Class CommentWrapExecutor


public class CommentWrapExecutor extends TokenTraverser
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • wrapMultiLineComment

      public int wrapMultiLineComment(Token commentToken, int startPosition, boolean simulate, boolean noWrap)
      commentToken - token to wrap
      startPosition - position in line of the beginning of the comment
      simulate - if true, the properties of internal tokens will not really change. This mode is useful for checking how much space the comment takes.
      noWrap - if true, it means that wrapping is disabled for this comment (for example because there's a NON-NLS tag after it). This method is still useful for checking comment length in that case.
      position in line at the end of comment
    • getLinesCount

      public int getLinesCount()
    • token

      protected boolean token(Token token, int index)
      Specified by:
      token in class TokenTraverser
    • wrapLineComment

      public void wrapLineComment(Token commentToken, int startPosition)