Class HierarchyBuilder

Direct Known Subclasses:
IndexBasedHierarchyBuilder, RegionBasedHierarchyBuilder

public abstract class HierarchyBuilder extends Object
  • Field Details

    • hierarchy

      protected TypeHierarchy hierarchy
      The hierarchy being built.
    • nameLookup

      protected NameLookup nameLookup
      See Also:
    • hierarchyResolver

      protected HierarchyResolver hierarchyResolver
      The resolver used to resolve type hierarchies
      See Also:
    • infoToHandle

      protected Map infoToHandle
      A temporary cache of infos to handles to speed info to handle translation - it only contains the entries for the types in the region (in other words, it contains no supertypes outside the region).
    • focusQualifiedName

      protected String focusQualifiedName
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • build

      public abstract void build(boolean computeSubtypes) throws JavaModelException, org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
    • buildSupertypes

      protected void buildSupertypes()
      Configure this type hierarchy by computing the supertypes only.
    • connect

      public void connect(IGenericType type, IType typeHandle, IType superclassHandle, IType[] superinterfaceHandles)
      Connect the supplied type to its superclass & superinterfaces. The superclass & superinterfaces are the identical binary or source types as supplied by the name environment.
    • getHandle

      protected IType getHandle(IGenericType genericType, ReferenceBinding binding)
      Returns a handle for the given generic type or null if not found.
    • getType

      protected IType getType()
    • lookupBinaryHandle

      protected IType lookupBinaryHandle(IBinaryType typeInfo)
      Looks up and returns a handle for the given binary info.
    • worked

      protected void worked(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor, int work)
    • createCompilationUnitFromPath

      protected ICompilationUnit createCompilationUnitFromPath(Openable handle, org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile file, char[] moduleName)
      Create an ICompilationUnit info from the given compilation unit on disk.
    • createInfoFromClassFile

      protected IBinaryType createInfoFromClassFile(Openable handle, org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource file)
      Creates the type info from the given class file on disk and adds it to the given list of infos.
    • createInfoFromClassFileInJar

      protected IBinaryType createInfoFromClassFileInJar(Openable classFile)
      Create a type info from the given class file in a jar and adds it to the given list of infos.