Klasse TypeReferenceMatch

public class TypeReferenceMatch extends ReferenceMatch
A Java search match that represents a type reference. The element is the inner-most enclosing member that references this type.

This class is intended to be instantiated and subclassed by clients.

  • Konstruktordetails

    • TypeReferenceMatch

      public TypeReferenceMatch(IJavaElement enclosingElement, int accuracy, int offset, int length, boolean insideDocComment, SearchParticipant participant, org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource resource)
      Creates a new type reference match.
      enclosingElement - the inner-most enclosing member that references this type
      accuracy - one of SearchMatch.A_ACCURATE or SearchMatch.A_INACCURATE
      offset - the offset the match starts at, or -1 if unknown
      length - the length of the match, or -1 if unknown
      insideDocComment - true if this search match is inside a doc comment, and false otherwise
      participant - the search participant that created the match
      resource - the resource of the element
  • Methodendetails

    • getOtherElements

      public final IJavaElement[] getOtherElements()
      Returns other elements also enclosing the type reference. This typically can happen for multiple fields or local variable declarations.

      For example,

      • searching for the references to the type Test in
                 public class Test {
                     Test test1, test2, test3;
                     void method() {}
        will return one match whose other elements is an array of two fields: test2 and test3.

      • searching for the references to the type Test in
                 public class Test {
                     String str;
                     void method() {
                         Test local1, local2, local3;
        will return one match whose other elements is an array of two local variables: local2 and local3.

      • since 3.6, searching for the references to the type Test in
                 public class Test {
                         void testB(int testKind) {
                                 @Annot int test1, test2;
                 @interface Annot {}
        will return one match whose other elements is an array of one annotation: Annot which parent is the local variable test2.
      Gibt zurück:
      the other elements of the search match, or null if none
    • setOtherElements

      public final void setOtherElements(IJavaElement[] otherElements)
      Sets the other elements of this search match.
      otherElements - the other elements of the match, or null if none
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