Klasse AnnotationValueImpl

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
AnnotationValue, TypeIds
Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:

public class AnnotationValueImpl extends Object implements AnnotationValue, TypeIds
  • Konstruktordetails

    • AnnotationValueImpl

      public AnnotationValueImpl(BaseProcessingEnvImpl env, Object value, TypeBinding type)
      value - The JDT representation of a compile-time constant. See ElementValuePair.getValue() for possible object types:
      type - The JDT representation of the type of the constant, as determined by the return type of the element. This is needed because the type of the value may have been widened (e.g., byte to int) by the compiler and we need to call the proper visitor. This is used only for base types. If it is null or not a BaseTypeBinding, it is ignored and the type is determined from the type of the value.
  • Methodendetails