Schnittstelle BuildConfigManager

Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:

public interface BuildConfigManager
Mik Kersten
  • Felddetails

  • Methodendetails

    • getActiveConfigFile

      String getActiveConfigFile()
      Returns the currently active build configuration file. The current active build configuration file that is set in this class is used for building and for updating the structure model.
      Gibt zurück:
      full path to the file
    • setActiveConfigFile

      void setActiveConfigFile(String currConfigFilePath)
      Sets the currently active build configuration file.
      currConfigFilePath - full path to the file
    • addListener

      void addListener(BuildConfigListener configurationListener)
      Add a listner that will be notified of build configuration change events
    • removeListener

      void removeListener(BuildConfigListener configurationListener)
      Remove a configuration listener.
    • buildModel

      BuildConfigModel buildModel(String configFilePath)
      Build a model for the corresponding configuration file.
      configFilePath - full path to the file
    • writeModel

      void writeModel(BuildConfigModel model)
      Save the given configuration model to the file that it was generated from.
    • writePaths

      void writePaths(String configFilePath, List<String> paths)
      Write a list of source files into a configuration file. File paths will be written relative to the path of the configuration file.
    • addFilesToConfig

      void addFilesToConfig(String configFilePath, List files)
      Add files to a configuration.
      configFilePath - full path to the configuration file
      files - list of full paths to the files to be added
    • removeFilesFromConfig

      void removeFilesFromConfig(String configFilePath, List files)
      Remove files from a configuration.
      configFilePath - full path to the configuration file
      files - list of full paths to the files to be removed
    • getAllBuildConfigFiles

      List getAllBuildConfigFiles()
      Gibt zurück:
      list (of Strings) of all build configuration files found so far