Klasse AsmRelationshipUtils


public class AsmRelationshipUtils extends Object
Provides utility methods for generating details for IProgramElements used when creating the model both from source (via AsmElementFormatter.visit(..)) and when filling in the model for binary aspects (via AsmRelationshipProvider bug 145963)
  • Felddetails

  • Konstruktordetails

    • AsmRelationshipUtils

      public AsmRelationshipUtils()
  • Methodendetails

    • genDeclareMessage

      public static String genDeclareMessage(String message)
      Generates the declare message used in the details, for example if the declare warning statement has message "There should be no printlns" will return 'declare warning: "There should be n.."'
    • genPointcutDetails

      public static String genPointcutDetails(Pointcut pcd)
      Generates the pointcut details for the given pointcut, for example an anonymous pointcut will return '<anonymous pointcut>' and a named pointcut called p() will return 'p()..'