Klasse CharArrayUtils


public class CharArrayUtils extends Object
A static utility class for char arrays.
  • Feldübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    static final char[]
    static final char[][]
    static final char[]
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    static final int
    compare(char[] str1, char[] str2)
    Implements a lexicographical comparator for char arrays.
    static char[]
    concat(char[]... toCatenate)
    Answers a new array which is the concatenation of all the given arrays.
    static final char[]
    concat(char[] first, char[] second)
    static final char[]
    concat(char[] first, char[] second, char[] third)
    static final char[]
    concat(char[] first, char[] second, char[] third, char[] fourth)
    static boolean
    endsWith(char[] fieldDescriptor, char c)
    static final boolean
    equals(char[][] strarr1, char[][] strarr2)
    static final boolean
    equals(char[] str1, char[] str2)
    static final boolean
    equals(char[] str1, int start1, int length1, char[] str2)
    Returns true if the contents of a section of a character array are the same as contents of another character array.
    static final boolean
    equals(char[] str1, int start1, int length1, char[] str2, boolean ignoreCase)
    static final boolean
    equals(char[] str1, int start1, int length1, String str2)
    Returns true if the contents of a section of a character array are the same as contents of a string.
    static final boolean
    equals(char[] str1, String str2)
    Returns true if the contents of a character array are the same as contents of a string.
    static final char[]
    extract(char[] str, int start, int length)
    static char[]
    Converts a StringBuilder to a character array.
    static final boolean
    hasCharAt(char toLookFor, int position, char[] toSearch)
    Returns true iff the given array contains the given char at the given position
    static final int
    hash(char[] str)
    static final int
    hash(char[] str, int start, int length)
    static final int
    indexOf(char[] toBeFound, char[] array)
    static int
    indexOf(char[] searchFor, char[][] searchIn)
    Finds an array of chars in an array of arrays of chars.
    static final int
    indexOf(char toBeFound, char[] array)
    static int
    indexOf(char toBeFound, char[] buffer, int start, int end)
    static final int
    lastIndexOf(char[] toBeFound, char[] array)
    static int
    lastIndexOf(char[] toBeFound, char[] array, int fromIndex)
    static int
    lastIndexOf(char toBeFound, char[] array)
    static int
    lastIndexOf(char toBeFound, char[] array, int fromIndex)
    static final char[]
    lastSegment(char[] array, char[] separator)
    static char[]
    notNull(char[] contents)
    If the given array is null, returns the empty array.
    static void
    overWrite(char[] buff, int i, char[] charImage)
    static final char[]
    replace(char[] array, char[] toBeReplaced, char[] replacementChars)
    static boolean
    startsWith(char[] fieldDescriptor, char c)
    static final boolean
    startsWith(char[] str1, String str2)
    Returns true if a prefix of the character array is the same as contents of a string.
    static final char[][]
    subarray(char[][] array, int start, int end)
    static char[]
    subarray(char[] inputString, int index)
    static final char[]
    subarray(char[] array, int start, int end)
    static final char[]
    trim(char[] chars)

    Von Klasse geerbte Methoden java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Felddetails


      public static final char[] EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY
    • EMPTY

      public static final char[] EMPTY

      public static final char[][] EMPTY_ARRAY_OF_CHAR_ARRAYS
  • Methodendetails

    • hash

      public static final int hash(char[] str, int start, int length)
    • hash

      public static final int hash(char[] str)
    • equals

      public static final boolean equals(char[] str1, char[] str2)
    • equals

      public static final boolean equals(char[][] strarr1, char[][] strarr2)
    • equals

      public static final boolean equals(char[] str1, String str2)
      Returns true if the contents of a character array are the same as contents of a string.
    • hasCharAt

      public static final boolean hasCharAt(char toLookFor, int position, char[] toSearch)
      Returns true iff the given array contains the given char at the given position
    • equals

      public static final boolean equals(char[] str1, int start1, int length1, String str2)
      Returns true if the contents of a section of a character array are the same as contents of a string.
    • startsWith

      public static final boolean startsWith(char[] str1, String str2)
      Returns true if a prefix of the character array is the same as contents of a string.
    • compare

      public static final int compare(char[] str1, char[] str2)
      Implements a lexicographical comparator for char arrays. Comparison is done on a per char basis, not a code-point basis.
      str1 - the first of the two char arrays to compare
      str2 - the second of the two char arrays to compare
      Gibt zurück:
      0 if str1==str2, -1 if str1 < str2 and 1 if str1 > str2
    • equals

      public static final boolean equals(char[] str1, int start1, int length1, char[] str2)
      Returns true if the contents of a section of a character array are the same as contents of another character array.
    • equals

      public static final boolean equals(char[] str1, int start1, int length1, char[] str2, boolean ignoreCase)
    • extract

      public static final char[] extract(char[] str, int start, int length)
    • concat

      public static final char[] concat(char[] first, char[] second)
    • concat

      public static final char[] concat(char[] first, char[] second, char[] third)
    • concat

      public static final char[] concat(char[] first, char[] second, char[] third, char[] fourth)
    • concat

      public static char[] concat(char[]... toCatenate)
      Answers a new array which is the concatenation of all the given arrays.
    • replace

      public static final char[] replace(char[] array, char[] toBeReplaced, char[] replacementChars)
    • subarray

      public static final char[][] subarray(char[][] array, int start, int end)
    • subarray

      public static final char[] subarray(char[] array, int start, int end)
    • indexOf

      public static final int indexOf(char toBeFound, char[] array)
    • indexOf

      public static int indexOf(char toBeFound, char[] buffer, int start, int end)
    • indexOf

      public static final int indexOf(char[] toBeFound, char[] array)
    • lastIndexOf

      public static final int lastIndexOf(char[] toBeFound, char[] array)
    • lastIndexOf

      public static int lastIndexOf(char toBeFound, char[] array)
    • lastIndexOf

      public static int lastIndexOf(char toBeFound, char[] array, int fromIndex)
    • lastIndexOf

      public static int lastIndexOf(char[] toBeFound, char[] array, int fromIndex)
    • trim

      public static final char[] trim(char[] chars)
    • lastSegment

      public static final char[] lastSegment(char[] array, char[] separator)
    • overWrite

      public static void overWrite(char[] buff, int i, char[] charImage)
    • indexOf

      public static int indexOf(char[] searchFor, char[][] searchIn)
      Finds an array of chars in an array of arrays of chars.
      Gibt zurück:
      offset where the array was found or -1
    • extractChars

      public static char[] extractChars(StringBuilder buf)
      Converts a StringBuilder to a character array.
    • subarray

      public static char[] subarray(char[] inputString, int index)
    • startsWith

      public static boolean startsWith(char[] fieldDescriptor, char c)
    • notNull

      public static char[] notNull(char[] contents)
      If the given array is null, returns the empty array. Otherwise, returns the argument.
    • endsWith

      public static boolean endsWith(char[] fieldDescriptor, char c)