Klasse World.TypeMap

Umschließende Klasse:

public static class World.TypeMap extends Object
  • Felddetails


      public static final int DONT_USE_REFS
      Siehe auch:

      public static final int USE_WEAK_REFS
      Siehe auch:

      public static final int USE_SOFT_REFS
      Siehe auch:
    • addedSinceLastDemote

      public List<String> addedSinceLastDemote
    • writtenClasses

      public List<String> writtenClasses
    • useExpendableMap

      public static boolean useExpendableMap
    • policy

      public int policy
  • Methodendetails

    • getExpendableMap

      public Map<String,Reference<ResolvedType>> getExpendableMap()
    • getMainMap

      public Map<String,ResolvedType> getMainMap()
    • demote

      public int demote()
    • demote

      public int demote(boolean atEndOfCompile)
      Go through any types added during the previous file weave. If any are suitable for demotion, then put them in the expendable map where GC can claim them at some point later. Demotion means: the type is not an aspect, the type is not java.lang.Object, the type is not primitive and the type is not affected by type mungers in any way. Further refinements of these conditions may allow for more demotions.
      Gibt zurück:
      number of types demoted
    • put

      public ResolvedType put(String key, ResolvedType type)
      Add a new type into the map, the key is the type signature. Some types do *not* go in the map, these are ones involving *member* type variables. The reason is that when all you have is the signature which gives you a type variable name, you cannot guarantee you are using the type variable in the same way as someone previously working with a similarly named type variable. So, these do not go into the map: - TypeVariableReferenceType. - ParameterizedType where a member type variable is involved. - BoundedReferenceType when one of the bounds is a type variable. definition: "member type variables" - a tvar declared on a generic method/ctor as opposed to those you see declared on a generic type.
    • report

      public void report()
    • checkq

      public void checkq()
    • get

      public ResolvedType get(String key)
      Lookup a type by its signature, always look in the real map before the expendable map
    • remove

      public ResolvedType remove(String key)
      Remove a type from the map
    • classWriteEvent

      public void classWriteEvent(String classname)
    • demote

      public void demote(ResolvedType type)