Klasse AbstractAnnotationProcessorManager

Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:

public abstract class AbstractAnnotationProcessorManager extends Object
  • Konstruktordetails

    • AbstractAnnotationProcessorManager

      public AbstractAnnotationProcessorManager()
  • Methodendetails

    • configure

      public abstract void configure(Object batchCompiler, String[] options)
      Configure the receiver using the given batch compiler and the given options. The parameter batchCompiler is expected to be an instance of the batch compiler. This method is only used for the batch mode. For the IDE mode, please see configureFromPlatform(Compiler, Object, Object, boolean).
      batchCompiler - the given batch compiler object
      options - the given options
    • configureFromPlatform

      public abstract void configureFromPlatform(Compiler compiler, Object compilationUnitLocator, Object javaProject, boolean isTestCode)
      Configure the receiver using the given compiler, the given compilationUnitLocator and the given java project.
      compiler - the given compiler
      compilationUnitLocator - the given compilation unit locator
      javaProject - the given java project
      isTestCode -
    • setOut

      public abstract void setOut(PrintWriter out)
      Set the print writer for the standard output.
      out - the given print writer for output
    • setErr

      public abstract void setErr(PrintWriter err)
      Set the print writer for the standard error.
      err - the given print writer for error
    • getNewUnits

      public abstract ICompilationUnit[] getNewUnits()
      Return the new units created in the last round.
      Gibt zurück:
      the new units created in the last round
    • getNewClassFiles

      public abstract ReferenceBinding[] getNewClassFiles()
      Return the new binary bindings created in the last round.
      Gibt zurück:
      the new binary bindings created in the last round
    • getDeletedUnits

      public abstract ICompilationUnit[] getDeletedUnits()
      Returns the deleted units.
      Gibt zurück:
      the deleted units
    • reset

      public abstract void reset()
      Reinitialize the receiver
    • cleanUp

      protected void cleanUp()
      Final cleanup after all rounds have completed.
    • processAnnotations

      public abstract void processAnnotations(CompilationUnitDeclaration[] units, ReferenceBinding[] referenceBindings, boolean isLastRound)
      Run a new annotation processing round on the given values.
      units - the given source type
      referenceBindings - the given binary types
      isLastRound - flag to notify the last round
    • setProcessors

      public abstract void setProcessors(Object[] processors)
      Set the processors for annotation processing.
      processors - the given processors
    • closeClassLoader

      protected abstract void closeClassLoader()