Interface IUpdatableModule

All Known Implementing Classes:
BinaryModuleBinding, ModuleBinding, ModuleBinding.UnNamedModule, SourceModuleBinding

public interface IUpdatableModule
Interface to a module as needed to implement the updates for --add-reads and --add-exports command line options (or corresponding classpath attributes).
  • Method Details

    • name

      char[] name()
      Answer the name of the module to update.
    • addReads

      void addReads(char[] moduleName)
      Perform an --add-reads update on the module.
    • addExports

      void addExports(char[] packageName, char[][] targetModules)
      Perform an --add-exports update on the module.
    • setMainClassName

      void setMainClassName(char[] mainClassName)
      Define the ModuleMainClass to be recorded in the generated module-info.class.
    • setPackageNames

      void setPackageNames(SimpleSetOfCharArray packageNames)
      Passes names of packages to be recorded in the ModulePackages classfile attribute.