Schnittstelle IClassFileProvider

public interface IClassFileProvider
colyer Clients implementing the IClassFileProvider can have a set of class files under their control woven by a weaver, by calling the weave(IClassFileProvider source) method. The contract is that a call to getRequestor().acceptResult() is providing a result for the class file most recently returned from the getClassFileIterator().
  • Methodendetails

    • getClassFileIterator

      Iterator<UnwovenClassFile> getClassFileIterator()
      Answer an iterator that can be used to iterate over a set of UnwovenClassFiles to be woven. During a weave, this method may be called multiple times.
      Gibt zurück:
      iterator over UnwovenClassFiles.
    • getRequestor

      IWeaveRequestor getRequestor()
      The client to which the woven results should be returned.
    • isApplyAtAspectJMungersOnly

      boolean isApplyAtAspectJMungersOnly()
      Gibt zurück:
      true if weaver should only do some internal munging as the one needed for @AspectJ aspectOf methods creation