Klasse SelectionRequestor

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class SelectionRequestor extends Object implements ISelectionRequestor
Implementation of ISelectionRequestor to assist with code resolve in a compilation unit. Translates names to elements.
  • Felddetails

    • nameLookup

      protected NameLookup nameLookup
    • openable

      protected Openable openable
    • elements

      protected IJavaElement[] elements
    • elementIndex

      protected int elementIndex
    • handleFactory

      protected HandleFactory handleFactory
  • Konstruktordetails

    • SelectionRequestor

      public SelectionRequestor(NameLookup nameLookup, Openable openable)
      Creates a selection requestor that uses that given name lookup facility to resolve names. Fix for 1FVXGDK
  • Methodendetails

    • acceptBinaryMethod

      protected void acceptBinaryMethod(IType type, char[] selector, char[][] parameterPackageNames, char[][] parameterTypeNames, String[] parameterSignatures, char[][] typeParameterNames, char[][][] typeParameterBoundNames, char[] uniqueKey, boolean isConstructor)
      Resolve the binary method fix for 1FWFT6Q
    • acceptModule

      public void acceptModule(char[] moduleName, char[] uniqueKey, int start, int end)
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: ISelectionRequestor
      Code assist notification of a module selection.
      Angegeben von:
      acceptModule in Schnittstelle ISelectionRequestor
      moduleName - name of the module
      uniqueKey - unique key of this module
      start - Start of the selection
      end - End of the selection
    • acceptType

      public void acceptType(char[] packageName, char[] typeName, int modifiers, boolean isDeclaration, char[] uniqueKey, int start, int end)
      Resolve the type.
      Angegeben von:
      acceptType in Schnittstelle ISelectionRequestor
      packageName - char[] Declaring package name of the type.
      typeName - char[] Name of the type.
      isDeclaration - boolean Answer if the selected type is a declaration
      uniqueKey - genric type signature of the selected type if it is a parameterized type
      start - Start of the selection
      end - End of the selection NOTE - All package and type names are presented in their readable form: Package names are in the form "a.b.c". Nested type names are in the qualified form "A.M". The default package is represented by an empty array.
    • acceptType

      public void acceptType(IType type)
      Resolve the type.
    • acceptError

      public void acceptError(CategorizedProblem error)
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: ISelectionRequestor
      Code assist notification of a compilation error detected during selection.
      Angegeben von:
      acceptError in Schnittstelle ISelectionRequestor
      error - CategorizedProblem Only problems which are categorized as errors are notified to the requestor, warnings are silently ignored. In case an error got signaled, no other completions might be available, therefore the problem message should be presented to the user. The source positions of the problem are related to the source where it was detected (might be in another compilation unit, if it was indirectly requested during the code assist process). Note: the problem knows its originating file name.
      Siehe auch:
    • acceptField

      public void acceptField(char[] declaringTypePackageName, char[] declaringTypeName, char[] name, boolean isDeclaration, char[] uniqueKey, int start, int end)
      Resolve the field.
      Angegeben von:
      acceptField in Schnittstelle ISelectionRequestor
      declaringTypePackageName - char[] Name of the package in which the type that contains this field is declared.
      declaringTypeName - char[] Name of the type declaring this new field.
      name - char[] Name of the field.
      isDeclaration - boolean Answer if the selected field is a declaration
      uniqueKey - unique key of this field
      start - Start of the selection
      end - End of the selection NOTE - All package and type names are presented in their readable form: Package names are in the form "a.b.c". Nested type names are in the qualified form "A.M". The default package is represented by an empty array.
    • acceptLocalField

      public void acceptLocalField(FieldBinding fieldBinding)
    • acceptLocalMethod

      public void acceptLocalMethod(MethodBinding methodBinding)
    • acceptLocalType

      public void acceptLocalType(TypeBinding typeBinding)
    • acceptLocalTypeParameter

      public void acceptLocalTypeParameter(TypeVariableBinding typeVariableBinding)
    • acceptLocalMethodTypeParameter

      public void acceptLocalMethodTypeParameter(TypeVariableBinding typeVariableBinding)
    • acceptLocalVariable

      public void acceptLocalVariable(LocalVariableBinding binding, ICompilationUnit unit)
    • acceptLambdaMethod

      public void acceptLambdaMethod(MethodBinding binding, ICompilationUnit unit)
    • acceptMethod

      public void acceptMethod(char[] declaringTypePackageName, char[] declaringTypeName, String enclosingDeclaringTypeSignature, char[] selector, char[][] parameterPackageNames, char[][] parameterTypeNames, String[] parameterSignatures, char[][] typeParameterNames, char[][][] typeParameterBoundNames, boolean isConstructor, boolean isDeclaration, char[] uniqueKey, int start, int end)
      Resolve the method
      Angegeben von:
      acceptMethod in Schnittstelle ISelectionRequestor
      declaringTypePackageName - char[] Name of the package in which the type that contains this new method is declared.
      declaringTypeName - char[] Name of the type declaring this new method.
      enclosingDeclaringTypeSignature - String Type signature of the declaring type of the declaring type or null if declaring type is a top level type.
      selector - char[] Name of the new method.
      parameterPackageNames - char[][] Names of the packages in which the parameter types are declared. Should contain as many elements as parameterTypeNames.
      parameterTypeNames - char[][] Names of the parameters types. Should contain as many elements as parameterPackageNames.
      parameterSignatures - String[] Signature of the parameters types. Should contain as many elements as parameterPackageNames.
      isConstructor - boolean Answer if the method is a constructor.
      isDeclaration - boolean Answer if the selected method is a declaration
      uniqueKey - unique key of the method
      start - Start of the selection
      end - End of the selection NOTE - All package and type names are presented in their readable form: Package names are in the form "a.b.c". Base types are in the form "int" or "boolean". Array types are in the qualified form "M[]" or "int[]". Nested type names are in the qualified form "A.M". The default package is represented by an empty array.
    • acceptPackage

      public void acceptPackage(char[] packageName)
      Resolve the package
      Angegeben von:
      acceptPackage in Schnittstelle ISelectionRequestor
      packageName - char[] The package name. NOTE - All package names are presented in their readable form: Package names are in the form "a.b.c". The default package is represented by an empty array.
    • acceptSourceMethod

      protected void acceptSourceMethod(IType type, char[] selector, char[][] parameterPackageNames, char[][] parameterTypeNames, String[] parameterSignatures, char[][] typeParameterNames, char[][][] typeParameterBoundNames, char[] uniqueKey)
      Resolve the source method fix for 1FWFT6Q
    • acceptMethodDeclaration

      protected void acceptMethodDeclaration(IType type, char[] selector, int start, int end)
    • acceptTypeParameter

      public void acceptTypeParameter(char[] declaringTypePackageName, char[] declaringTypeName, char[] typeParameterName, boolean isDeclaration, int start, int end)
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: ISelectionRequestor
      Code assist notification of a type parameter selection.
      Angegeben von:
      acceptTypeParameter in Schnittstelle ISelectionRequestor
      declaringTypePackageName - char[] Name of the package in which the type that contains this new method is declared.
      declaringTypeName - char[] Name of the type declaring this new method.
      typeParameterName - char[] Name of the type parameter.
      isDeclaration - boolean Answer if the selected type parameter is a declaration
      start - Start of the selection
      end - End of the selection NOTE - All package and type names are presented in their readable form: Package names are in the form "a.b.c". Nested type names are in the qualified form "A.M". The default package is represented by an empty array.
    • acceptMethodTypeParameter

      public void acceptMethodTypeParameter(char[] declaringTypePackageName, char[] declaringTypeName, char[] selector, int selectorStart, int selectorEnd, char[] typeParameterName, boolean isDeclaration, int start, int end)
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: ISelectionRequestor
      Code assist notification of a type parameter selection.
      Angegeben von:
      acceptMethodTypeParameter in Schnittstelle ISelectionRequestor
      declaringTypePackageName - char[] Name of the package in which the type that contains this new method is declared.
      declaringTypeName - char[] Name of the type declaring this new method.
      selector - char[] Name of the declaring method.
      selectorStart - int Start of the selector.
      selectorEnd - int End of the selector.
      typeParameterName - char[] Name of the type parameter.
      isDeclaration - boolean Answer if the selected type parameter is a declaration
      start - Start of the selection
      end - End of the selection NOTE - All package and type names are presented in their readable form: Package names are in the form "a.b.c". Nested type names are in the qualified form "A.M". The default package is represented by an empty array.
    • addElement

      protected void addElement(IJavaElement element)
    • findLocalElement

      protected IJavaElement findLocalElement(int pos)
    • findLocalElement

      protected IJavaElement findLocalElement(int pos, MethodScope scope)
    • findMethodFromBinding

      public IJavaElement findMethodFromBinding(MethodBinding method, String[] signatures, ReferenceBinding declaringClass)
      This method returns an IMethod element from the given method and declaring type bindings. However, unlike Util.findMethod(IType, char[], String[], boolean) , this does not require an IType to get the IMethod element.
      method - the given method binding
      signatures - the type signatures of the method arguments
      declaringClass - the binding of the method's declaring class
      Gibt zurück:
      an IMethod corresponding to the method binding given, or null if none is found.
    • getElements

      public IJavaElement[] getElements()
      Returns the resolved elements.
    • resolveModule

      protected IModuleDescription resolveModule(char[] moduleName)
    • resolveType

      protected IType resolveType(char[] packageName, char[] typeName, int acceptFlags)
      Resolve the type
    • resolveTypeByLocation

      protected IType resolveTypeByLocation(char[] packageName, char[] typeName, int acceptFlags, int start, int end)