Interface ICodeAttribute

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public interface ICodeAttribute extends IClassFileAttribute
Description of a code attribute as described in the JVM specifications. This interface may be implemented by clients.
  • Method Details

    • getMaxLocals

      int getMaxLocals()
      Answer back the max locals value of the code attribute.
      the max locals value of the code attribute
    • getMaxStack

      int getMaxStack()
      Answer back the max stack value of the code attribute.
      the max stack value of the code attribute
    • getLineNumberAttribute

      ILineNumberAttribute getLineNumberAttribute()
      Answer back the line number attribute, if it exists, null otherwise.
      the line number attribute, if it exists, null otherwise
    • getLocalVariableAttribute

      ILocalVariableAttribute getLocalVariableAttribute()
      Answer back the local variable attribute, if it exists, null otherwise.
      the local variable attribute, if it exists, null otherwise
    • getExceptionTable

      IExceptionTableEntry[] getExceptionTable()
      Answer back the array of exception entries, if they are present. An empty array otherwise.
      the array of exception entries, if they are present. An empty array otherwise
    • getBytecodes

      byte[] getBytecodes()
      Answer back the array of bytes, which represents all the opcodes as described in the JVM specifications.
      the array of bytes, which represents all the opcodes as described in the JVM specifications
    • getCodeLength

      long getCodeLength()
      Answer back the length of the bytecode contents.
      the length of the bytecode contents
    • getAttributesCount

      int getAttributesCount()
      Answer back the attribute number of the code attribute.
      the attribute number of the code attribute
    • getAttributes

      IClassFileAttribute[] getAttributes()
      Answer back the collection of all attributes of the field info. It includes the LineNumberAttribute and the LocalVariableTableAttribute. Returns an empty collection if none.
      the collection of all attributes of the field info. It includes the LineNumberAttribute and the LocalVariableTableAttribute. Returns an empty collection if none
    • getExceptionTableLength

      int getExceptionTableLength()
      Answer back the exception table length of the code attribute.
      the exception table length of the code attribute
    • traverse

      void traverse(IBytecodeVisitor visitor) throws ClassFormatException
      Define a Java opcodes walker. All actions are defined in the visitor.
      visitor - The visitor to use to walk the opcodes.
      ClassFormatException - Exception thrown if the opcodes contain invalid bytes