A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W X _ 
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accepts() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Returns all accepted media types.
acceptsURI(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXDatabase
accessed() - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.ASession
Returns the last access time.
addResource(Resource) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXResourceSet
ALLOW - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Permission token.
ANN_BODYVAR - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
ANN_CONFLICT_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
ANN_MISSING - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
ANN_TWICE_X_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
ApiFunc - Class in org.basex.query.func
Request function.
ApiFunc() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ApiFunc
ApiFunction - Enum in org.basex.query.func
Definitions of all built-in XQuery functions.
ARG_TYPE_X_X_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
ASession - Class in org.basex.query.func.session
This module contains functions for processing global sessions.
ASession(HttpSession) - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.session.ASession
atts - Variable in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
WebSocket attributes.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Permission token.


BAD_REQUEST_X - org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Error: 400 (bad request).
BASE_URI - Static variable in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsOptions
Query base-uri.
BaseXHTTP - Class in org.basex
This is the main class for the starting the database HTTP services.
BaseXHTTP(String...) - Constructor for class org.basex.BaseXHTTP
BaseXServlet - Class in org.basex.http
Base class for various servlets.
BaseXServlet() - Constructor for class org.basex.http.BaseXServlet
bind(QNm, Expr[], Value, QueryContext, String) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
Binds a value to a function argument.
body() - Method in class org.basex.http.RequestContext
Returns the cached body.
BODY_TYPE_X_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
broadcast(Value, String) - Static method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsPool
Sends a message to all connected clients except to the one with the given id.
BXCollection - Class in org.basex.api.xmldb
Implementation of the Collection Interface for the XMLDB:API.
BXCollection(String, boolean, Database) - Constructor for class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
Constructor to create/open a collection.
BXCollectionManagementService - Class in org.basex.api.xmldb
Implementation of the CollectionManagementService Interface for the XMLDB:API.
BXDatabase - Class in org.basex.api.xmldb
Implementation of the Database Interface for the XMLDB:API.
BXDatabase() - Constructor for class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXDatabase
BXQueryService - Class in org.basex.api.xmldb
Abstract QueryService definition for the XMLDB:API.
BXResourceIterator - Class in org.basex.api.xmldb
Implementation of the ResourceIterator Interface for the XMLDB:API.
BXResourceSet - Class in org.basex.api.xmldb
Implementation of the ResourceSet Interface for the XMLDB:API.
BXXMLDBText - Interface in org.basex.api.xmldb
This class organizes textual information for the XMLDB API.
BXXMLResource - Class in org.basex.api.xmldb
Implementation of the XMLResource Interface for the XMLDB:API.


checkParsed(boolean, AnnList, boolean[]) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
Checks parsed meta data.
checks(HTTPConnection) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebModules
Returns permission functions that match the current request.
checkVariable(String, boolean...) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
Checks the specified template and adds a variable.
checkVariable(QNm, boolean[]) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
Checks if the specified variable exists in the current function.
clear() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXResourceSet
clearNamespaces() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXQueryService
clientAddress() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
clientAddress() - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
clientName() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
clientName() - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
close() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
close() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPContext
Closes the database context.
close() - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
Closes the WebSocket connection.
close() - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.ASession
Closes a session.
compareTo(RestXqPerm) - Method in class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqPerm
compareTo(WebFunction) - Method in class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqFunction
compareTo(WebFunction) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsFunction
compareTo(WsPath) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsPath
configure(WebSocketServletFactory) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsServlet
CONFORMANCE_LEVEL - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Conformance level of the implementation.
consumedType(MediaType) - Method in class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqFunction
Returns the most specific consume type for the specified type.
context - Variable in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Current database context.
context - Variable in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
Database context.
context() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPContext
Returns the database context.
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.basex.http.ServletListener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.basex.http.ServletListener
create(HashMap<String, WebModule>) - Method in class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqWadl
Returns a WADL description for all available URIs.
create(WebFunction, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebResponse
Creates the Response.
createCollection(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollectionManagementService
created() - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.ASession
Returns the creation time.
CREATED_X - org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Error: 201 (created).
createId() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
createResource(String, String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
createWebSocket(ServletUpgradeRequest, ServletUpgradeResponse) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsCreator
ctx - Variable in class org.basex.http.web.WebResponse
Database context.
CUSTOM - org.basex.http.web.WebResponse.Response
Custom response.


db() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Returns the addressed database (i.e., the first path entry).
dbpath() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Returns the database path (i.e., all path entries except for the first).
DBURI - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
definition() - Method in enum org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
delete(String) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.ASession
Removes a session attribute.


emit(Value) - Static method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsPool
Sends a message to all connected clients.
ERR_BINARY - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_CONT - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_DOC - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_EMPTY - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_ID - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_ITER - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_LOCK - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_NSURI - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_PROP - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_RES - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
ERR_URI - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
Error message.
error(int, String) - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Handles an error with an info message.
error(Exception) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
Sends an error to the client.
error(String, Object...) - Method in class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqFunction
error(String, Object...) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
Creates an exception with the specified message.
error(String, Object...) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsFunction
Creates an exception with the specified message.
ERROR_CONFLICT_X_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
ERROR_QS_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
exception() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPContext
Returns an exception that was caught during the initialization of the database server.


findWs(WebSocket, Annotation) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebModules
Returns all implementations for the given WebSocket.
formValues(MainOptions) - Method in class org.basex.http.RequestContext
Returns form parameters as XQuery Values.
forward(String) - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Sends a forward.
function - Variable in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
User-defined function.
functions() - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebModule
Returns all RESTXQ functions.


get() - Static method in class org.basex.http.HTTPContext
Returns the singleton instance.
get(Object...) - Method in enum org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Returns an HTTP exception.
get(String) - Static method in class org.basex.http.SessionListener
Returns the session with the specified id.
get(String) - Static method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsPool
Returns the client with the specified id.
get(String) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.ASession
Returns a session attribute.
get(Context) - Static method in class org.basex.http.web.WebModules
Returns the singleton instance.
getChildCollection(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
getChildCollectionCount() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
getCollection(String, String, String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXDatabase
getConformanceLevel() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXDatabase
getContent() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLResource
getContentAsDOM() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLResource
getContentAsSAX(ContentHandler) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLResource
getDocumentId() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLResource
getId() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLResource
getIterator() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXResourceSet
getMembersAsResource() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXResourceSet
getName() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
getName() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollectionManagementService
getName() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXDatabase
getName() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXQueryService
getNamespace(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXQueryService
getParentCollection() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
getParentCollection() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLResource
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollectionManagementService
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXDatabase
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXQueryService
getResource(long) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXResourceSet
getResource(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
getResourceCount() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
getResourceType() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLResource
getService(String, String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
getServices() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
getSize() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXResourceSet
getStatus() - Method in exception org.basex.http.HTTPException
Returns the status code.
getVersion() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollectionManagementService
getVersion() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXQueryService


hasMoreResources() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXResourceIterator
HEAD_METHOD - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
header() - Method in class org.basex.BaseXHTTP
headerParams - Variable in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
Header Parameters.
HTTPConnection - Class in org.basex.http
Single HTTP connection.
HTTPContext - Class in org.basex.http
Global HTTP context information.
HTTPException - Exception in org.basex.http
HTTP exception.
HTTPStatus - Enum in org.basex.http
Enumeration with HTTP codes and error messages.


id - Variable in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
Client WebSocket id.
id() - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.ASession
Returns the session ID.
ID - Static variable in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsOptions
Custom id string.
ids() - Static method in class org.basex.http.SessionListener
Returns the ids of all connected sessions.
ids() - Static method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsPool
Returns the ids of all connected clients.
init(boolean) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebModules
Initializes the module cache.
init(ArrayList<FuncDefinition>) - Static method in enum org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
Adds function signatures to the list.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.basex.http.BaseXServlet
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.basex.http.webdav.WebDAVServlet
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsServlet
init(ServletContext) - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPContext
Initializes the HTTP context, based on the initial servlet context.
init(StaticOptions) - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPContext
Initializes the HTTP context with static options.
init(WebFunction, Object) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebResponse
Initializes the evaluation of the specified function and binds function arguments.
init(WebFunction, Object) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsResponse
INIT - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Init call.
initResponse() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Initializes the output and assigns the content type.
INV_CODE_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
INV_ENCODING_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
INV_ERR_TWICE_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
INV_NONS_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
INV_PRECEDENCE_X_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
INV_TEMPLATE_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
INV_VARNAME_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
isOpen() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestAddress
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestContextPath
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestHostname
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestMethod
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestPath
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestPort
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestQuery
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestRemoteAddress
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestRemoteHostname
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestRemotePort
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestScheme
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestSetAttribute
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestUri
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.rest.RestBaseUri
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.rest.RestInit
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.rest.RestUri
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.rest.RestWadl
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionAccessed
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionClientId
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionClose
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionCreated
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionDelete
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionId
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionSet
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsAccessed
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsClose
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsCreated
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsDelete
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsSet
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsBroadcast
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsClose
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsDelete
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsEmit
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsEval
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsId
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsPath
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsSend
item(QueryContext, InputInfo) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsSet
iterator() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXResourceIterator


listChildCollections() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
listResources() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
log(int, String) - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Writes a log message.


main(String...) - Static method in class org.basex.BaseXHTTP
Main method, launching the HTTP services.
matches(HTTPConnection, QNm, boolean) - Method in class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqFunction
Checks if an HTTP request matches this function and its constraints.
matches(Annotation, WsPath) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsFunction
Checks if an WebSocket request matches this annotation and path.
mediaType() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Returns the content type of a request as media type.
mediaType(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Returns the content type of a request as media type.
mediaType(SerializerOptions) - Static method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Returns the media type defined in the specified serialization parameters.
method - Variable in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Request method.
METHOD - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Permission token.
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED_X - org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Error 501, "Method not supported.".
METHOD_VALUE_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
module - Variable in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
Web module.
MULTIPLE_CONTEXTS - org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Error 400, "Multiple contexts supplied.".
MULTIPLE_OPS_X - org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Error 400, "Multiple operations supplied".


name - Variable in class org.basex.http.web.WebParam
Name of parameter.
names() - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.ASession
Returns all session attributes.
nextResource() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXResourceIterator
NO_DATABASE_SPECIFIED - org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Error: 404, "No path specified".
NO_RESTXQ_DIRECTORY - org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Error: 500, "RESTXQ path cannot be resolved.".
NO_VALUE_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
NONE - org.basex.http.web.WebResponse.Response
No response.
NOT_FOUND_X - org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Error: 404 (not found).


onWebSocketBinary(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
onWebSocketClose(int, String) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
onWebSocketConnect(Session) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
onWebSocketError(Throwable) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
onWebSocketText(String) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
org.basex - package org.basex
org.basex.api.xmldb - package org.basex.api.xmldb
org.basex.http - package org.basex.http
org.basex.http.rest - package org.basex.http.rest
org.basex.http.restxq - package org.basex.http.restxq
org.basex.http.web - package org.basex.http.web
org.basex.http.webdav - package org.basex.http.webdav
org.basex.http.ws - package org.basex.http.ws
org.basex.query.func - package org.basex.query.func
org.basex.query.func.request - package org.basex.query.func.request
org.basex.query.func.rest - package org.basex.query.func.rest
org.basex.query.func.session - package org.basex.query.func.session
org.basex.query.func.sessions - package org.basex.query.func.sessions
org.basex.query.func.ws - package org.basex.query.func.ws


PARAM_DUPL_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
PARAM_MISSING_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
parseAnnotations(Context) - Method in class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqFunction
parseAnnotations(Context) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
Checks a function for REST and permission annotations.
parseAnnotations(Context) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsFunction
parseArgs() - Method in class org.basex.BaseXHTTP
path - Variable in class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqFunction
Path (can be null).
path - Variable in class org.basex.http.web.WebPath
path - Variable in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
path - Variable in class org.basex.http.ws.WsFunction
Path of the function.
path() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Returns the URL path.
PATH - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Permission token.
PATH_CONFLICT_X_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
produces - Variable in class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqFunction
Returned media types.


Q_BASE - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Q_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Q_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Q_NAME - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Q_PATH - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Q_REASON - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Q_STATUS - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Q_STYLE - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Q_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Q_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
qc - Variable in class org.basex.http.web.WebResponse
Query context.
qc(Context) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebModule
Parses the module and returns the query context.
query(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXQueryService
queryResource(String, String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXQueryService
queryString() - Method in class org.basex.http.RequestContext
Returns the original query string.
queryStrings() - Method in class org.basex.http.RequestContext
Returns the query parameters as strings.
queryValues() - Method in class org.basex.http.RequestContext
Returns query parameters as XQuery values.


redirect(String) - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Sends a redirect.
remoteAddress(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Returns the content type of a request, or an empty string.
removeCollection(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollectionManagementService
removeNamespace(String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXQueryService
removeResource(long) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXResourceSet
removeResource(Resource) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
request - Variable in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
HTTP servlet request.
request - Variable in class org.basex.http.RequestContext
HTTP servlet request.
request(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ApiFunc
Returns the current HTTP servlet request.
RequestAddress - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestAddress() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestAddress
RequestAttribute - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestAttribute() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestAttribute
RequestAttributeNames - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestAttributeNames() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestAttributeNames
requestContext(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ApiFunc
Returns the current HTTP servlet request.
RequestContext - Class in org.basex.http
Request of an HTTP or WebSocket connection.
RequestContext(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.basex.http.RequestContext
Returns an immutable map with all query parameters.
RequestContextPath - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestContextPath() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestContextPath
RequestCookie - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestCookie() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestCookie
RequestCookieNames - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestCookieNames() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestCookieNames
requestCtx - Variable in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Request parameters.
RequestHeader - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestHeader() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestHeader
RequestHeaderNames - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestHeaderNames() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestHeaderNames
RequestHostname - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestHostname() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestHostname
RequestMethod - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestMethod() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestMethod
RequestParameter - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestParameter() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestParameter
RequestParameterNames - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestParameterNames() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestParameterNames
RequestPath - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestPath() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestPath
RequestPort - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestPort() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestPort
RequestQuery - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestQuery() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestQuery
RequestRemoteAddress - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestRemoteAddress() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestRemoteAddress
RequestRemoteHostname - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestRemoteHostname() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestRemoteHostname
RequestRemotePort - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestRemotePort() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestRemotePort
RequestScheme - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestScheme() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestScheme
RequestSetAttribute - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestSetAttribute() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestSetAttribute
RequestUri - Class in org.basex.query.func.request
Function implementation.
RequestUri() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestUri
resolve(String) - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Normalizes a redirection location.
response - Variable in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
HTTP servlet response.
RestBaseUri - Class in org.basex.query.func.rest
Function implementation.
RestBaseUri() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.rest.RestBaseUri
RestInit - Class in org.basex.query.func.rest
Function implementation.
RestInit() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.rest.RestInit
RESTServlet - Class in org.basex.http.rest
This servlet receives and processes REST requests.
RESTServlet() - Constructor for class org.basex.http.rest.RESTServlet
RestUri - Class in org.basex.query.func.rest
Function implementation.
RestUri() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.rest.RestUri
RestWadl - Class in org.basex.query.func.rest
Function implementation.
RestWadl() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.rest.RestWadl
restxq(HTTPConnection, QNm) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebModules
Returns a RESTXQ function that matches the current request or the specified error code best.
RESTXQ - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
RESTXQ string.
RestXqFunction - Class in org.basex.http.restxq
This class represents a single RESTXQ function.
RestXqFunction(StaticFunc, WebModule, QueryContext) - Constructor for class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqFunction
RestXqPerm - Class in org.basex.http.restxq
RESTXQ permissions.
RestXqServlet - Class in org.basex.http.restxq
This servlet receives and processes REST requests.
RestXqServlet() - Constructor for class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqServlet
RestXqWadl - Class in org.basex.http.restxq
This class returns a Web Application Description Language (WADL) document with available RESTXQ services.
RestXqWadl(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqWadl
run(HTTPConnection) - Method in class org.basex.http.BaseXServlet
Runs the code.
run(HTTPConnection) - Method in class org.basex.http.rest.RESTServlet
run(HTTPConnection) - Method in class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqServlet
run(HTTPConnection) - Method in class org.basex.http.webdav.WebDAVServlet


send(Value, String...) - Static method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsPool
Sends a message to a specific clients.
serialize(boolean) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebResponse
Serializes the response.
serialize(boolean) - Method in class org.basex.http.ws.WsResponse
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.basex.http.BaseXServlet
SERVICE_NOT_FOUND - org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Error: 404, "Service not found".
ServletListener - Class in org.basex.http
This class creates and destroys servlet contexts.
ServletListener() - Constructor for class org.basex.http.ServletListener
session - Variable in class org.basex.http.ws.WebSocket
HTTP Session.
SessionAccessed - Class in org.basex.query.func.session
Function implementation.
SessionAccessed() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionAccessed
SessionClientId - Class in org.basex.query.func.session
Function implementation.
SessionClientId() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionClientId
SessionClose - Class in org.basex.query.func.session
Function implementation.
SessionClose() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionClose
sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class org.basex.http.SessionListener
SessionCreated - Class in org.basex.query.func.session
Function implementation.
SessionCreated() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionCreated
SessionDelete - Class in org.basex.query.func.session
Function implementation.
SessionDelete() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionDelete
sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class org.basex.http.SessionListener
SessionGet - Class in org.basex.query.func.session
Function implementation.
SessionGet() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionGet
SessionId - Class in org.basex.query.func.session
Function implementation.
SessionId() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionId
SessionListener - Class in org.basex.http
This class creates and destroys HTTP sessions.
SessionListener() - Constructor for class org.basex.http.SessionListener
SessionNames - Class in org.basex.query.func.session
Function implementation.
SessionNames() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionNames
SessionsAccessed - Class in org.basex.query.func.sessions
Function implementation.
SessionsAccessed() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsAccessed
SessionsClose - Class in org.basex.query.func.sessions
Function implementation.
SessionsClose() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsClose
SessionsCreated - Class in org.basex.query.func.sessions
Function implementation.
SessionsCreated() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsCreated
SessionsDelete - Class in org.basex.query.func.sessions
Function implementation.
SessionsDelete() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsDelete
SessionSet - Class in org.basex.query.func.session
Function implementation.
SessionSet() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionSet
SessionsGet - Class in org.basex.query.func.sessions
Function implementation.
SessionsGet() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsGet
SessionsIds - Class in org.basex.query.func.sessions
Function implementation.
SessionsIds() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsIds
SessionsNames - Class in org.basex.query.func.sessions
Function implementation.
SessionsNames() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsNames
SessionsSet - Class in org.basex.query.func.sessions
Function implementation.
SessionsSet() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsSet
set(String, Value) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.ASession
Updates a session attribute.
setCollection(Collection) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollectionManagementService
setCollection(Collection) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXQueryService
setContent(Object) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLResource
setContentAsDOM(Node) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLResource
setContentAsSAX() - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLResource
setNamespace(String, String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXQueryService
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollectionManagementService
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXDatabase
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXQueryService
sopts - Variable in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
Serialization parameters.
sopts() - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Returns the serialization parameters.
sopts(SerializerOptions) - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Assigns serialization parameters.
STANDARD - org.basex.http.web.WebResponse.Response
Standard response.
start(String...) - Static method in class org.basex.BaseXHTTP
Starts the HTTP server in a separate process.
status(int, String, String) - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Sets a status and sends an info message.
stop() - Method in class org.basex.BaseXHTTP
Stops the server.
stop(String, int) - Static method in class org.basex.BaseXHTTP
Stops the server.
storeResource(Resource) - Method in class org.basex.api.xmldb.BXCollection


T_HTTP_HEADER - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
HTTP Header test.
T_HTTP_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
HTTP Response test.
T_OUTPUT_SERIAL - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Serializer node test.
T_REST_FORWARD - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
RESTXQ Forward test.
T_REST_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
RESTXQ Response test.
timing(QueryInfo) - Method in class org.basex.http.HTTPConnection
Sets profiling information.
toString() - Method in class org.basex.http.restxq.RestXqFunction
toString() - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
toString() - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebPath
toString() - Method in enum org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
toString(Item) - Static method in class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
Returns the specified item as a string.


UNEXP_NODE_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
UNKNOWN_PARAM_X - org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Error 400, "Unknown parameter".
UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.
usage() - Method in class org.basex.BaseXHTTP


value - Variable in class org.basex.http.web.WebParam
Default value.
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestAttribute
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestAttributeNames
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestCookie
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestCookieNames
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestHeader
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestHeaderNames
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestParameter
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.request.RequestParameterNames
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionGet
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.session.SessionNames
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsGet
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsIds
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.sessions.SessionsNames
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsGet
value(QueryContext) - Method in class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsIds
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.basex.http.web.WebResponse.Response
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.basex.http.HTTPStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.basex.http.web.WebResponse.Response
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
var - Variable in class org.basex.http.web.WebParam
Variable name.
VAR_UNDEFINED_X - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
Error message.


wadl(HttpServletRequest, Context) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebModules
Returns a WADL description for all available URIs.
WADL_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
WADL prefix.
WADL_URI - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
WADL namespace.
WebDAVLocks - Class in org.basex.http.webdav
WebDAV locks.
WebDAVServlet - Class in org.basex.http.webdav
WebDAV servlet.
WebDAVServlet() - Constructor for class org.basex.http.webdav.WebDAVServlet
WebFunction - Class in org.basex.http.web
This abstract class defines common methods of Web functions.
WebFunction(StaticFunc, WebModule, QueryContext) - Constructor for class org.basex.http.web.WebFunction
WebModule - Class in org.basex.http.web
This class caches information on a single XQuery module with relevant annotations.
WebModules - Class in org.basex.http.web
This class caches RESTXQ modules found in the HTTP root directory.
WebParam - Class in org.basex.http.web
This class contains a single Web parameter.
WebParam(QNm, String, Value) - Constructor for class org.basex.http.web.WebParam
WebPath - Class in org.basex.http.web
This abstract class represents the path of a Web function.
WebPath(String) - Constructor for class org.basex.http.web.WebPath
WebResponse - Class in org.basex.http.web
This abstract class defines common methods of Web responses.
WebResponse(Context) - Constructor for class org.basex.http.web.WebResponse
WebResponse.Response - Enum in org.basex.http.web
Response type.
websocket(WebSocket, Annotation) - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebModules
Returns the WebSocket function that matches the current request.
WebSocket - Class in org.basex.http.ws
This class defines an abstract WebSocket.
WEBSOCKET - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
WebSocket string.
WebText - Interface in org.basex.http.web
This class assembles texts which are used in the Web classes.
WsBroadcast - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
Function implementation.
WsBroadcast() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsBroadcast
WsClose - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
Function implementation.
WsClose() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsClose
WsCreator - Class in org.basex.http.ws
Custom WebSocket creator.
WsCreator() - Constructor for class org.basex.http.ws.WsCreator
WsDelete - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
Function implementation.
WsDelete() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsDelete
WsEmit - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
Function implementation.
WsEmit() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsEmit
WsEval - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
Function implementation.
WsEval() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsEval
WsFunction - Class in org.basex.http.ws
This class represents a single WebSocket function.
WsFunction(StaticFunc, WebModule, QueryContext) - Constructor for class org.basex.http.ws.WsFunction
wsFunctions() - Method in class org.basex.http.web.WebModule
Returns all WebSocket functions.
WsGet - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
Function implementation.
WsGet() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsGet
WsId - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
Function implementation.
WsId() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsId
WsIds - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
Function implementation.
WsIds() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsIds
WsOptions - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
WebSocket eval options.
WsOptions() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsOptions
WsPath - Class in org.basex.http.ws
This class represents the Path of a WebSocket endpoint.
WsPath - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
Function implementation.
WsPath() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsPath
WsPool - Class in org.basex.http.ws
This class defines a pool for WebSockets.
WsResponse - Class in org.basex.http.ws
Creates WebSocket responses.
WsSend - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
Function implementation.
WsSend() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsSend
WsServlet - Class in org.basex.http.ws
WebSocket servlet.
WsServlet() - Constructor for class org.basex.http.ws.WsServlet
WsSet - Class in org.basex.query.func.ws
Function implementation.
WsSet() - Constructor for class org.basex.query.func.ws.WsSet


XHTML_URL - Static variable in interface org.basex.http.web.WebText
XHTML namespace.
XMLDB - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
XMLDB Prefix.
XMLDBC - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText
XMLDB with colon.
XMLDBURI - Static variable in interface org.basex.api.xmldb.BXXMLDBText


_REQUEST_ADDRESS - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_CONTEXT_PATH - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_COOKIE - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_COOKIE_NAMES - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_HEADER - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_HEADER_NAMES - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_HOSTNAME - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_METHOD - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_PARAMETER - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_PARAMETER_NAMES - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_PATH - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_PORT - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_QUERY - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_REMOTE_ADDRESS - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_REMOTE_HOSTNAME - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_REMOTE_PORT - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_SCHEME - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_SET_ATTRIBUTE - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_REQUEST_URI - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_RESTXQ_BASE_URI - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_RESTXQ_INIT - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_RESTXQ_URI - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_RESTXQ_WADL - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSION_ACCESSED - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSION_CLIENT_ID - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSION_CLOSE - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSION_CREATED - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSION_DELETE - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSION_GET - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSION_ID - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSION_NAMES - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSION_SET - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSIONS_ACCESSED - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSIONS_CLOSE - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSIONS_CREATED - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSIONS_DELETE - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSIONS_GET - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSIONS_IDS - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSIONS_NAMES - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_SESSIONS_SET - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_WS_BROADCAST - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_WS_CLOSE - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_WS_DELETE - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_WS_EMIT - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_WS_EVAL - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_WS_GET - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_WS_ID - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_WS_IDS - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_WS_PATH - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_WS_SEND - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
_WS_SET - org.basex.query.func.ApiFunction
XQuery function.
A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W X _ 
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