
public final class ListRewrite extends Object
For describing manipulations to a child list property of an AST node.

This class is not intended to be subclassed.

See Also:
ASTRewrite.getListRewrite(ASTNode, ChildListPropertyDescriptor)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    createCopyTarget​(ASTNode first, ASTNode last)
    Creates and returns a placeholder node for a true copy of a range of nodes of the current list.
    createMoveTarget​(ASTNode first, ASTNode last)
    Creates and returns a placeholder node for a move of a range of nodes of the current list.
    createMoveTarget​(ASTNode first, ASTNode last, ASTNode replacingNode, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
    Creates and returns a placeholder node for a move of a range of nodes of the current list.
    Returns the ASTRewrite instance from which this ListRewriter has been created from.
    Returns the property of the parent node for which this list rewriter was created.
    Returns the original nodes in the list property managed by this rewriter.
    Returns the parent of the list for which this list rewriter was created.
    Returns the nodes in the revised list property managed by this rewriter.
    insertAfter​(ASTNode node, ASTNode previousElement, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
    Inserts the given node into the list after the given element.
    insertAt​(ASTNode node, int index, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
    Inserts the given node into the list at the given index.
    insertBefore​(ASTNode node, ASTNode nextElement, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
    Inserts the given node into the list before the given element.
    insertFirst​(ASTNode node, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
    Inserts the given node into the list at the start of the list.
    insertLast​(ASTNode node, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
    Inserts the given node into the list at the end of the list.
    remove​(ASTNode node, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
    Removes the given node from its parent's list property in the rewriter.
    replace​(ASTNode node, ASTNode replacement, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
    Replaces the given node from its parent's list property in the rewriter.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • getParent

      public ASTNode getParent()
      Returns the parent of the list for which this list rewriter was created.
      the node that contains the list for which this list rewriter was created
      See Also:
    • getLocationInParent

      public StructuralPropertyDescriptor getLocationInParent()
      Returns the property of the parent node for which this list rewriter was created.
      the property of the parent node for which this list rewriter was created
      See Also:
    • remove

      public void remove(ASTNode node, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
      Removes the given node from its parent's list property in the rewriter. The node must be contained in the list. The AST itself is not actually modified in any way; rather, the rewriter just records a note that this node has been removed from this list.
      node - the node being removed. The node can either be an original node in this list or (since 3.4) a new node already inserted or used as replacement in this AST rewriter.
      editGroup - the edit group in which to collect the corresponding text edits, or null if ungrouped
      IllegalArgumentException - if the node is null, or if the node is not part of this rewriter's AST, or if the described modification is invalid (not a member of this node's original list)
    • getASTRewrite

      public ASTRewrite getASTRewrite()
      Returns the ASTRewrite instance from which this ListRewriter has been created from.
      the parent AST Rewriter instance.
    • replace

      public void replace(ASTNode node, ASTNode replacement, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
      Replaces the given node from its parent's list property in the rewriter. The node must be contained in the list. The replacement node must either be brand new (not part of the original AST) or a placeholder node (for example, one created by ASTRewrite.createCopyTarget(ASTNode), ASTRewrite.createMoveTarget(ASTNode), or ASTRewrite.createStringPlaceholder(String, int)). The AST itself is not actually modified in any way; rather, the rewriter just records a note that this node has been replaced in this list.
      node - the node being removed. The node can either be an original node in this list or (since 3.4) a new node already inserted or used as replacement in this AST rewriter.
      replacement - the replacement node, or null if no replacement
      editGroup - the edit group in which to collect the corresponding text edits, or null if ungrouped
      IllegalArgumentException - if the node is null, or if the node is not part of this rewriter's AST, or if the replacement node is not a new node (or placeholder), or if the described modification is otherwise invalid (not a member of this node's original list)
    • insertAfter

      public void insertAfter(ASTNode node, ASTNode previousElement, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
      Inserts the given node into the list after the given element. The existing node previousElement must be in the list, either as an original or as a new node that has been inserted. The inserted node must either be brand new (not part of the original AST) or a placeholder node (for example, one created by ASTRewrite.createCopyTarget(ASTNode), ASTRewrite.createMoveTarget(ASTNode), or ASTRewrite.createStringPlaceholder(String, int)). The AST itself is not actually modified in any way; rather, the rewriter just records a note that this node has been inserted into the list.
      node - the node to insert
      previousElement - the element after which the given node is to be inserted
      editGroup - the edit group in which to collect the corresponding text edits, or null if ungrouped
      IllegalArgumentException - if the node or element is null, or if the node is not part of this rewriter's AST, or if the inserted node is not a new node (or placeholder), or if previousElement is not a member of the list (original or new), or if the described modification is otherwise invalid
    • insertBefore

      public void insertBefore(ASTNode node, ASTNode nextElement, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
      Inserts the given node into the list before the given element. The existing node nextElement must be in the list, either as an original or as a new node that has been inserted. The inserted node must either be brand new (not part of the original AST) or a placeholder node (for example, one created by ASTRewrite.createCopyTarget(ASTNode), ASTRewrite.createMoveTarget(ASTNode), or ASTRewrite.createStringPlaceholder(String, int)). The AST itself is not actually modified in any way; rather, the rewriter just records a note that this node has been inserted into the list.
      node - the node to insert
      nextElement - the element before which the given node is to be inserted
      editGroup - the edit group in which to collect the corresponding text edits, or null if ungrouped
      IllegalArgumentException - if the node or next element is null, or if the node is not part of this rewriter's AST, or if the inserted node is not a new node (or placeholder), or if nextElement is not a member of the list (original or new), or if the described modification is otherwise invalid
    • insertFirst

      public void insertFirst(ASTNode node, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
      Inserts the given node into the list at the start of the list. Equivalent to insertAt(node, 0, editGroup).
      node - the node to insert
      editGroup - the edit group in which to collect the corresponding text edits, or null if ungrouped
      IllegalArgumentException - if the node is null, or if the node is not part of this rewriter's AST, or if the inserted node is not a new node (or placeholder), or if the described modification is otherwise invalid (not a member of this node's original list)
      See Also:
      insertAt(ASTNode, int, TextEditGroup)
    • insertLast

      public void insertLast(ASTNode node, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
      Inserts the given node into the list at the end of the list. Equivalent to insertAt(node, -1, editGroup).
      node - the node to insert
      editGroup - the edit group in which to collect the corresponding text edits, or null if ungrouped
      IllegalArgumentException - if the node is null, or if the node is not part of this rewriter's AST, or if the inserted node is not a new node (or placeholder), or if the described modification is otherwise invalid (not a member of this node's original list)
      See Also:
      insertAt(ASTNode, int, TextEditGroup)
    • insertAt

      public void insertAt(ASTNode node, int index, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
      Inserts the given node into the list at the given index. The index corresponds to a combined list of original and new nodes; removed or replaced nodes are still in the combined list. The inserted node must either be brand new (not part of the original AST) or a placeholder node (for example, one created by ASTRewrite.createCopyTarget(ASTNode), ASTRewrite.createMoveTarget(ASTNode), or ASTRewrite.createStringPlaceholder(String, int)). The AST itself is not actually modified in any way; rather, the rewriter just records a note that this node has been inserted into the list.
      node - the node to insert
      index - insertion index in the combined list of original and inserted nodes; -1 indicates insertion as the last element
      editGroup - the edit group in which to collect the corresponding text edits, or null if ungrouped
      IllegalArgumentException - if the node is null, or if the node is not part of this rewriter's AST, or if the inserted node is not a new node (or placeholder), or if the described modification is otherwise invalid (not a member of this node's original list)
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is negative and not -1, or if it is larger than the size of the combined list
    • createCopyTarget

      public final ASTNode createCopyTarget(ASTNode first, ASTNode last)
      Creates and returns a placeholder node for a true copy of a range of nodes of the current list. The placeholder node can either be inserted as new or used to replace an existing node. When the document is rewritten, a copy of the source code for the given node range is inserted into the output document at the position corresponding to the placeholder (indentation is adjusted).
      first - the node that starts the range
      last - the node that ends the range
      the new placeholder node
      IllegalArgumentException - An exception is thrown if the first or last node are null, if a node is not a child of the current list or if the first node is not before the last node. An IllegalArgumentException is also thrown if the copied range is overlapping with an other moved or copied range.
    • createMoveTarget

      public final ASTNode createMoveTarget(ASTNode first, ASTNode last)
      Creates and returns a placeholder node for a move of a range of nodes of the current list. The placeholder node can either be inserted as new or used to replace an existing node. When the document is rewritten, a copy of the source code for the given node range is inserted into the output document at the position corresponding to the placeholder (indentation is adjusted).
      first - the node that starts the range
      last - the node that ends the range
      the new placeholder node
      IllegalArgumentException - An exception is thrown if the first or last node are null, if a node is not a child of the current list or if the first node is not before the last node. An IllegalArgumentException is also thrown if the moved range is overlapping with an other moved or copied range.
    • createMoveTarget

      public final ASTNode createMoveTarget(ASTNode first, ASTNode last, ASTNode replacingNode, org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEditGroup editGroup)
      Creates and returns a placeholder node for a move of a range of nodes of the current list. The moved nodes can optionally be replaced by a specified node. The placeholder node can either be inserted as new or used to replace an existing node. When the document is rewritten, a copy of the source code for the given node range is inserted into the output document at the position corresponding to the placeholder (indentation is adjusted).
      first - the node that starts the range
      last - the node that ends the range
      replacingNode - a node that is set at the location of the moved nodes or null to remove all nodes
      editGroup - the edit group in which to collect the corresponding text edits fro a replace, or null if ungrouped
      the new placeholder node
      IllegalArgumentException - An exception is thrown if the first or last node are null, if a node is not a child of the current list or if the first node is not before the last node. An IllegalArgumentException is also thrown if the moved range is overlapping with an other moved or copied range.
    • getOriginalList

      public List getOriginalList()
      Returns the original nodes in the list property managed by this rewriter. The returned list is unmodifiable.
      a list of all original nodes in the list
    • getRewrittenList

      public List getRewrittenList()
      Returns the nodes in the revised list property managed by this rewriter. The returned list is unmodifiable.
      a list of all nodes in the list taking into account all the described changes