All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for all two-dimensional array assertions.
Base class for all array assertions.
Base class for all assertions.
Base class for all fieldupdater assertions.
Base class for atomic assertions.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for BigDecimals.
Base class for BigDecimal scale assertions.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for BigIntegers.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Booleans.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Bytes.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Characters.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for CharSequences.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Classes.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Collections.
Base class for all implementations of ComparableAssert.
Assertions for CompletableFuture.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Dates.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Doubles.
Assertions for Duration type.
Base implementation for Enumerable class assertions.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Files.
Base class for file size assertions.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Floats.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for InputStreams.
Assertions for Instant type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Integers.
Base class for implementations of ObjectEnumerableAssert whose actual value type is Collection.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Iterators.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Lists.
Assertions for LocalDate type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8.
Assertions for LocalDateTime type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8.
Assertions for LocalTime type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for LongAdders.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Longs.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Maps.
Assertions for Matcher
Assertion methods for arrays of objects.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Objects.
Assertions for OffsetDateTime type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8.
Assertions for OffsetTime type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8.
Assertions for Optional.
Assertions for OptionalDouble.
Assertions for OptionalInt.
Assertions for OptionalLong.
Assertions for Path objects
Assertions for Period type.
Assertions for Predicate.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Shorts.
Base class for text content error.
Assertions for Spliterator type.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Temporals.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for Throwables.
Base class for Comparable assertions.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for URIs.
Base class for all implementations of assertions for URLs.
Returns true if all of the joined conditions are satisfied.
Returns true if any of the joined conditions is satisfied.
Assertions applicable to two-dimensional arrays.
Utility methods related to arrays.
Assertions applicable to primitive arrays or arrays of elements either naturally Comparable or according to a given Comparator.
A list-like wrapper for arrays.
Base contract of all assertion objects: the minimum functionality that any assertion object should provide.
A marker interface that can be used to wrap your assertion within assertThat method for better readability.
A single method factory interface to create an Assert for a given value.
Factory of AssertionErrors.
Information about an assertion.
Generic Hamcrest Matcher that reuses AssertJ assertions.
Entry point for assertion methods for different types.
Java 8 is picky when choosing the right assertThat method if the object under test is generic and bounded, for example if foo is instance of T that extends Exception, java 8 will complain that it can't resolve the proper assertThat method (normally assertThat(Throwable) as foo might implement an interface like List, if that occurred assertThat(List) would also be a possible choice - thus confusing java 8.
Entry point for assertion methods for different data types.
AssertJ version of MultipleFailuresError to get more control on the error formatting.
Interface implemented by all proxies and serves as a type safe setter.
Provides a Assert for the current object.
Responsible for building the exception to throw for failing assumptions.
Entry point for assumption methods for different types, which allow to skip test execution on failed assumptions.
Assertion methods for AtomicIntegerFieldUpdaters.
Assertion methods for AtomicLongFieldUpdaters.
Assertion methods for AtomicMarkableReferences.
Assertion methods for AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaters.
Assertion methods for AtomicStampedReferences.
A version of BDDSoftAssertions that uses try-with-resources statement to automatically call AbstractSoftAssertions.assertAll() so that you don't forget to.
A version of SoftAssertions that uses try-with-resources statement to automatically call AbstractSoftAssertions.assertAll() so that you don't forget to.
Parent interface for soft assertion implementations.
A factory of error messages typically shown when an assertion fails.
Behavior-driven development style entry point for assertion methods for different types.
Behavior-driven development style entry point for assumption methods for different types, which allow to skip test execution when assumptions are not met.
Suppose we have a test case and in it we'd like to make numerous BDD assertions.
Signifies that a public API (public class, method or field) is subject to incompatible changes, or even removal, in a future release.
Assertion methods for BigDecimals.
A BigDecimal Comparator based on BigDecimal.compareTo(BigDecimal).
Is useful if ones wants to use BigDecimal assertions based on BigDecimal.compareTo(BigDecimal) instead of BigDecimal.equals(Object) method.
Assertion methods for BigIntegers.
A BigInteger Comparator based on BigInteger.compareTo(BigInteger).
Is useful if ones wants to use BigInteger assertions based on BigInteger.compareTo(BigInteger) instead of BigInteger.equals(Object) method.
Binary object representation instead of standard java representation.
Assertion methods for two-dimensional arrays of booleans.
Assertion methods for arrays of booleans.
Assertion methods for Booleans.
Assertion methods for two-dimensional arrays of bytes.
Assertion methods for arrays of bytes.
Assertion methods for Bytes.
Annotation to skip "CheckReturnValue" check.
Utility class for conversion between different case formats
Initially copied from
Assertion methods for two-dimensional arrays of chars.
Assertion methods for Characters.
Assertion methods for arrays of chars.
Assertion methods for CharSequences.
Findbugs handles any annotation with name "CheckReturnValue" in return value check.
Copy from
Assertion methods for Classes.
Build the Assert instance by reflection.
Build the Assert instance by reflection.
Error message factory for an assertion which checks that a class has (or has not) a specific modifier.
Utility methods related to Closeable.
Assertion methods for Collections.
Assertion methods applicable to Comparables.
A RecursiveComparisonIntrospectionStrategy that introspects fields including inherited ones but ignores static and synthetic fields.
A RecursiveComparisonIntrospectionStrategy that introspects fields provided their normalized name.
A RecursiveComparisonIntrospectionStrategy that introspects properties by looking at public getters like getName() or isActive()/getActive() for boolean properties.
A RecursiveComparisonIntrospectionStrategy that transforms snake case field names into camel case.
Assertions for CompletableFuture.
A condition to be met by an object.
Describes the condition status after being evaluated.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies type of elements of group and Condition A group of elements can be a collection, an array.
All configuration settings for AssertJ Core.
Provider for all the configuration settings / parameters within AssertJ.
Access to constructors using Java reflection.
Assertions for Dates.
Utility methods related to dates.
Introspects all fields (including inherited ones) and get their value according to PropertyOrFieldSupport.getSimpleValue(String, Object).
Initially copied from
Initially copied from
Specifies the type of the delta.
Copy from
An object that has a description.
The description of a value.
Formats the Descriptions to be included in assertion errors.
Copy from
Copy from
Copy from
Returns true if the condition is not satisfied.
Assertion methods for two-dimensional arrays of doubles.
Assertion methods for arrays of doubles.
Assertion methods for Doubles.
Assertions for Predicate.
Assertion methods for Duration
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that each element of a group satisfies a Condition A group of elements can be a collection, an array.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies elements of a group satisfies at least n times a Condition A group of elements can be a collection, an array.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies elements of a group satisfies at most n times a Condition A group of elements can be a collection, an array.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies elements of a group satisfies exactly n times a Condition A group of elements can be a collection, an array.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that each element of a group satisfies a Condition A group of elements can be a collection, an array.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies elements of a group satisfies at least n times a Condition A group of elements can be a collection, an array.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies elements of a group satisfies at most n times a Condition A group of elements can be a collection, an array.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies elements of a group satisfies exactly n times a Condition A group of elements can be a collection, an array.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that not verifies that each element of a group satisfies a Condition A group of elements can be a collection, an array.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that each element of a group satisfies a Condition A group of elements can be a collection, an array.
A description containing empty text.
Assertions applicable to groups of values that can be enumerated (e.g.
Copy from
Collects error messages of all AssertionErrors thrown by the proxied method.
Factory of error messages.
Mechanism for extending assertion classes.
use Function instead
Extractors factory, providing convenient methods of creating common extractors.
Provides helper methods for navigating a list property in a generated assertion class so we can chain assertions through deeply nested models more easily.
Provides helper methods for navigating a list property in a generated assertion class so we can chain assertions through deeply nested models more easily.
Common failures.
An internal holder of the comparators for fields described by their path without element index.
Represents the path to a given field.
An internal holder of the custom messages for fields described by their path without element index.
Understands how to retrieve fields or values from a collection/array of objects.
Utility methods for fields access.
Assertion methods for Files.
Utility methods related to files.
Filters the elements of a given Iterable or array according to the specified filter criteria.
Reusable assertions for two-dimensional arrays of floats.
Assertion methods for arrays of floats.
Assertion methods for floats.
Assertion methods applicable to floating-point Numbers.
Assertion methods for Future.
Generates a description for the type of a group of elements.
Allows to use a Hamcrest matcher as a condition.
Hexadecimal object representation instead of standard java representation.
A positive index.
Assertions methods applicable to indexed groups of objects (e.g.
Annotation used with SoftAssertionsExtension for specify wich test instance fields should be initialised with a SoftAssertionsProvider concrete implementation, for example SoftAssertions, BDDSoftAssertions or any custom soft assertions class.
Assertion methods for InputStreams.
Initially copied from
InstanceOfAssertFactory instances for Java types.
AssertFactory decorator which casts the input value to the given type before invoking the decorated AssertFactory.
Assertion methods for Instants.
Assertion methods for two-dimensional arrays of ints.
Assertion methods for arrays of ints.
Assertion methods for Integers.
Assertions for Predicate.
Utility methods related to JavaBeans Introspection.
Error that occurred when using JavaBeans Introspection.
Assertion methods for Iterable.
Assertion methods for Iterator.
For Android compatible assertions use the latest assertj 2.x version which is based on Java 7 only.
For Android compatible assertions use the latest assertj 2.x version which is based on Java 7 only.
For Android compatible assertions use the latest assertj 2.x version which is based on Java 7 only.
AbstractBDDSoftAssertions compatible with Android.
For Android compatible assertions use the latest assertj 2.x version which is based on Java 7 only.
For Android compatible assertions use the latest assertj 2.x version which is based on Java 7 only.
For Android compatible assertions use the latest assertj 2.x version which is based on Java 7 only.
AbstractStandardSoftAssertions compatible with Android.
Join of two or more Conditions.
The Description combining multiple Descriptions.
Same as SoftAssertions, but with the following differences:
First, it's a junit rule, which can be used without having to call assertAll(), example:
Same as SoftAssertions, but with the following differences:
First, it's a junit rule, which can be used without having to call assertAll(), example:
A text-based description that is evaluated lazily.
Assertion methods for Lists.
Utility methods related to Lists.
Assertion methods for two-dimensional arrays of longs.
Assertions for LongAdder.
Assertion methods for arrays of longs.
Assertion methods for Longs.
Assertions for LongPredicate.
Assertions for Maps.
Understands an entry in a Map.
Container Condition that maps the object under test and then check the resulting mapped value against its nested Condition.
Utility methods related to maps.
Assertions for Matcher.
Build error message when an Matcher should match.
Formats the messages to be included in assertion errors.
Utility class for reflective method invocation.
Copy from
Inverse the condition.
Building block to define precise conditions on complex objects.
Returns true if the condition is not satisfied.
Assertion class checking a ThrowableAssert.ThrowingCallable throws no exception.
Assertion methods applicable to Numbers.
Assertion methods for two-dimensional arrays of objects.
Assertion methods for arrays of objects.
Assertion methods for Objects.
Assertions methods applicable to groups of objects (e.g.
Utility methods related to objects.
A positive offset.
Assertions for Optional.
Assertions for OptionalDouble.
Build error message when an OptionalDouble should have a specific value close to an offset.
Build error message when an OptionalDouble should be close to an expected value within a positive percentage.
Assertions for OptionalInt.
Assertions for OptionalLong.
Build error message when an Optional should be empty.
Build error message when a value should be present in an Optional.
Build error message when an Optional, OptionalDouble, OptionalInt or OptionalLong should contain a specific value.
Build an error message when a value should be instance of a specific class.
Copy from
Assertion class for Paths
Copy from
Utility methods related to Paths.
A positive percentage value.
Assertion methods for Period
Verifies correct argument values and state.
Assertions for Predicate.
Encapsulate a Predicate description to be able to control how it is formatted in error messages using a Representation.
Extracts the values of a specified property from the elements of a given Iterable or array.
Utility methods for properties access.
An assertion that supports asserting a Predicate over all the fields of an object graph.
Comparator comparing objects recursively as in RecursiveComparisonAssert.
Based on DeepDifference but takes a RecursiveComparisonConfiguration, DeepDifference being itself based on the deep equals implementation of
Defines how objects are introspected in the recursive comparison, the main operations it specifies are: how to traverse the graph of nodes to compare how to get a child node value
Controls the formatting (String representation) of types in assertion error messages.
Utility methods related to Sets.
Assertion methods for arrays of shorts.
Assertion methods for arrays of shorts.
Assertion methods for Shorts.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that Predicate accepts a value failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value satisfies a Condition failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a File or Path is an absolute path failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is after another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an Object is after or equal to another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is after given year failed.
Creates an error message indicating that a group of elements should have been an array.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class is (or not) an annotation.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class is assignable from.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class is assignable to.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains a value at a given index that satisfies a Condition failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two OffsetDateTimes have the same Instant, failed.
Creates an error message that indicates an assertion that verifies that a string is a valid Base64 encoded string failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Object is before another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an Object is before or equal to another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is before given year failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value is between a start and an end (inclusive or not) failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a CharSequence is blank.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Path is canonical has failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is close to another one from some delta failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a File or Path is an existing directory failed
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements is empty failed.
Creates an AssertionError indicating that an assertion that verifies that two objects are equal failed.
Creates an AssertionError indicating that an assertion that verifies that two objects are lenient equal by accepting fields failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two CharSequences are equal, ignoring case considerations, failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two ZonedDateTime have same year, month, and day fields failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two ZonedDateTime have same year, month, day and hour fields failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that : two ZonedDateTime, LocalDateTime have same year, month, day, hour, minute and second failed. two LocalTime have same hour, minute and second failed. two OffsetTime have same hour, minute and second failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two ZonedDateTime have same year, month, day, hour and minute failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two OffsetTime have same time fields except the timezone.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two CharSequences are equal, ignoring whitespace differences, failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two CharSequences are equal, after the punctuation of both strings have been normalized, failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two CharSequences are equal, on their canonical form relying on Normalizer, failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two CharSequences are equal, after the whitespace of both strings has been normalized, failed.
Creates an AssertionError indicating that an assertion that verifies that two objects are lenient equal by ignoring fields failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two numbers are equal within a positive offset failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two numbers are equal within a positive percentage failed.
Creates an AssertionError indicating that an assertion that verifies that two dates are equals up to a given precision failed.
Creates an error message that indicates an assertion that verifies that a whole number is even failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object is exactly an instance of some type failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a File is executable failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an Iterator has no more elements failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a File is an existing file failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value is greater than another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value is greater than or equal to another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value is in a group of values (e.g.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is in same year, month and day of month as another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is in same year, month, day of month and hour as another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is in same hour window as another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is in same year, month, day of month, hour and minute as another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is in minute window as another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is in same year and month as another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is in same year, month, day of month, hour, minute and second as another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is in second window as another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is in same year as another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object is an instance of some type failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object is an instance of one or more types failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class is (or not) an interface.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date or a Temporal is in the future failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date or a Temporal is in the past failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value is less than another one failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value is less than or equal to another one failed.
Creates an error message that indicates an assertion that verifies that a character is lowercase failed.
Creates an error message that indicates an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence is mixed case failed.
Assertion error message delivered when a Path is not normalized
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements is null or empty failed.
Creates an error message that indicates an assertion that cast string to a number (byte, short, integer, long, float or double) failed.
Creates an error message that indicates an assertion that verifies that a whole number is odd failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object is of type in group of types failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class is (or not) a primitive data type, i.e, byte, short, int, long, float, double, char and boolean.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a File or a a Path is readable failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class is (or not) a record.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Path is a regular file has failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a File or a Path is a relative path failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two object refer to same object failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class is (or not) sealed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements is sorted failed.
A group of elements can be a collection or an array.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an Iterable is a subset of an other set Iterable failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Path is a regular file has failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is today (matching only year, month and day but not hours).
Creates an error message that indicates an assertion that verifies that a character is uppercase failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a File is writable failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains a given set of values failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains a value at a given index failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence contains another CharSequence failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence contains another CharSequence only once failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a map contains an entry..
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains exactly a given set of values and nothing else failed, exactly meaning same elements in same order.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains exactly a given set of values and nothing else failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a map contains a key..
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a map contains a key..
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains a null element failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence contains one or more whitespaces.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains only a given set of values and nothing else failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a CharSequence contains only digits failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies map contains only a given set of keys and nothing else failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains only null elements failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a CharSequence contains only whitespaces.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence contains a pattern failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains recursively a given set of values failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a group of elements contains a sequence of values failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence contains a Sequence of several CharSequences in order failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains only a given set of values and nothing else failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a group of elements contains a subsequence of values failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence contains a Subsequence of several CharSequences in order failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a map contains a value.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a map contains a values.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a group of elements ends with a given value or sequence of values failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that CharSequence ends with a given value (ignoring case considerations) failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a File or Path exists failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value satisfies a Condition failed.
Creates an AssertionError indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object has null fields failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class has annotations failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains a value at a given index that satisfies a Condition failed.
Creates an error message indicating that a group does not have an element of the given type.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a file/path has a given binary content failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Throwable have a cause exactly instance of a certain type.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Throwable have a cause instance of a certain type.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a file/path has a given text content failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date has a year, month, day, ...
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that file/inputStream/path have digest failed.
Creates an error message indicating that a File or a Path should have extension.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class have field.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies the FileSystem for a given path does not match a given file system.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value have certain number of lines failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Throwable have certain message failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence matches given regular expression.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence matches given regular expression.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class have methods.
Creates an error message indicating that a File should have name.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an Iterator has a next element failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an Throwable has no cause failed.
Creates an error message indicating that a Path should have no extension.
Creates an AssertionError indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object has no null fields failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class has no package failed.
Creates an error message when a File should not have a parent.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class has no superclass failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Throwable has no suppressed exceptions failed.
Creates an error message indicating that a group does not have an element of the given type.
Creates an error message indicating that a Class should have a given package.
Creates an error message indicating that a File should have a parent.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class has a given field/property.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class has a field/property with a value.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class has record components failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Throwable have a root cause exactly instance of a certain type.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Throwable have a root cause instance of a certain type.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object have same class as another instance failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two files/inputStreams/paths have same content failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies the FileSystem for a given path does not match a given path's file system.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two ZonedDateTime have same year, month, day and hour fields failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value have certain size failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a date has same time as other date.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value have certain size failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion - that verifies that size of a value is between two given values - failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a minimum size failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a minimum size failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a maximum size failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a maximum size failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class has a given superclass failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Throwable has a given suppressed exception failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a date have a certain timestamp.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value satisfies a Predicate failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence matches a pattern failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that Predicate not accepting a value failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value does not satisfy a Condition failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Date is not between start - end dates (inclusive or not) failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies CharSequence is not blank.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements is not empty failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two objects are not equal failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two CharSequences are not equal, ignoring case considerations, failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two CharSequences are not equal, ignoring whitespace differences, failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two CharSequences are not equal, after the whitespace of both strings has been normalized, failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two numbers are not equal within a positive offset failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that two numbers are not equal within a positive percentage failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object is not exactly an instance of some type failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value is not in a group of values (e.g.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object is not an instance of some type failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object is not an instance of one or more types failed.
Creates an error message that indicates an assertion that verifies that an object is not null failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object is not of type in group of types failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class is (or not) a primitive data type, i.e, byte, short, int, long, float, double, char and boolean.
Creates an error message indicating an assertion that verifies that two objects do not refer to the same object failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements does not contain a given set of values failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence does not contain whitespace characters.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements does not contain a value at a given index failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence does not contain another CharSequence failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a map does not contains a key failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a map does not contain keys.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements does not contain null elements failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies CharSequence is not blank.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence does not contain a regular expression failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a group of elements does not contain a sequence of values failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a group of elements does not contains a subsequence of values failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a map does not contains a value.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a group of elements does not end with a given value or sequence of values failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that CharSequence does not end with a given value (ignoring case considerations) failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a File or Path does not exist failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value does not satisfy a Condition failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements is does not have duplicates failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that an object has same class as another instance failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a value not satisfying a Predicate failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a CharSequence does not match a pattern failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a group of elements does not start with a given value or sequence of values failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies CharSequence does not start with a given value (ignoring case considerations) failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies a group of elements contains elements that are not an instance of one of the given types.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a class has only the fields.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a Condition or a list of Consumers cannot be satisfied.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that requirements are not satisfied only once.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that a group of elements starts with a given value or sequence of values failed.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies CharSequence starts with a given value (ignoring case considerations) failed.
Copy from
An AssertionError that contains the error messages of the one or more AssertionErrors that caused this exception to be thrown.
Suppose we have a test case and in it we'd like to make numerous assertions.
Extension for JUnit Jupiter that provides support for injecting a concrete implementation of SoftAssertionsProvider into test methods and (since 3.18.0) into test fields annotated with @InjectSoftAssertions.
Parent interface for soft assertion implementations.
This functionality (and more) has been rolled into SoftAssertionsExtension as of AssertJ 3.18.0.
ThrowableAssertAlternative subclass used in soft assertions.
ThrowableTypeAssert for soft assertions.
Assertion methods for Spliterators.
Standard java object representation.
Assertion methods for Strings.
Utility methods related to Strings.
Knows how to join Strings using a given delimiter.
Knows how to append a given String to the given target, only if the target does not end with the given String to append.
Creates an error message indicating that an assertion that verifies that some subarray (in multidimensional arrays) has certain size failed.
Temporal offset.
TemporalUnitOffset with strict less than condition.
Base class for TemporalOffset on basis of TemporalUnit.
TemporalUnitOffset with less than or equal condition.
A text-based description.
Assertion methods for Throwables.
Assertion methods for Throwable similar to ThrowableAssert but with assertions methods named differently to make testing code fluent (ex : withMessage instead of hasMessage.
Utility methods related to Throwables.
Assertion class checking Throwable type.
Consumer that deals with checked exceptions by rethrowing them as RuntimeException.
Function converting an element to another element.
Unicode object representation instead of standard java representation.
Comparable assertions.
Assertion class for URIs
Assertion class for URLs
Utility methods related to URLs.
Condition that shows the value under test when the condition fails thanks to the specified objectUnderTestDescriptor function.
Indicates that the visibility of a type or member has been relaxed to make the code testable.
A unified entry point to all non-deprecated assertions from both the new Java 8 core API and the pre-Java 8 core API.
A unified entry point to all assumptions from both the new Java 8 core API and the pre-Java 8 core API.
Writable information about an assertion.
Format an XML String with indent = 2 space.
Assertions for ZonedDateTime type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8.