Class Inline

  • public final class Inline
    extends Object
    This class converts tokens to a numeric value. The bytes of the inlined values are composed as follows:
     - Byte 0-2: unused
     - Byte 3: see bit layout in DiskData.
     - Byte 4: integer value or inlined whitespace token
    XML 1.0 whitespaces will be represented as follows:
     - 00: 0x0A (new line)
     - 01: 0x09 (tabulator)
     - 10: 0x20 (space)
     - 11: 0x0D (carriage return)
    BaseX Team 2005-23, BSD License, Christian Gruen
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static boolean inlined​(long value)
      Indicates if the specified value is inlined.
      static long pack​(byte[] token)
      Creates a numeric (inlined) representation of the specified token.
      static long packInt​(byte[] token)
      Converts the specified token into a positive integer value.
      static byte[] unpack​(long value)
      Converts an inlined value to a token.
      static double unpackDouble​(long value)
      Converts an inlined value to a double value.
      static int unpackLength​(long value)
      Returns the token length of the inlined value.
      static long unpackLong​(long value)
      Converts an inlined value to a long value.
    • Method Detail

      • pack

        public static long pack​(byte[] token)
        Creates a numeric (inlined) representation of the specified token.
        token - token to be inlined
        inlined value, or 0 if inlining is not possible
      • packInt

        public static long packInt​(byte[] token)
        Converts the specified token into a positive integer value.
        token - token to be converted
        inlined value, or -1 if value cannot be inlined
      • unpack

        public static byte[] unpack​(long value)
        Converts an inlined value to a token.
        value - inlined value
        unpacked token
      • unpackLong

        public static long unpackLong​(long value)
        Converts an inlined value to a long value.
        value - inlined value
        unpacked integer
      • unpackDouble

        public static double unpackDouble​(long value)
        Converts an inlined value to a double value.
        value - inlined value
        unpacked double
      • unpackLength

        public static int unpackLength​(long value)
        Returns the token length of the inlined value.
        value - inlined value
        length of unpacked token
      • inlined

        public static boolean inlined​(long value)
        Indicates if the specified value is inlined.
        value - value
        result of check