Class JModPackageFragmentRoot

All Implemented Interfaces:
IBufferChangedListener, IJavaElement, IOpenable, IPackageFragmentRoot, IParent, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable

public class JModPackageFragmentRoot extends JarPackageFragmentRoot
A package fragment root that corresponds to a JMod file.

NOTE: The only visible entries from a Jmod package fragment root are .class files. The sub folder "classes" where the .class files are nested under is hidden from clients. THe package fragments appear to be directly under the package fragment roots.

NOTE: A JMod package fragment root may or may not have an associated resource.

See Also:
IPackageFragmentRoot, JarPackageFragmentRootInfo
  • Constructor Details

    • JModPackageFragmentRoot

      protected JModPackageFragmentRoot(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath externalPath, JavaProject project, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes)
      Constructs a package fragment root which is the root of the Java package directory hierarchy based on a JMOD file that is not contained in a IJavaProject and does not have an associated IResource.
  • Method Details