Klasse CommentsPreparator


public class CommentsPreparator extends ASTVisitor
  • Felddetails


      public static final int COMMENT_LINE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH
      Siehe auch:
  • Konstruktordetails

  • Methodendetails

    • preVisit2

      public boolean preVisit2(ASTNode node)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ASTVisitor
      Visits the given AST node prior to the type-specific visit (before visit).

      The default implementation calls ASTVisitor.preVisit(ASTNode) and then returns true. Subclasses may reimplement.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      preVisit2 in Klasse ASTVisitor
      node - the node to visit
      Gibt zurück:
      true if visit(node) should be called, and false otherwise.
      Siehe auch:
    • visit

      public boolean visit(LineComment node)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ASTVisitor
      Visits the given type-specific AST node.

      The default implementation does nothing and return true. Subclasses may reimplement.

      Note: LineComment and BlockComment nodes are not considered part of main structure of the AST. This method will only be called if a client goes out of their way to visit this kind of node explicitly.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      visit in Klasse ASTVisitor
      node - the node to visit
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the children of this node should be visited, and false if the children of this node should be skipped
    • handleLineComment

      public void handleLineComment(int commentIndex)
    • visit

      public boolean visit(BlockComment node)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ASTVisitor
      Visits the given type-specific AST node.

      The default implementation does nothing and return true. Subclasses may reimplement.

      Note: LineComment and BlockComment nodes are not considered part of main structure of the AST. This method will only be called if a client goes out of their way to visit this kind of node explicitly.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      visit in Klasse ASTVisitor
      node - the node to visit
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the children of this node should be visited, and false if the children of this node should be skipped
    • handleBlockComment

      public void handleBlockComment(int commentIndex)
    • visit

      public boolean visit(Javadoc node)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ASTVisitor
      Visits the given AST node.

      Unlike other node types, the boolean returned by the default implementation is controlled by a constructor-supplied parameter ASTVisitor(boolean) which is false by default. Subclasses may reimplement.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      visit in Klasse ASTVisitor
      node - the node to visit
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the children of this node should be visited, and false if the children of this node should be skipped
      Siehe auch:
    • endVisit

      public void endVisit(Javadoc node)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ASTVisitor
      End of visit the given type-specific AST node.

      The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may reimplement.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      endVisit in Klasse ASTVisitor
      node - the node to visit
    • visit

      public boolean visit(TagElement node)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ASTVisitor
      Visits the given type-specific AST node.

      The default implementation does nothing and return true. Subclasses may reimplement.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      visit in Klasse ASTVisitor
      node - the node to visit
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the children of this node should be visited, and false if the children of this node should be skipped
    • endVisit

      public void endVisit(TagElement node)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ASTVisitor
      End of visit the given type-specific AST node.

      The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may reimplement.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      endVisit in Klasse ASTVisitor
      node - the node to visit
    • visit

      public boolean visit(MethodRef node)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ASTVisitor
      Visits the given type-specific AST node.

      The default implementation does nothing and return true. Subclasses may reimplement.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      visit in Klasse ASTVisitor
      node - the node to visit
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the children of this node should be visited, and false if the children of this node should be skipped
    • visit

      public boolean visit(MemberRef node)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ASTVisitor
      Visits the given type-specific AST node.

      The default implementation does nothing and return true. Subclasses may reimplement.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      visit in Klasse ASTVisitor
      node - the node to visit
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the children of this node should be visited, and false if the children of this node should be skipped
    • visit

      public boolean visit(QualifiedName node)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ASTVisitor
      Visits the given type-specific AST node.

      The default implementation does nothing and return true. Subclasses may reimplement.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      visit in Klasse ASTVisitor
      node - the node to visit
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the children of this node should be visited, and false if the children of this node should be skipped
    • finishUp

      public void finishUp()