



package visualize

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. visualize
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BarChart[C, Y, D, H](dataFn: () ⇒ D, drawKey: Boolean = true, width: Int = 700, height: Int = 600, border: Int = 50, barWidthPercent: Double = 0.80, keyLeftPadding: Int = 20, keyTopPadding: Int = 50, keyWidth: Int = 80, title: Option[String] = None, keyTitle: Option[String] = None, normalFontName: String = "Courier New", normalFontSize: Int = 12, titleFontName: String = "Palatino", titleFontSize: Int = 20, xAxis: Option[Y] = None, xAxisLabel: Option[String] = None, yAxisLabel: Option[String] = None, labelAngle: Option[UnittedQuantity[Angle, Double]] = Some(36d *:, colorOf: (C) ⇒ Color = (c: C) =>, hoverOf: (C) ⇒ Option[H] = (c: C) => None, linkOf: (C) ⇒ Option[(URL, Color)] = (c: C) => None)(implicit showC: Show[C], showH: Show[H], zeroY: Zero[Y], orderY: Order[Y], ticsY: Tics[Y], eqY: Eq[Y], plottableY: Plottable[Y], dataView: DataView[C, Y, D], lengthSpaceY: LengthSpace[Y, _, Double]) extends Product with Serializable

  2. case class BarChartGrouped[G, S, Y, D, H](dataFn: () ⇒ D, drawKey: Boolean = true, width: Int = 700, height: Int = 600, border: Int = 50, barWidthPercent: Double = 0.80, keyLeftPadding: Int = 20, keyTopPadding: Int = 50, keyWidth: Int = 80, title: Option[String] = None, keyTitle: Option[String] = None, normalFontName: String = "Courier New", normalFontSize: Int = 12, titleFontName: String = "Palatino", titleFontSize: Int = 20, xAxis: Option[Y] = None, xAxisLabel: Option[String] = None, yAxisLabel: Option[String] = None, labelAngle: Option[UnittedQuantity[Angle, Double]] = Some(36d *:, colorOf: (G, S) ⇒ Color, hoverOf: (G, S) ⇒ Option[H] = (g: G, s: S) => None, linkOf: (G, S) ⇒ Option[(URL, Color)] = (g: G, s: S) => None)(implicit showG: Show[G], showS: Show[S], showH: Show[H], orderY: Order[Y], zeroY: Zero[Y], ticsY: Tics[Y], lengthSpaceY: LengthSpace[Y, _, Double], groupedDataView: GroupedDataView[G, S, Y, D]) extends Product with Serializable

  3. case class BarChartGroupedView[G, S, Y, D, H](chart: BarChartGrouped[G, S, Y, D, H], data: D) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class BarChartView[C, Y, D, H](chart: BarChart[C, Y, D, H], data: D) extends Product with Serializable

  5. case class Color(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  6. trait DataView[X, Y, D] extends AnyRef


    implicits for Plot and BarChart

    implicits for Plot and BarChart

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  7. trait GroupedDataView[G, S, Y, D] extends AnyRef


    implicits for BarChartGrouped

    implicits for BarChartGrouped

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  8. case class KMeansVisualization[D, F, G, M](classifier: KMeans[D, F, G, M], colorOf: (Int) ⇒ Color, width: Int = 600, height: Int = 600, border: Int = 50, pointDiameter: Int = 10, fontName: String = "Courier New", fontSize: Int = 12) extends Product with Serializable

  9. case class PixelatedColoredArea[X, Y, V](f: (X, X, Y, Y) ⇒ V, c: (V) ⇒ Color, width: Int = 600, height: Int = 600, minX: X, maxX: X, minY: Y, maxY: Y)(implicit evidence$1: Eq[X], evidence$2: Eq[Y], lengthX: LengthSpace[X, X, Double], lengthY: LengthSpace[Y, Y, Double]) extends Product with Serializable

  10. case class Plot[S, X, Y, D](dataFn: () ⇒ Seq[(S, D)], connect: Boolean = true, drawKey: Boolean = true, width: Int = 700, height: Int = 600, border: Int = 50, pointDiameter: Int = 4, keyLeftPadding: Int = 20, keyTopPadding: Int = 50, keyWidth: Int = 80, fontName: String = "Courier New", fontSize: Int = 12, bold: Boolean = false, titleFontName: String = "Palatino", titleFontSize: Int = 20, colorOf: (S) ⇒ Color, title: Option[String] = None, keyTitle: Option[String] = None, xAxis: Option[Y] = None, xAxisLabel: Option[String] = None, yAxis: Option[X] = None, yAxisLabel: Option[String] = None)(implicit sShow: Show[S], xZero: Zero[X], xts: Tics[X], xEq: Eq[X], xLength: LengthSpace[X, _, Double], yZero: Zero[Y], yts: Tics[Y], yEq: Eq[Y], yLength: LengthSpace[Y, _, Double], plotDataView: PlotDataView[S, X, Y, D]) extends Product with Serializable

  11. trait PlotDataView[S, X, Y, D] extends AnyRef

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  12. case class PlotView[S, X, Y, D](plot: Plot[S, X, Y, D], data: Seq[(S, D)]) extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class Point2D[X, Y](x: X, y: Y) extends Product with Serializable

  14. case class ScaledArea2D[X, Y](left: Double, right: Double, top: Double, bottom: Double, minX: X, maxX: X, minY: Y, maxY: Y)(implicit eqX: Eq[X], eqY: Eq[Y], lengthX: LengthSpace[X, _, Double], lengthY: LengthSpace[Y, _, Double]) extends Product with Serializable

  15. trait ScatterDataView[X, Y, D] extends AnyRef


    TODO this typeclass is abstract enough that it now belongs in axle.algebra and should be renamed.

    TODO this typeclass is abstract enough that it now belongs in axle.algebra and should be renamed.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  16. case class ScatterPlot[S, X, Y, D](dataFn: () ⇒ D, width: Double = 600d, height: Double = 600d, border: Double = 50d, diameterOf: (X, Y) ⇒ Double = (x: X, y: Y) => 10d, colorOf: (X, Y) ⇒ Color = (x: X, y: Y) =>, labelOf: (X, Y) ⇒ Option[(S, Boolean)] = (x: X, y: Y) => None, fontName: String = "Courier New", fontSize: Double = 12d, bold: Boolean = false, titleFontName: String = "Palatino", titleFontSize: Double = 20d, title: Option[String] = None, drawXTics: Boolean = true, drawXTicLines: Boolean = true, drawYTics: Boolean = true, drawYTicLines: Boolean = true, drawBorder: Boolean = true, xRange: Option[(X, X)] = None, yAxis: Option[X] = None, yRange: Option[(Y, Y)] = None, xAxis: Option[Y] = None, xAxisLabel: Option[String] = None, yAxisLabel: Option[String] = None)(implicit evidence$1: Eq[X], evidence$2: Tics[X], evidence$3: Order[X], evidence$4: Eq[Y], evidence$5: Tics[Y], evidence$6: Order[Y], lengthX: LengthSpace[X, X, Double], lengthY: LengthSpace[Y, Y, Double], dataView: ScatterDataView[X, Y, D], showS: Show[S]) extends Product with Serializable


    labelOf optionally returns a double:

    labelOf optionally returns a double:

    1. The label of the given data point

    2. A Boolean representing whether that label should be permanently displayed vs. just shown as a tooltip/mouseover

Value Members

  1. object Color extends Serializable

  2. object DataView

  3. object GroupedDataView

  4. object PlotDataView

  5. object ScatterDataView

  6. implicit val angleDouble: UnitConverterGraph[Angle, Double, DirectedSparseGraph[UnitOfMeasurement[Angle], (Double) ⇒ Double]] with AngleConverter[Double]

  7. val defaultColors: List[Color]

  8. package element


Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
