constructor Details

    • HandleFactory

      public HandleFactory()
  • Method Details

    • createOpenable

      public Openable createOpenable(String resourcePath, IJavaSearchScope scope)
      Creates an Openable handle from the given resource path. The resource path can be a path to a file in the workbench (e.g. /Proj/com/ibm/jdt/core/ or a path to a file in a jar file - it then contains the path to the jar file and the path to the file in the jar (e.g. c:/jdk1.2.2/jre/lib/rt.jar|java/lang/Object.class or /Proj/rt.jar|java/lang/Object.class) NOTE: This assumes that the resource path is the toString() of an IPath, in other words, it uses the IPath.SEPARATOR for file path and it uses '/' for entries in a zip file. If not null, uses the given scope as a hint for getting Java project handles.
    • createElement

      public IJavaElement createElement(ClassScope scope, ICompilationUnit unit, HashSet existingElements, HashMap knownScopes)
      Returns a handle denoting the class member identified by its scope.
    • createLambdaTypeElement

      public IJavaElement createLambdaTypeElement(LambdaExpression expression, ICompilationUnit unit, HashSet existingElements, HashMap knownScopes)
      Returns a handle denoting the lambda type identified by its scope.
    • resolveDuplicates

      protected void resolveDuplicates(IJavaElement handle)
    • createElement

      public IJavaElement createElement(Scope scope, int elementPosition, ICompilationUnit unit, HashSet existingElements, HashMap knownScopes)
      Create handle by adding child to parent obtained by recursing into parent scopes.