Klasse DeferredResolvedPointcutDefinition

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
Comparable<Member>, AnnotatedElement, IHasPosition, Member, ResolvedMember, TypeVariableDeclaringElement

public class DeferredResolvedPointcutDefinition extends ResolvedPointcutDefinition
When a Java15ReflectionBasedDelegate gets the pointcuts for a given class it tries to resolve them before returning. This can cause problems if the resolution of one pointcut in the type depends on another pointcut in the same type. Therefore the algorithm proceeds in two phases, first we create and store instances of this class in the pointcuts array, and once that is done, we come back round and resolve the actual pointcut expression. This means that if we recurse doing resolution, we will find the named pointcut we are looking for!
adrian colyer
  • Konstruktordetails

    • DeferredResolvedPointcutDefinition

      public DeferredResolvedPointcutDefinition(UnresolvedType declaringType, int modifiers, String name, UnresolvedType[] parameterTypes)