Schnittstelle IQualifiedTypeResolutionListener

Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:
AndLocator, ConstructorLocator, FieldLocator, LocalVariableLocator, MethodLocator, ModuleLocator, OrLocator, PackageDeclarationLocator, PackageReferenceLocator, PatternLocator, SuperTypeReferenceLocator, TypeDeclarationLocator, TypeParameterLocator, TypeReferenceLocator, VariableLocator

public interface IQualifiedTypeResolutionListener
A listener, which gets notified when a type binding has been discovered.

This interface may be implemented by clients.

  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    Notifies that the given resolution has been found for the given type reference.
  • Methodendetails

    • recordResolution

      void recordResolution(QualifiedTypeReference typeReference, TypeBinding resolution)
      Notifies that the given resolution has been found for the given type reference. Some of the bindings are intermediate types i.e. qualifying types.
      typeReference - the type reference
      resolution - the resolution found