Interface INameEnvironment

All Known Subinterfaces:
IModuleAwareNameEnvironment, INameEnvironmentExtension, INameEnvironmentWithProgress
All Known Implementing Classes:
CancelableNameEnvironment, CodeSnippetEnvironment, FileSystem, JavaSearchNameEnvironment, NameEnvironment, SearchableEnvironment, StatefulNameEnvironment

public interface INameEnvironment
The name environment provides a callback API that the compiler can use to look up types, compilation units, and packages in the current environment. The name environment is passed to the compiler on creation.

In JLS diction a name environment implements a "host system", with these responsibilities:

  • Determine which packages and compilation units are "observable" (JLS 7.3 & 7.4.3)
  • Determine to which module a given compilation unit / package is associated (JLS 7.3)

Note: This internal interface has been implemented illegally by the org.apache.jasper.glassfish bundle from Orbit, see bug 500211. Avoid changing the API or supply default methods to avoid breaking the Eclipse Help system.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method cleans the environment.
    findType​(char[][] compoundTypeName)
    Find a type with the given compound name.
    findType​(char[] typeName, char[][] packageName)
    Find a type named in the package .
    isPackage​(char[][] parentPackageName, char[] packageName)
    Answer whether packageName is the name of a known subpackage inside the package parentPackageName.
  • Method Details

    • findType

      NameEnvironmentAnswer findType(char[][] compoundTypeName)
      Find a type with the given compound name. Answer the binary form of the type if it is known to be consistent. Otherwise, answer the compilation unit which defines the type or null if the type does not exist. Types in the default package are specified as {{typeName}}. It is unknown whether the package containing the type actually exists. NOTE: This method can be used to find a member type using its internal name A$B, but the source file for A is answered if the binary file is inconsistent.
    • findType

      NameEnvironmentAnswer findType(char[] typeName, char[][] packageName)
      Find a type named in the package . Answer the binary form of the type if it is known to be consistent. Otherwise, answer the compilation unit which defines the type or null if the type does not exist. The default package is indicated by char[0][]. It is known that the package containing the type exists. NOTE: This method can be used to find a member type using its internal name A$B, but the source file for A is answered if the binary file is inconsistent.
    • isPackage

      boolean isPackage(char[][] parentPackageName, char[] packageName)
      Answer whether packageName is the name of a known subpackage inside the package parentPackageName. A top level package is found relative to null. The default package is always assumed to exist. For example: isPackage({{java}, {awt}}, {event}); isPackage(null, {java});
    • cleanup

      void cleanup()
      This method cleans the environment. It is responsible for releasing the memory and freeing resources. Passed that point, the name environment is no longer usable. A name environment can have a long life cycle, therefore it is the responsibility of the code which created it to decide when it is a good time to clean it up.