Interface IStateListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IStateListener
Implementations of this interface get told interesting information about decisions made in AjState objects. Should help us improve incremental compilation, and ease the testing of incremental compilation! Not yet complete, will expand as we determine what extra useful information should be recorded.
  • Method Details

    • detectedClassChangeInThisDir

      void detectedClassChangeInThisDir(File f)
    • aboutToCompareClasspaths

      void aboutToCompareClasspaths(List oldClasspath, List newClasspath)
    • pathChangeDetected

      void pathChangeDetected()
    • detectedAspectDeleted

      void detectedAspectDeleted(File f)
      Called if state processing detects a file was deleted that contained an aspect declaration. Incremental compilation will not be attempted if this occurs.
    • buildSuccessful

      void buildSuccessful(boolean wasFullBuild)
    • recordDecision

      void recordDecision(String decision)
      When a decision is made during compilation (such as needing to recompile some new file, or drop back to batch) this method is called with the decision.
    • recordInformation

      void recordInformation(String info)
      Provides feedback during compilation on what stage we are at