Schnittstelle ContextBasedMatcher

public interface ContextBasedMatcher
Pointcut expression interface for pointcut expressions returned by a PointcutDesignatorHandler. Provides an additional matching method for matching based on context information over and above that normally used by AspectJ.
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  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    use couldMatchJoinPointsInType(Class,MatchingContext) instead
    return true iff this matcher could ever match a join point in the given type, may also use any match context information available
    Called during processing of ShadowMatch.matchesJoinPoint when matchesStatically returned FuzzyBoolean.MAYBE.
    Return FuzzyBoolean.YES if a join point with the given matching context is always matched.
    return true if matchesStatically can ever return FuzzyBoolean.MAYBE (necessitating a per-join point test to determine matching at a given join point).
  • Methodendetails

    • couldMatchJoinPointsInType

      boolean couldMatchJoinPointsInType(Class aClass)
      use couldMatchJoinPointsInType(Class,MatchingContext) instead
      return true iff this matcher could ever match a join point in the given type
    • couldMatchJoinPointsInType

      boolean couldMatchJoinPointsInType(Class aClass, MatchingContext matchContext)
      return true iff this matcher could ever match a join point in the given type, may also use any match context information available
    • mayNeedDynamicTest

      boolean mayNeedDynamicTest()
      return true if matchesStatically can ever return FuzzyBoolean.MAYBE (necessitating a per-join point test to determine matching at a given join point).
    • matchesStatically

      FuzzyBoolean matchesStatically(MatchingContext matchContext)
      Return FuzzyBoolean.YES if a join point with the given matching context is always matched. Return FuzzyBoolean.NO if a join point with the given matching context is never matched. Return FuzzyBoolean.MAYBE if a match cannot be determined statically (whilst generating a ShadowMatch), and must be determined on a per-join point basis.
    • matchesDynamically

      boolean matchesDynamically(MatchingContext matchContext)
      Called during processing of ShadowMatch.matchesJoinPoint when matchesStatically returned FuzzyBoolean.MAYBE.