Schnittstelle ICodeSnippetRequestor

public interface ICodeSnippetRequestor
A code snippet requestor implements a callback interface for installing the class files for a code snippet on the target and running it. In addition, it receives compilation problems detected during code snippet compilation.

Clients may implement this interface to provide a bridge a running Java VM.

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  • Feldübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    static final int
    Indicates a compilation problem related to a code snippet.
    static final String
    The name of the field that represent 'this' in a snippet class instance.
    static final int
    Indicates a compilation problem related to an import declaration.
    static final int
    Indicates an internal problem.
    static final String
    The prefix of fields that represent the local variables in a snippet class.
    static final int
    Indicates a compilation problem related to a package declaration.
    static final String
    The field of type java.lang.Class on the code snippet instance that contains the type of the returned value.
    static final String
    The name of the field (of type java.lang.Object) on the code snippet instance that contains the returned value.
    static final String
    The name of the instance method in the snippet class that runs the code snippet.
    static final int
    Indicates a compilation problem related to a global variable.
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    acceptClassFiles(byte[][] classFileBytes, String[][] classFileCompoundNames, String codeSnippetClassName)
    Sends the given class files to the target and loads them.
    acceptProblem(org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker problemMarker, String fragmentSource, int fragmentKind)
    Notifies of an evaluation problem.
  • Felddetails


      static final String LOCAL_VAR_PREFIX
      The prefix of fields that represent the local variables in a snippet class.

      static final String DELEGATE_THIS
      The name of the field that represent 'this' in a snippet class instance.

      static final String RUN_METHOD
      The name of the instance method in the snippet class that runs the code snippet.
      Siehe auch:

      static final String RESULT_VALUE_FIELD
      The name of the field (of type java.lang.Object) on the code snippet instance that contains the returned value.
      Siehe auch:

      static final String RESULT_TYPE_FIELD
      The field of type java.lang.Class on the code snippet instance that contains the type of the returned value. The name of the field (of type java.lang.Class) on the code snippet instance that contains the runtime type of the returned value.
      Siehe auch:

      static final int VARIABLE
      Indicates a compilation problem related to a global variable.

      Note: if the problem is on the type of the variable, the marker source line number is -1; if the name of the variable, line number is 0; otherwise, the marker source line number is relative to the initializer code.

      Siehe auch:

      static final int CODE_SNIPPET
      Indicates a compilation problem related to a code snippet.
      Siehe auch:
    • IMPORT

      static final int IMPORT
      Indicates a compilation problem related to an import declaration.
      Siehe auch:

      static final int PACKAGE
      Indicates a compilation problem related to a package declaration.
      Siehe auch:

      static final int INTERNAL
      Indicates an internal problem.
      Siehe auch:
  • Methodendetails

    • acceptClassFiles

      boolean acceptClassFiles(byte[][] classFileBytes, String[][] classFileCompoundNames, String codeSnippetClassName)
      Sends the given class files to the target and loads them. If the given class name is not null, run the code snippet with this class name. Returns whether the code snippet could be deployed. Note it must return true even if running the code snippet threw an exception.

      The details of sending and loading the class files are left up to implementations.

      To run a code snippet, an implementation should create a new instance of the given code snippet class and call (directly or using another means) its RUN_METHOD.

      Also before the call, the implementation should copy the values of the local variables (if any) into the corresponding fields of the code snippet instance. A field name is formed of LOCAL_VAR_PREFIX preceded the name of the local variable. For example, the field name for local variable "myLocal" is "val$myLocal" (assuming the value of LOCAL_VAR_PREFIX is "val$"). In the same way, the implementation should copy the value of the 'this' object into the field called DELEGATE_THIS.

      After calling the RUN_METHOD, the values of the local variables may have been modified. The implementation must copy the values of the fields back into the local variables.

      Finally, the overall value returned by the code snippet can be retrieved from the special field RESULT_VALUE_FIELD on the code snippet instance. The Class that is the runtime type of the returned value can be retrieved from the special field RESULT_TYPE_FIELD.

      classFileBytes - the list of class file bytes
      classFileCompoundNames - the corresponding list of class file type compound names (example of a compound name: {"java", "lang", "Object"})
      codeSnippetClassName - name of the actual class to instantiate and run, or null if none
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the code snippet was successfully deployed
    • acceptProblem

      void acceptProblem(org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker problemMarker, String fragmentSource, int fragmentKind)
      Notifies of an evaluation problem. Problems can arise for source of the following kinds:
      • global variable (VARIABLE) - fragment source is name of variable
      • code snippet (CODE_SNIPPET) - fragment source is code snippet
      • import declaration (IMPORT) - fragment source is import
      • package declaration (PACKAGE) - fragment source is package declaration
      • other (INTERNAL) - no fragment source is involved, internal error occurred.
      problemMarker - the problem marker (cannot be null)
      fragmentSource - the fragment source
      fragmentKind - the kind of source fragment; one of: VARIABLE, CODE_SNIPPET, IMPORT, PACKAGE, or INTERNAL