Schnittstelle EditorAdapter

public interface EditorAdapter
Mik Kersten
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    Paste text into the current caret position of the editor.
    Save the contents of the current file being edited.
    showSourceLine(int lineNumber, boolean highlight)
    Seek the editor to a source line in the current file.
    showSourceLine(String filePath, int lineNumber, boolean highlight)
    Seek the editor to a source line in the file specified.
    showSourceLine(ISourceLocation sourceLocation, boolean highlight)
    Seek the editor to a SourceLocation and highlight if specified.
    showSourcelineAnnotation(String filePath, int lineNumber, List items)
    Implement if inline annotations are supported by the editor.
  • Methodendetails

    • showSourceLine

      void showSourceLine(String filePath, int lineNumber, boolean highlight)
      Seek the editor to a source line in the file specified.
    • showSourceLine

      void showSourceLine(ISourceLocation sourceLocation, boolean highlight)
      Seek the editor to a SourceLocation and highlight if specified.
    • showSourceLine

      void showSourceLine(int lineNumber, boolean highlight)
      Seek the editor to a source line in the current file.
    • getCurrFile

      String getCurrFile()
      Gibt zurück:
      full path to the file currently being edited.
    • saveContents

      void saveContents() throws IOException
      Save the contents of the current file being edited.
      Löst aus:
    • pasteToCaretPos

      void pasteToCaretPos(String text)
      Paste text into the current caret position of the editor.
    • showSourcelineAnnotation

      void showSourcelineAnnotation(String filePath, int lineNumber, List items)
      Implement if inline annotations are supported by the editor. Make null implementation if inline annotations are not supported.
      filePath - path to the file that should get the annotation
      lineNumber - line number for the annotation
      items - list of relations to be rendered as the annotation