Interface IPackageBinding

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public interface IPackageBinding extends IBinding
A package binding represents a named or unnamed package.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the package represented by this binding. For named packages, this is the fully qualified package name (using "." for separators). For unnamed packages, this is an empty string.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface IBinding
      the name of the package represented by this binding, or an empty string for an unnamed package
    • isUnnamed

      boolean isUnnamed()
      Returns whether this package is an unnamed package. See The Java Language Specification section 7.4.2 for details.
      true if this is an unnamed package, and false otherwise
    • getNameComponents

      String[] getNameComponents()
      Returns the list of name component making up the name of the package represented by this binding. For example, for the package named "com.example.tool", this method returns {"com", "example", "tool"}. Returns the empty list for unnamed packages.
      the name of the package represented by this binding, or the empty list for unnamed packages
    • getModule

      default IModuleBinding getModule()
      Returns the binding of the module associated with this package binding.
      the binding of the module associated with this package, or null if none