All Implemented Interfaces:
IDependent, IGenericType

public class HierarchyType extends Object implements IGenericType
Partial implementation of an IGenericType used to answer hierarchies.
  • Field Details

    • typeHandle

      public IType typeHandle
    • name

      public char[] name
    • modifiers

      public int modifiers
    • superclassName

      public char[] superclassName
    • superInterfaceNames

      public char[][] superInterfaceNames
    • anonymous

      public boolean anonymous
  • Constructor Details

    • HierarchyType

      public HierarchyType(IType typeHandle, char[] name, int modifiers, char[] superclassName, char[][] superInterfaceNames, boolean anonymous)
  • Method Details

    • getFileName

      public char[] getFileName()
      Description copied from interface: IDependent
      Answer the file name which defines the type. The path part (optional) must be separated from the actual file proper name by a separator suitable for the type ( for example), e.g. "c:\\source\\com\\p\\" or "/com/p/". The path to the zip or jar file (optional) must be separated from the actual path part by JAR_FILE_ENTRY_SEPARATOR, e.g. "c:\\lib\\some.jar|/com/p/X.class" or "/lib/|/com/q/Y.class". The proper file name includes the suffix extension (e.g. ".java") e.g. "c:/org/aspectj/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compileri/env/" Return null if no file defines the type.
      Specified by:
      getFileName in interface IDependent
      See Also:
    • getModifiers

      public int getModifiers()
      Answer an int whose bits are set according the access constants defined by the VM spec.
      Specified by:
      getModifiers in interface IGenericType
    • isBinaryType

      public boolean isBinaryType()
      Answer whether the receiver contains the resolved binary form or the unresolved source form of the type.
      Specified by:
      isBinaryType in interface IGenericType
    • isAnonymous

      public boolean isAnonymous()
      Answer whether the receiver is an anonymous type