Schnittstelle IOutputLocationManager

public interface IOutputLocationManager
Interface that handles where the compilation output is sent. Allows for the output folder to be different for different source files.
  • Felddetails

  • Methodendetails

    • getOutputLocationForClass

      File getOutputLocationForClass(File compilationUnit)
      Return the directory root under which the results of compiling the given source file. For example, if the source file contains the type a.b.C, and this method returns "target/classes" the resulting class file will be written to "target/classes/a/b/C.class"
      compilationUnit - the compilation unit that has been compiled
      Gibt zurück:
      a File object representing the root directory under which compilation results for this unit should be written
    • getSourceFolderForFile

      String getSourceFolderForFile(File sourceFile)
      For environments where multiple source folders are supported, they need to be included in the model. This method allows AspectJ to determine which source folder a source file came from. Example return values would be "src" or "main/java"
      sourceFile - the File object for the source file
      Gibt zurück:
      the source folder where this file came from, or null if in project root or source folders not supported.
    • getOutputLocationForResource

      File getOutputLocationForResource(File resource)
      When copying resources from source folders to output location, return the root directory under which the resource should be copied.
      resource - the resource to be copied
      Gibt zurück:
      a File object representing the root directory under which this resource should be copied
    • getAllOutputLocations

      List<File> getAllOutputLocations()
      Return a list of all output locations handled by this OutputLocationManager
    • getDefaultOutputLocation

      File getDefaultOutputLocation()
      Return the default output location (for example, <my_project>/bin). This is where classes which are on the inpath will be placed.
    • reportFileWrite

      void reportFileWrite(String outputfile, int fileType)
      Callback from the compiler to indicate that a file has been written to disk, the type of the file (if known) is also supplied.
      outputfile - the file that has been written
      fileType - the kind of file from the FILETYPE_XXX constants defined in this type
    • getInpathMap

      Map<File,String> getInpathMap()
      Gibt zurück:
      a Map<File,String> from inpath absolute paths to handle components
    • reportFileRemove

      void reportFileRemove(String file, int fileType)
      Callback from the compiler to indicate that a file has been removed from disk, the type of the file (if known) is also supplied.
      file - the file that has been written
      fileType - the kind of file from the FILETYPE_XXX constants defined in this type
    • discoverChangesSince

      int discoverChangesSince(File dir, long buildtime)