Package org.aspectj.lang

package org.aspectj.lang
Provides several interfaces for obtaining reflective information about a join point, as well as several exceptions that can be thrown by AspectJ code.

JoinPoint and Signature provide reflective information about a join point. Instances of these interfaces are available inside of advice with the special variables thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, and thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart.

  • Interface Summary
    Provides reflective access to both the state available at a join point and static information about it.
    This helper object contains only the static information about a join point.
    ProceedingJoinPoint exposes the proceed(..) method in order to support around advice in @AJ aspects
    Represents the signature at a join point.
  • Class Summary
    Handles generic aspectOf method when those are not available in the aspects but added later on thru load time weaving.
    For users working on a level of Java prior to Java5, Aspects14 handles generic aspectOf methods when they are not available in the aspects but added later on through load time weaving.
  • Exception Summary
    Thrown by the aspectOf special method on aspect types when there is no aspect of that type currently bound.
    Wrapper for checked exceptions matched by a 'declare soft'.