Klasse MethodDelegateTypeMunger


public class MethodDelegateTypeMunger extends ResolvedTypeMunger
Type munger for annotation style ITD declare parents. with an interface AND an implementation. Given the aspect that has a field public static Interface fieldI = ... // impl. we will weave in the Interface' methods and delegate to the aspect public static field fieldI Note: this munger DOES NOT handles the interface addition to the target classes - a regular Parent kinded munger must be added in coordination.
  • Konstruktordetails

  • Methodendetails

    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object other)
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      equals in Klasse Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      hashCode in Klasse Object
    • getDelegate

      public ResolvedMember getDelegate(ResolvedType targetType)
    • getDelegateFactoryMethod

      public ResolvedMember getDelegateFactoryMethod(World w)
    • getImplClassName

      public String getImplClassName()
    • write

      public void write(CompressingDataOutputStream s) throws IOException
      Angegeben von:
      write in Klasse ResolvedTypeMunger
      Löst aus:
    • readMethod

      public static ResolvedTypeMunger readMethod(VersionedDataInputStream s, ISourceContext context, boolean isEnhanced) throws IOException
      Löst aus:
    • matches

      public boolean matches(ResolvedType matchType, ResolvedType aspectType)
      Match based on given type pattern, only classes can be matched
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      matches in Klasse ResolvedTypeMunger
      matchType -
      aspectType -
      Gibt zurück:
      true if match
    • changesPublicSignature

      public boolean changesPublicSignature()
      Needed for reweavable
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      changesPublicSignature in Klasse ResolvedTypeMunger
      Gibt zurück:
    • setFieldType

      public void setFieldType(UnresolvedType fieldType)
    • specifiesDelegateFactoryMethod

      public boolean specifiesDelegateFactoryMethod()
    • getFactoryMethodName

      public String getFactoryMethodName()
    • getFactoryMethodSignature

      public String getFactoryMethodSignature()
    • getAspect

      public UnresolvedType getAspect()
    • existsToSupportShadowMunging

      public boolean existsToSupportShadowMunging()
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ResolvedTypeMunger
      Some type mungers are created purely to help with the implementation of shadow mungers. For example to support the cflow() pointcut we create a new cflow field in the aspect, and that is added via a BcelCflowCounterFieldAdder. During compilation we need to compare sets of type mungers, and if some only come into existence after the 'shadowy' type things have been processed, we need to ignore them during the comparison. Returning true from this method indicates the type munger exists to support 'shadowy' stuff - and so can be ignored in some comparison.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      existsToSupportShadowMunging in Klasse ResolvedTypeMunger
    • tagAsReplacingExistingMethod

      public void tagAsReplacingExistingMethod()
    • isReplacingExistingMethod

      public boolean isReplacingExistingMethod()