Class BrowserOutputLocationManager

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BrowserOutputLocationManager extends Object implements IOutputLocationManager
IOutputLocationManager which returns the same output location for all files and resources.
  • Constructor Details

    • BrowserOutputLocationManager

      public BrowserOutputLocationManager(UserPreferencesAdapter preferencesAdapter)
  • Method Details

    • getOutputLocationForClass

      public File getOutputLocationForClass(File compilationUnit)
      Description copied from interface: IOutputLocationManager
      Return the directory root under which the results of compiling the given source file. For example, if the source file contains the type a.b.C, and this method returns "target/classes" the resulting class file will be written to "target/classes/a/b/C.class"
      Specified by:
      getOutputLocationForClass in interface IOutputLocationManager
      compilationUnit - the compilation unit that has been compiled
      a File object representing the root directory under which compilation results for this unit should be written
    • getOutputLocationForResource

      public File getOutputLocationForResource(File resource)
      Description copied from interface: IOutputLocationManager
      When copying resources from source folders to output location, return the root directory under which the resource should be copied.
      Specified by:
      getOutputLocationForResource in interface IOutputLocationManager
      resource - the resource to be copied
      a File object representing the root directory under which this resource should be copied
    • getAllOutputLocations

      public List<File> getAllOutputLocations()
      Description copied from interface: IOutputLocationManager
      Return a list of all output locations handled by this OutputLocationManager
      Specified by:
      getAllOutputLocations in interface IOutputLocationManager
    • getDefaultOutputLocation

      public File getDefaultOutputLocation()
      Description copied from interface: IOutputLocationManager
      Return the default output location (for example, <my_project>/bin). This is where classes which are on the inpath will be placed.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultOutputLocation in interface IOutputLocationManager
    • getSourceFolderForFile

      public String getSourceFolderForFile(File sourceFile)
      Description copied from interface: IOutputLocationManager
      For environments where multiple source folders are supported, they need to be included in the model. This method allows AspectJ to determine which source folder a source file came from. Example return values would be "src" or "main/java"
      Specified by:
      getSourceFolderForFile in interface IOutputLocationManager
      sourceFile - the File object for the source file
      the source folder where this file came from, or null if in project root or source folders not supported.
    • reportFileWrite

      public void reportFileWrite(String outputfile, int filetype)
      Description copied from interface: IOutputLocationManager
      Callback from the compiler to indicate that a file has been written to disk, the type of the file (if known) is also supplied.
      Specified by:
      reportFileWrite in interface IOutputLocationManager
      outputfile - the file that has been written
      filetype - the kind of file from the FILETYPE_XXX constants defined in this type
    • reportFileRemove

      public void reportFileRemove(String outputfile, int filetype)
      Description copied from interface: IOutputLocationManager
      Callback from the compiler to indicate that a file has been removed from disk, the type of the file (if known) is also supplied.
      Specified by:
      reportFileRemove in interface IOutputLocationManager
      outputfile - the file that has been written
      filetype - the kind of file from the FILETYPE_XXX constants defined in this type
    • discoverChangesSince

      public int discoverChangesSince(File dir, long buildtime)
      Specified by:
      discoverChangesSince in interface IOutputLocationManager
    • getInpathMap

      public Map<File,​String> getInpathMap()
      Specified by:
      getInpathMap in interface IOutputLocationManager
      a Map<File,String> from inpath absolute paths to handle components