Class DefaultKeepAliveStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultKeepAliveStrategy

        public DefaultKeepAliveStrategy()
    • Method Detail

      • keepAlive

        public boolean keepAlive​(InetSocketAddress remoteAddress,
                                 Request ahcRequest,
                                 io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest request,
                                 io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse response)
        Implemented in accordance with RFC 7230 section 6.1 ...
        Specified by:
        keepAlive in interface KeepAliveStrategy
        remoteAddress - the remote InetSocketAddress associated with the request
        ahcRequest - the Request, as built by AHC
        request - the HTTP request sent to Netty
        response - the HTTP response received from Netty
        true if the connection should be kept alive, false if it should be closed.