Schnittstelle IParent

Alle bekannten Unterschnittstellen:
AbstractModule, IClassFile, ICompilationUnit, IField, IImportContainer, IInitializer, IJavaModel, IJavaProject, IMember, IMethod, IModularClassFile, IModuleDescription, IOrdinaryClassFile, IPackageFragment, IPackageFragmentRoot, IType, ITypeRoot
Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:
AbstractClassFile, AbstractModule.AutoModule, AssistCompilationUnit, AssistImportContainer, AssistInitializer, AssistSourceField, AssistSourceMethod, AssistSourceType, BinaryLambdaExpression, BinaryLambdaMethod, BinaryMember, BinaryMethod, BinaryModule, BinaryType, ClassFile, ClassFileWorkingCopy, CompilationUnit, ExternalJavaProject, ExternalPackageFragmentRoot, ImportContainer, Initializer, JarPackageFragmentRoot, JavaModel, JavaProject, JModPackageFragmentRoot, JrtPackageFragmentRoot, LambdaExpression, LambdaMethod, Member, ModularClassFile, NamedMember, PackageFragment, PackageFragmentRoot, ResolvedBinaryField, ResolvedBinaryMethod, ResolvedBinaryType, ResolvedLambdaExpression, ResolvedSourceField, ResolvedSourceMethod, ResolvedSourceType, SourceField, SourceMethod, SourceModule, SourceType

public interface IParent
Common protocol for Java elements that contain other Java elements.
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    Returns the immediate children of this element.
    Returns whether this element has one or more immediate children.
  • Methodendetails

    • getChildren

      IJavaElement[] getChildren() throws JavaModelException
      Returns the immediate children of this element. Unless otherwise specified by the implementing element, the children are in no particular order.
      Gibt zurück:
      the immediate children of this element
      Löst aus:
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • hasChildren

      boolean hasChildren() throws JavaModelException
      Returns whether this element has one or more immediate children. This is a convenience method, and may be more efficient than testing whether getChildren is an empty array.
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the immediate children of this element, false otherwise
      Löst aus:
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource