Klasse ModuleDeclaration


public class ModuleDeclaration extends ASTNode
Module declaration AST node type representing the module descriptor file (added in JLS9 API).
  [ Javadoc ] { Annotation } [ open ] module Name {
        { RequiresDirective | ExportsDirective | OpensDirective | UsesDirective | ProvidesDirective }
  • Felddetails

  • Methodendetails

    • propertyDescriptors

      public static List propertyDescriptors(int apiLevel)
      Returns a list of structural property descriptors for this node type. Clients must not modify the result.
      apiLevel - the API level; one of the AST.JLS* constants
      Gibt zurück:
      a list of property descriptors (element type: StructuralPropertyDescriptor)
    • getJavadoc

      public Javadoc getJavadoc()
      Returns the doc comment node.
      Gibt zurück:
      the doc comment node, or null if none
    • setJavadoc

      public void setJavadoc(Javadoc docComment)
      Sets or clears the doc comment node.
      docComment - the doc comment node, or null if none
      Löst aus:
      IllegalArgumentException - if the doc comment string is invalid
    • annotations

      public List annotations()
      Returns the live ordered list of annotations of this declaration.
      Gibt zurück:
      the live list of annotations (element type: Annotation)
    • isOpen

      public boolean isOpen()
      Returns whether this module declaration is open or not.
      Gibt zurück:
      true if this is open, else false
    • setOpen

      public void setOpen(boolean isOpen)
      Sets whether this module declaration is open or not.
      isOpen - true if this is an open module, and false if not
    • getName

      public Name getName()
      Returns the name of this module declaration.
      Gibt zurück:
      the module name
    • setName

      public void setName(Name name)
      Sets the module name in to the given name.
      name - the new module name
      Löst aus:
      IllegalArgumentException - if:
      • the node belongs to a different AST
      • the node already has a parent
    • moduleStatements

      public List moduleStatements()
      Returns the live list of statements in this module. Adding and removing nodes from this list affects this node dynamically. All nodes in this list must be ModuleDirectives; attempts to add any other type of node will trigger an exception.
      Gibt zurück:
      the live list of statements in this module declaration (element type: ModuleDirective)
    • resolveBinding

      public IModuleBinding resolveBinding()
      Resolves and returns the binding for the module.

      Note that bindings are generally unavailable unless requested when the AST is being built.

      Gibt zurück:
      the binding, or null if the binding cannot be resolved