Class AssistInitializer

All Implemented Interfaces:
IInitializer, IJavaElement, IMember, IParent, ISourceManipulation, ISourceReference, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable

public class AssistInitializer extends Initializer
  • Constructor Details

    • AssistInitializer

      public AssistInitializer(JavaElement parent, int count, Map bindingCache, Map infoCache)
  • Method Details

    • getElementInfo

      public Object getElementInfo(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Description copied from class: JavaElement
      Returns the info for this handle. If this element is not already open, it and all of its parents are opened. Does not return null. NOTE: BinaryType infos are NOT rooted under JavaElementInfo.
      getElementInfo in class JavaElement
      JavaModelException - if the element is not present or not accessible
    • getType

      public IType getType(String typeName, int count)
      Description copied from interface: IMember
      Returns the local or anonymous type declared in this source member with the given simple name and/or with the specified position relative to the order they are defined in the source. The name is empty if it is an anonymous type. Numbering starts at 1 (thus the first occurrence is occurrence 1, not occurrence 0). This is a handle-only method. The type may or may not exist. Throws a RuntimeException if this member is not a source member.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface IMember
      getType in class Member
      typeName - the given simple name
      count - the specified position
      the type with the given name and/or with the specified position relative to the order they are defined in the source
      See Also: