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accession - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
accession - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
aliases - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Alignment - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
Alignment() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Default constructor.
Alignment(String, Long, Long, Long, Integer, String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, String, String, Long, String, Long, Integer, String) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
All-args constructor.
Alignment.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for Alignment instances.
alignments - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
alleleCount - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
alleleFrequency - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
alleles - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Alphabet - Enum in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
alphabet - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
alphabet - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
alphabet - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
alternateAllele - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
alternateAllele - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
alternateReadDepth - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
ancestralAllele - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
annotation - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
assembly - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
attributes - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
attributes - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
attributes - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
attributes - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
attributes - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
attributes - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
attributes - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
attributes - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations


baseQRankSum - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
basesTrimmedFromEnd - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
basesTrimmedFromStart - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
BDG - Interface in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
BDG.Callback - Interface in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
biotype - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
build() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder


cdnaLength - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
cdnaPosition - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
cdsLength - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
cdsPosition - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
cigar - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
cigar - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
circular - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
clearAccession() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref.Builder
Clears the value of the 'accession' field.
clearAccession() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm.Builder
Clears the value of the 'accession' field.
clearAliases() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'aliases' field.
clearAlignments() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'alignments' field.
clearAlleleCount() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'alleleCount' field.
clearAlleleFrequency() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'alleleFrequency' field.
clearAlleles() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'alleles' field.
clearAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Clears the value of the 'alphabet' field.
clearAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Clears the value of the 'alphabet' field.
clearAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'alphabet' field.
clearAlternateAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'alternateAllele' field.
clearAlternateAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'alternateAllele' field.
clearAlternateReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'alternateReadDepth' field.
clearAncestralAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'ancestralAllele' field.
clearAnnotation() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'annotation' field.
clearAssembly() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Clears the value of the 'assembly' field.
clearAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'attributes' field.
clearAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'attributes' field.
clearAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Clears the value of the 'attributes' field.
clearAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Clears the value of the 'attributes' field.
clearAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Clears the value of the 'attributes' field.
clearAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'attributes' field.
clearAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'attributes' field.
clearAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'attributes' field.
clearBaseQRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'baseQRankSum' field.
clearBasesTrimmedFromEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'basesTrimmedFromEnd' field.
clearBasesTrimmedFromStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'basesTrimmedFromStart' field.
clearBiotype() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'biotype' field.
clearCdnaLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'cdnaLength' field.
clearCdnaPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'cdnaPosition' field.
clearCdsLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'cdsLength' field.
clearCdsPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'cdsPosition' field.
clearCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'cigar' field.
clearCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'cigar' field.
clearCircular() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'circular' field.
clearCommandLine() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Clears the value of the 'commandLine' field.
clearCulprit() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'culprit' field.
clearDb() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref.Builder
Clears the value of the 'db' field.
clearDb() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm.Builder
Clears the value of the 'db' field.
clearDbSnp() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'dbSnp' field.
clearDbxrefs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'dbxrefs' field.
clearDerivesFrom() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'derivesFrom' field.
clearDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Clears the value of the 'description' field.
clearDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Clears the value of the 'description' field.
clearDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'description' field.
clearDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Clears the value of the 'description' field.
clearDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'description' field.
clearDistance() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'distance' field.
clearDownsampled() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'downsampled' field.
clearDuplicateRead() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'duplicateRead' field.
clearEffects() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'effects' field.
clearEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'end' field.
clearEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'end' field.
clearEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'end' field.
clearEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'end' field.
clearEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'end' field.
clearExonId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'exonId' field.
clearExpectedAlleleDosage() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'expectedAlleleDosage' field.
clearFailedVendorQualityChecks() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'failedVendorQualityChecks' field.
clearFeatureId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'featureId' field.
clearFeatureId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'featureId' field.
clearFeatureType() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'featureType' field.
clearFeatureType() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'featureType' field.
clearFiltersApplied() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'filtersApplied' field.
clearFiltersApplied() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'filtersApplied' field.
clearFiltersFailed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'filtersFailed' field.
clearFiltersFailed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'filtersFailed' field.
clearFiltersPassed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'filtersPassed' field.
clearFiltersPassed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'filtersPassed' field.
clearFisherStrandBiasPValue() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'fisherStrandBiasPValue' field.
clearFlowOrder() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'flowOrder' field.
clearForwardReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'forwardReadDepth' field.
clearFrame() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'frame' field.
clearGap() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'gap' field.
clearGeneId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'geneId' field.
clearGeneId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'geneId' field.
clearGeneName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'geneName' field.
clearGenomicHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'genomicHgvs' field.
clearGenotypeLikelihoods() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'genotypeLikelihoods' field.
clearGenotypePosteriors() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'genotypePosteriors' field.
clearGenotypePriors() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'genotypePriors' field.
clearGenotypeQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'genotypeQuality' field.
clearHapMap2() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'hapMap2' field.
clearHapMap3() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'hapMap3' field.
clearId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Clears the value of the 'id' field.
clearId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'id' field.
clearId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Clears the value of the 'id' field.
clearIndex() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Clears the value of the 'index' field.
clearIndex() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'index' field.
clearInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'insertSize' field.
clearInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'insertSize' field.
clearKeySequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'keySequence' field.
clearLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Clears the value of the 'length' field.
clearLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Clears the value of the 'length' field.
clearLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Clears the value of the 'length' field.
clearLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'length' field.
clearLibrary() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'library' field.
clearMappingQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'mappingQuality' field.
clearMapq0Reads() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'mapq0Reads' field.
clearMateAlignmentStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'mateAlignmentStart' field.
clearMateMapped() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'mateMapped' field.
clearMateNegativeStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'mateNegativeStrand' field.
clearMateReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'mateReferenceName' field.
clearMd5() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Clears the value of the 'md5' field.
clearMessages() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'messages' field.
clearMinReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'minReadDepth' field.
clearMismatchingPositions() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'mismatchingPositions' field.
clearMqRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'mqRankSum' field.
clearName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'name' field.
clearName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'name' field.
clearName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Clears the value of the 'name' field.
clearName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Clears the value of the 'name' field.
clearName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Clears the value of the 'name' field.
clearName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Clears the value of the 'name' field.
clearName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'name' field.
clearNames() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'names' field.
clearNonReferenceLikelihoods() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'nonReferenceLikelihoods' field.
clearNotes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'notes' field.
clearOntologyTerms() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'ontologyTerms' field.
clearOriginalCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'originalCigar' field.
clearOriginalQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'originalQualityScores' field.
clearOriginalStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'originalStart' field.
clearParentIds() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'parentIds' field.
clearPhase() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'phase' field.
clearPhased() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'phased' field.
clearPhaseQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'phaseQuality' field.
clearPhaseSetId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'phaseSetId' field.
clearPlatform() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'platform' field.
clearPlatformModel() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'platformModel' field.
clearPlatformUnit() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'platformUnit' field.
clearPredictedMedianInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'predictedMedianInsertSize' field.
clearPreviousId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Clears the value of the 'previousId' field.
clearPrimaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'primaryAlignment' field.
clearProcessingDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'processingDescription' field.
clearProcessingSteps() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'processingSteps' field.
clearProcessingSteps() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Clears the value of the 'processingSteps' field.
clearProgramName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Clears the value of the 'programName' field.
clearProperPair() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'properPair' field.
clearProteinHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'proteinHgvs' field.
clearProteinLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'proteinLength' field.
clearProteinPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'proteinPosition' field.
clearQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'quality' field.
clearQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'qualityScores' field.
clearQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Clears the value of the 'qualityScores' field.
clearRank() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'rank' field.
clearReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'readDepth' field.
clearReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'readDepth' field.
clearReadGroupId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'readGroupId' field.
clearReadGroupId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'readGroupId' field.
clearReadGroupSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'readGroupSampleId' field.
clearReadInFragment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'readInFragment' field.
clearReadMapped() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'readMapped' field.
clearReadName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'readName' field.
clearReadNegativeStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'readNegativeStrand' field.
clearReadPaired() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'readPaired' field.
clearReadPositionRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'readPositionRankSum' field.
clearReferenceAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'referenceAllele' field.
clearReferenceForwardReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'referenceForwardReadDepth' field.
clearReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'referenceName' field.
clearReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'referenceName' field.
clearReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'referenceName' field.
clearReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'referenceName' field.
clearReferenceReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'referenceReadDepth' field.
clearReferenceReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'referenceReadDepth' field.
clearReferenceReverseReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'referenceReverseReadDepth' field.
clearReverseReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'reverseReadDepth' field.
clearRmsMapQ() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'rmsMapQ' field.
clearRunDateEpoch() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'runDateEpoch' field.
clearSampleDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'sampleDescription' field.
clearSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'sampleId' field.
clearSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'sampleId' field.
clearSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'sampleId' field.
clearScore() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'score' field.
clearSecondaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'secondaryAlignment' field.
clearSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'sequence' field.
clearSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Clears the value of the 'sequence' field.
clearSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Clears the value of the 'sequence' field.
clearSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'sequence' field.
clearSequencingCenter() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Clears the value of the 'sequencingCenter' field.
clearSlices() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'slices' field.
clearSomatic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'somatic' field.
clearSource() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'source' field.
clearSourceAccessions() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Clears the value of the 'sourceAccessions' field.
clearSourceUri() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Clears the value of the 'sourceUri' field.
clearSpecies() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Clears the value of the 'species' field.
clearSplitFromMultiAllelic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field.
clearSplitFromMultiAllelic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field.
clearStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'start' field.
clearStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'start' field.
clearStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'start' field.
clearStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'start' field.
clearStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Clears the value of the 'start' field.
clearStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'strand' field.
clearStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'strand' field.
clearStrandBiasComponents() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'strandBiasComponents' field.
clearSupplementaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Clears the value of the 'supplementaryAlignment' field.
clearTarget() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'target' field.
clearThousandGenomes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'thousandGenomes' field.
clearTotal() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'total' field.
clearTotalLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Clears the value of the 'totalLength' field.
clearTranscriptEffects() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'transcriptEffects' field.
clearTranscriptHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Clears the value of the 'transcriptHgvs' field.
clearTranscriptId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Clears the value of the 'transcriptId' field.
clearValidated() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Clears the value of the 'validated' field.
clearVariant() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'variant' field.
clearVariantCallingAnnotations() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Clears the value of the 'variantCallingAnnotations' field.
clearVersion() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Clears the value of the 'version' field.
clearVqslod() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Clears the value of the 'vqslod' field.
commandLine - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
createDecoder(SchemaStore) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.
culprit - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations


db - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
db - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
dbSnp - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Dbxref - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
Dbxref() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Default constructor.
Dbxref(String, String) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
All-args constructor.
Dbxref.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for Dbxref instances.
dbxrefs - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
derivesFrom - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
description - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
description - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
description - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
description - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
description - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
distance - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
downsampled - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
duplicateRead - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment


effects - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
end - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
end - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
end - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
end - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
end - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
exonId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
expectedAlleleDosage - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype


failedVendorQualityChecks - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Feature - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
Feature() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Default constructor.
Feature(String, String, String, String, String, String, Long, Long, Strand, Integer, Integer, Double, String, String, String, List<String>, List<String>, String, String, String, List<String>, List<Dbxref>, List<OntologyTerm>, Boolean, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
All-args constructor.
Feature.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for Feature instances.
featureId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
featureId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
featureType - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
featureType - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
filtersApplied - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
filtersApplied - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
filtersFailed - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
filtersFailed - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
filtersPassed - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
filtersPassed - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
fisherStrandBiasPValue - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
flowOrder - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
forwardReadDepth - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Fragment - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
Fragment() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Default constructor.
Fragment(String, String, Integer, List<Alignment>) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
All-args constructor.
Fragment.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for Fragment instances.
frame - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Deserializes a Alignment from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Deserializes a Dbxref from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Deserializes a Feature from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Deserializes a Fragment from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Deserializes a Genotype from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Deserializes a OntologyTerm from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Deserializes a ProcessingStep from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Deserializes a Read from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Deserializes a ReadGroup from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Deserializes a Reference from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Deserializes a Sample from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Deserializes a Sequence from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Deserializes a Slice from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Deserializes a TranscriptEffect from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Deserializes a Variant from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Deserializes a VariantAnnotation from a ByteBuffer.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Deserializes a VariantCallingAnnotations from a ByteBuffer.


gap - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
geneId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
geneId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
geneName - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
genomicHgvs - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Genotype - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
Genotype() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Default constructor.
Genotype(Variant, String, Long, Long, VariantCallingAnnotations, String, String, String, List<GenotypeAllele>, Float, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Integer>, Boolean, Boolean, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
All-args constructor.
Genotype.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for Genotype instances.
GenotypeAllele - Enum in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
genotypeLikelihoods - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
genotypePosteriors - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
genotypePriors - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
genotypeQuality - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
GenotypeType - Enum in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
get(int) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
getAccession() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref.Builder
Gets the value of the 'accession' field.
getAccession() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Gets the value of the 'accession' field.
getAccession() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm.Builder
Gets the value of the 'accession' field.
getAccession() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Gets the value of the 'accession' field.
getAliases() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'aliases' field.
getAliases() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'aliases' field.
getAlignments() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'alignments' field.
getAlignments() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Gets the value of the 'alignments' field.
getAlleleCount() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'alleleCount' field.
getAlleleCount() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'alleleCount' field.
getAlleleFrequency() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'alleleFrequency' field.
getAlleleFrequency() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'alleleFrequency' field.
getAlleles() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'alleles' field.
getAlleles() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'alleles' field.
getAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Gets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
getAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Gets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
getAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Gets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
getAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Gets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
getAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
getAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
getAlternateAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'alternateAllele' field.
getAlternateAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'alternateAllele' field.
getAlternateAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'alternateAllele' field.
getAlternateAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'alternateAllele' field.
getAlternateReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'alternateReadDepth' field.
getAlternateReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'alternateReadDepth' field.
getAncestralAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'ancestralAllele' field.
getAncestralAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'ancestralAllele' field.
getAnnotation() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'annotation' field.
getAnnotation() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'annotation' field.
getAnnotationBuilder() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the Builder instance for the 'annotation' field and creates one if it doesn't exist yet.
getAssembly() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Gets the value of the 'assembly' field.
getAssembly() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Gets the value of the 'assembly' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'attributes' field.
getBaseQRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'baseQRankSum' field.
getBaseQRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'baseQRankSum' field.
getBasesTrimmedFromEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'basesTrimmedFromEnd' field.
getBasesTrimmedFromEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'basesTrimmedFromEnd' field.
getBasesTrimmedFromStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'basesTrimmedFromStart' field.
getBasesTrimmedFromStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'basesTrimmedFromStart' field.
getBiotype() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'biotype' field.
getBiotype() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'biotype' field.
getCdnaLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'cdnaLength' field.
getCdnaLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'cdnaLength' field.
getCdnaPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'cdnaPosition' field.
getCdnaPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'cdnaPosition' field.
getCdsLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'cdsLength' field.
getCdsLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'cdsLength' field.
getCdsPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'cdsPosition' field.
getCdsPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'cdsPosition' field.
getCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'cigar' field.
getCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'cigar' field.
getCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'cigar' field.
getCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'cigar' field.
getCircular() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'circular' field.
getCircular() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'circular' field.
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
getClassSchema() - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alphabet
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
getClassSchema() - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.GenotypeAllele
getClassSchema() - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.GenotypeType
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
getClassSchema() - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Strand
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
getClassSchema() - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotationMessage
getClassSchema() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
getCommandLine() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Gets the value of the 'commandLine' field.
getCommandLine() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Gets the value of the 'commandLine' field.
getCulprit() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'culprit' field.
getCulprit() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'culprit' field.
getDb() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref.Builder
Gets the value of the 'db' field.
getDb() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Gets the value of the 'db' field.
getDb() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm.Builder
Gets the value of the 'db' field.
getDb() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Gets the value of the 'db' field.
getDbSnp() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'dbSnp' field.
getDbSnp() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'dbSnp' field.
getDbxrefs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'dbxrefs' field.
getDbxrefs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'dbxrefs' field.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDecoder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
getDerivesFrom() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'derivesFrom' field.
getDerivesFrom() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'derivesFrom' field.
getDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Gets the value of the 'description' field.
getDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Gets the value of the 'description' field.
getDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Gets the value of the 'description' field.
getDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Gets the value of the 'description' field.
getDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'description' field.
getDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'description' field.
getDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Gets the value of the 'description' field.
getDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Gets the value of the 'description' field.
getDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'description' field.
getDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'description' field.
getDistance() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'distance' field.
getDistance() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'distance' field.
getDownsampled() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'downsampled' field.
getDownsampled() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'downsampled' field.
getDuplicateRead() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'duplicateRead' field.
getDuplicateRead() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'duplicateRead' field.
getEffects() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'effects' field.
getEffects() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'effects' field.
getEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'end' field.
getEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'end' field.
getEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'end' field.
getEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'end' field.
getEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'end' field.
getEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'end' field.
getEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'end' field.
getEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'end' field.
getEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'end' field.
getEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'end' field.
getExonId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'exonId' field.
getExonId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'exonId' field.
getExpectedAlleleDosage() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'expectedAlleleDosage' field.
getExpectedAlleleDosage() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'expectedAlleleDosage' field.
getFailedVendorQualityChecks() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'failedVendorQualityChecks' field.
getFailedVendorQualityChecks() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'failedVendorQualityChecks' field.
getFeatureId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'featureId' field.
getFeatureId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'featureId' field.
getFeatureId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'featureId' field.
getFeatureId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'featureId' field.
getFeatureType() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'featureType' field.
getFeatureType() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'featureType' field.
getFeatureType() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'featureType' field.
getFeatureType() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'featureType' field.
getFiltersApplied() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'filtersApplied' field.
getFiltersApplied() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'filtersApplied' field.
getFiltersApplied() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'filtersApplied' field.
getFiltersApplied() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'filtersApplied' field.
getFiltersFailed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'filtersFailed' field.
getFiltersFailed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'filtersFailed' field.
getFiltersFailed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'filtersFailed' field.
getFiltersFailed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'filtersFailed' field.
getFiltersPassed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'filtersPassed' field.
getFiltersPassed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'filtersPassed' field.
getFiltersPassed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'filtersPassed' field.
getFiltersPassed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'filtersPassed' field.
getFisherStrandBiasPValue() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'fisherStrandBiasPValue' field.
getFisherStrandBiasPValue() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'fisherStrandBiasPValue' field.
getFlowOrder() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'flowOrder' field.
getFlowOrder() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'flowOrder' field.
getForwardReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'forwardReadDepth' field.
getForwardReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'forwardReadDepth' field.
getFrame() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'frame' field.
getFrame() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'frame' field.
getGap() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'gap' field.
getGap() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'gap' field.
getGeneId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'geneId' field.
getGeneId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'geneId' field.
getGeneId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'geneId' field.
getGeneId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'geneId' field.
getGeneName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'geneName' field.
getGeneName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'geneName' field.
getGenomicHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'genomicHgvs' field.
getGenomicHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'genomicHgvs' field.
getGenotypeLikelihoods() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'genotypeLikelihoods' field.
getGenotypeLikelihoods() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'genotypeLikelihoods' field.
getGenotypePosteriors() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'genotypePosteriors' field.
getGenotypePosteriors() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'genotypePosteriors' field.
getGenotypePriors() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'genotypePriors' field.
getGenotypePriors() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'genotypePriors' field.
getGenotypeQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'genotypeQuality' field.
getGenotypeQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'genotypeQuality' field.
getHapMap2() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'hapMap2' field.
getHapMap2() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'hapMap2' field.
getHapMap3() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'hapMap3' field.
getHapMap3() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'hapMap3' field.
getId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Gets the value of the 'id' field.
getId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Gets the value of the 'id' field.
getId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'id' field.
getId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'id' field.
getId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Gets the value of the 'id' field.
getId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Gets the value of the 'id' field.
getIndex() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Gets the value of the 'index' field.
getIndex() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Gets the value of the 'index' field.
getIndex() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'index' field.
getIndex() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'index' field.
getInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'insertSize' field.
getInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'insertSize' field.
getInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'insertSize' field.
getInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Gets the value of the 'insertSize' field.
getKeySequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'keySequence' field.
getKeySequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'keySequence' field.
getLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Gets the value of the 'length' field.
getLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Gets the value of the 'length' field.
getLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Gets the value of the 'length' field.
getLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Gets the value of the 'length' field.
getLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Gets the value of the 'length' field.
getLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Gets the value of the 'length' field.
getLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'length' field.
getLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'length' field.
getLibrary() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'library' field.
getLibrary() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'library' field.
getMappingQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'mappingQuality' field.
getMappingQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'mappingQuality' field.
getMapq0Reads() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'mapq0Reads' field.
getMapq0Reads() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'mapq0Reads' field.
getMateAlignmentStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'mateAlignmentStart' field.
getMateAlignmentStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'mateAlignmentStart' field.
getMateMapped() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'mateMapped' field.
getMateMapped() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'mateMapped' field.
getMateNegativeStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'mateNegativeStrand' field.
getMateNegativeStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'mateNegativeStrand' field.
getMateReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'mateReferenceName' field.
getMateReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'mateReferenceName' field.
getMd5() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Gets the value of the 'md5' field.
getMd5() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Gets the value of the 'md5' field.
getMessages() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'messages' field.
getMessages() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'messages' field.
getMinReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'minReadDepth' field.
getMinReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'minReadDepth' field.
getMismatchingPositions() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'mismatchingPositions' field.
getMismatchingPositions() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'mismatchingPositions' field.
getMqRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'mqRankSum' field.
getMqRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'mqRankSum' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getNames() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'names' field.
getNames() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'names' field.
getNonReferenceLikelihoods() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'nonReferenceLikelihoods' field.
getNonReferenceLikelihoods() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'nonReferenceLikelihoods' field.
getNotes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'notes' field.
getNotes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'notes' field.
getOntologyTerms() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'ontologyTerms' field.
getOntologyTerms() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'ontologyTerms' field.
getOriginalCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'originalCigar' field.
getOriginalCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'originalCigar' field.
getOriginalQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'originalQualityScores' field.
getOriginalQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'originalQualityScores' field.
getOriginalStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'originalStart' field.
getOriginalStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'originalStart' field.
getParentIds() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'parentIds' field.
getParentIds() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'parentIds' field.
getPhase() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'phase' field.
getPhase() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'phase' field.
getPhased() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'phased' field.
getPhased() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'phased' field.
getPhaseQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'phaseQuality' field.
getPhaseQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'phaseQuality' field.
getPhaseSetId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'phaseSetId' field.
getPhaseSetId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'phaseSetId' field.
getPlatform() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'platform' field.
getPlatform() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'platform' field.
getPlatformModel() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'platformModel' field.
getPlatformModel() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'platformModel' field.
getPlatformUnit() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'platformUnit' field.
getPlatformUnit() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'platformUnit' field.
getPredictedMedianInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'predictedMedianInsertSize' field.
getPredictedMedianInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'predictedMedianInsertSize' field.
getPreviousId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Gets the value of the 'previousId' field.
getPreviousId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Gets the value of the 'previousId' field.
getPrimaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'primaryAlignment' field.
getPrimaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'primaryAlignment' field.
getProcessingDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'processingDescription' field.
getProcessingDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'processingDescription' field.
getProcessingSteps() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'processingSteps' field.
getProcessingSteps() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'processingSteps' field.
getProcessingSteps() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Gets the value of the 'processingSteps' field.
getProcessingSteps() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Gets the value of the 'processingSteps' field.
getProgramName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Gets the value of the 'programName' field.
getProgramName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Gets the value of the 'programName' field.
getProperPair() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'properPair' field.
getProperPair() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'properPair' field.
getProteinHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'proteinHgvs' field.
getProteinHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'proteinHgvs' field.
getProteinLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'proteinLength' field.
getProteinLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'proteinLength' field.
getProteinPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'proteinPosition' field.
getProteinPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'proteinPosition' field.
getQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'quality' field.
getQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'quality' field.
getQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'qualityScores' field.
getQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'qualityScores' field.
getQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Gets the value of the 'qualityScores' field.
getQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Gets the value of the 'qualityScores' field.
getRank() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'rank' field.
getRank() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'rank' field.
getReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'readDepth' field.
getReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'readDepth' field.
getReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'readDepth' field.
getReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'readDepth' field.
getReadGroupId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'readGroupId' field.
getReadGroupId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'readGroupId' field.
getReadGroupId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'readGroupId' field.
getReadGroupId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Gets the value of the 'readGroupId' field.
getReadGroupSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'readGroupSampleId' field.
getReadGroupSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'readGroupSampleId' field.
getReadInFragment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'readInFragment' field.
getReadInFragment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'readInFragment' field.
getReadMapped() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'readMapped' field.
getReadMapped() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'readMapped' field.
getReadName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'readName' field.
getReadName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'readName' field.
getReadNegativeStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'readNegativeStrand' field.
getReadNegativeStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'readNegativeStrand' field.
getReadPaired() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'readPaired' field.
getReadPaired() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'readPaired' field.
getReadPositionRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'readPositionRankSum' field.
getReadPositionRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'readPositionRankSum' field.
getReferenceAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'referenceAllele' field.
getReferenceAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'referenceAllele' field.
getReferenceForwardReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'referenceForwardReadDepth' field.
getReferenceForwardReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'referenceForwardReadDepth' field.
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
getReferenceReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'referenceReadDepth' field.
getReferenceReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'referenceReadDepth' field.
getReferenceReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'referenceReadDepth' field.
getReferenceReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'referenceReadDepth' field.
getReferenceReverseReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'referenceReverseReadDepth' field.
getReferenceReverseReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'referenceReverseReadDepth' field.
getReverseReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'reverseReadDepth' field.
getReverseReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'reverseReadDepth' field.
getRmsMapQ() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'rmsMapQ' field.
getRmsMapQ() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'rmsMapQ' field.
getRunDateEpoch() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'runDateEpoch' field.
getRunDateEpoch() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'runDateEpoch' field.
getSampleDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'sampleDescription' field.
getSampleDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'sampleDescription' field.
getSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
getSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
getSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
getSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
getSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
getSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
getSchema() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
getScore() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'score' field.
getScore() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'score' field.
getSecondaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'secondaryAlignment' field.
getSecondaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'secondaryAlignment' field.
getSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'sequence' field.
getSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'sequence' field.
getSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Gets the value of the 'sequence' field.
getSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Gets the value of the 'sequence' field.
getSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Gets the value of the 'sequence' field.
getSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Gets the value of the 'sequence' field.
getSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'sequence' field.
getSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'sequence' field.
getSequencingCenter() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Gets the value of the 'sequencingCenter' field.
getSequencingCenter() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Gets the value of the 'sequencingCenter' field.
getSlices() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'slices' field.
getSlices() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'slices' field.
getSomatic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'somatic' field.
getSomatic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'somatic' field.
getSource() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'source' field.
getSource() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'source' field.
getSourceAccessions() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Gets the value of the 'sourceAccessions' field.
getSourceAccessions() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Gets the value of the 'sourceAccessions' field.
getSourceUri() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Gets the value of the 'sourceUri' field.
getSourceUri() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Gets the value of the 'sourceUri' field.
getSpecies() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Gets the value of the 'species' field.
getSpecies() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Gets the value of the 'species' field.
getSplitFromMultiAllelic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field.
getSplitFromMultiAllelic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field.
getSplitFromMultiAllelic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field.
getSplitFromMultiAllelic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field.
getStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'start' field.
getStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'start' field.
getStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'start' field.
getStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'start' field.
getStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'start' field.
getStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'start' field.
getStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'start' field.
getStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'start' field.
getStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Gets the value of the 'start' field.
getStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Gets the value of the 'start' field.
getStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'strand' field.
getStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'strand' field.
getStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'strand' field.
getStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'strand' field.
getStrandBiasComponents() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'strandBiasComponents' field.
getStrandBiasComponents() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'strandBiasComponents' field.
getSupplementaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Gets the value of the 'supplementaryAlignment' field.
getSupplementaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Gets the value of the 'supplementaryAlignment' field.
getTarget() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'target' field.
getTarget() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'target' field.
getThousandGenomes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'thousandGenomes' field.
getThousandGenomes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'thousandGenomes' field.
getTotal() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'total' field.
getTotal() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'total' field.
getTotalLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Gets the value of the 'totalLength' field.
getTotalLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Gets the value of the 'totalLength' field.
getTranscriptEffects() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'transcriptEffects' field.
getTranscriptEffects() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'transcriptEffects' field.
getTranscriptHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Gets the value of the 'transcriptHgvs' field.
getTranscriptHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Gets the value of the 'transcriptHgvs' field.
getTranscriptId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Gets the value of the 'transcriptId' field.
getTranscriptId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Gets the value of the 'transcriptId' field.
getValidated() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Gets the value of the 'validated' field.
getValidated() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Gets the value of the 'validated' field.
getVariant() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'variant' field.
getVariant() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'variant' field.
getVariantBuilder() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the Builder instance for the 'variant' field and creates one if it doesn't exist yet.
getVariantCallingAnnotations() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the value of the 'variantCallingAnnotations' field.
getVariantCallingAnnotations() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Gets the value of the 'variantCallingAnnotations' field.
getVariantCallingAnnotationsBuilder() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Gets the Builder instance for the 'variantCallingAnnotations' field and creates one if it doesn't exist yet.
getVersion() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Gets the value of the 'version' field.
getVersion() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Gets the value of the 'version' field.
getVqslod() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Gets the value of the 'vqslod' field.
getVqslod() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Gets the value of the 'vqslod' field.


hapMap2 - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
hapMap3 - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
hasAccession() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref.Builder
Checks whether the 'accession' field has been set.
hasAccession() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm.Builder
Checks whether the 'accession' field has been set.
hasAliases() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'aliases' field has been set.
hasAlignments() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Checks whether the 'alignments' field has been set.
hasAlleleCount() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'alleleCount' field has been set.
hasAlleleFrequency() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'alleleFrequency' field has been set.
hasAlleles() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'alleles' field has been set.
hasAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Checks whether the 'alphabet' field has been set.
hasAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Checks whether the 'alphabet' field has been set.
hasAlphabet() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'alphabet' field has been set.
hasAlternateAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'alternateAllele' field has been set.
hasAlternateAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'alternateAllele' field has been set.
hasAlternateReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'alternateReadDepth' field has been set.
hasAncestralAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'ancestralAllele' field has been set.
hasAnnotation() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'annotation' field has been set.
hasAnnotationBuilder() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'annotation' field has an active Builder instance Annotation for this variant, if any.
hasAssembly() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Checks whether the 'assembly' field has been set.
hasAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'attributes' field has been set.
hasAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'attributes' field has been set.
hasAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Checks whether the 'attributes' field has been set.
hasAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Checks whether the 'attributes' field has been set.
hasAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Checks whether the 'attributes' field has been set.
hasAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'attributes' field has been set.
hasAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'attributes' field has been set.
hasAttributes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'attributes' field has been set.
hasBaseQRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'baseQRankSum' field has been set.
hasBasesTrimmedFromEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'basesTrimmedFromEnd' field has been set.
hasBasesTrimmedFromStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'basesTrimmedFromStart' field has been set.
hasBiotype() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'biotype' field has been set.
hasCdnaLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'cdnaLength' field has been set.
hasCdnaPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'cdnaPosition' field has been set.
hasCdsLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'cdsLength' field has been set.
hasCdsPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'cdsPosition' field has been set.
hasCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'cigar' field has been set.
hasCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'cigar' field has been set.
hasCircular() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'circular' field has been set.
hasCommandLine() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Checks whether the 'commandLine' field has been set.
hasCulprit() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'culprit' field has been set.
hasDb() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref.Builder
Checks whether the 'db' field has been set.
hasDb() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm.Builder
Checks whether the 'db' field has been set.
hasDbSnp() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'dbSnp' field has been set.
hasDbxrefs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'dbxrefs' field has been set.
hasDerivesFrom() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'derivesFrom' field has been set.
hasDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Checks whether the 'description' field has been set.
hasDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Checks whether the 'description' field has been set.
hasDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'description' field has been set.
hasDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Checks whether the 'description' field has been set.
hasDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'description' field has been set.
hasDistance() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'distance' field has been set.
hasDownsampled() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'downsampled' field has been set.
hasDuplicateRead() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'duplicateRead' field has been set.
hasEffects() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'effects' field has been set.
hasEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'end' field has been set.
hasEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'end' field has been set.
hasEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'end' field has been set.
hasEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'end' field has been set.
hasEnd() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'end' field has been set.
hasExonId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'exonId' field has been set.
hasExpectedAlleleDosage() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'expectedAlleleDosage' field has been set.
hasFailedVendorQualityChecks() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'failedVendorQualityChecks' field has been set.
hasFeatureId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'featureId' field has been set.
hasFeatureId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'featureId' field has been set.
hasFeatureType() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'featureType' field has been set.
hasFeatureType() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'featureType' field has been set.
hasFiltersApplied() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'filtersApplied' field has been set.
hasFiltersApplied() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'filtersApplied' field has been set.
hasFiltersFailed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'filtersFailed' field has been set.
hasFiltersFailed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'filtersFailed' field has been set.
hasFiltersPassed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'filtersPassed' field has been set.
hasFiltersPassed() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'filtersPassed' field has been set.
hasFisherStrandBiasPValue() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'fisherStrandBiasPValue' field has been set.
hasFlowOrder() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'flowOrder' field has been set.
hasForwardReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'forwardReadDepth' field has been set.
hasFrame() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'frame' field has been set.
hasGap() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'gap' field has been set.
hasGeneId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'geneId' field has been set.
hasGeneId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'geneId' field has been set.
hasGeneName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'geneName' field has been set.
hasGenomicHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'genomicHgvs' field has been set.
hasGenotypeLikelihoods() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'genotypeLikelihoods' field has been set.
hasGenotypePosteriors() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'genotypePosteriors' field has been set.
hasGenotypePriors() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'genotypePriors' field has been set.
hasGenotypeQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'genotypeQuality' field has been set.
hasHapMap2() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'hapMap2' field has been set.
hasHapMap3() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'hapMap3' field has been set.
hasId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Checks whether the 'id' field has been set.
hasId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'id' field has been set.
hasId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Checks whether the 'id' field has been set.
hasIndex() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Checks whether the 'index' field has been set.
hasIndex() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'index' field has been set.
hasInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'insertSize' field has been set.
hasInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Checks whether the 'insertSize' field has been set.
hasKeySequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'keySequence' field has been set.
hasLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Checks whether the 'length' field has been set.
hasLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Checks whether the 'length' field has been set.
hasLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Checks whether the 'length' field has been set.
hasLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'length' field has been set.
hasLibrary() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'library' field has been set.
hasMappingQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'mappingQuality' field has been set.
hasMapq0Reads() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'mapq0Reads' field has been set.
hasMateAlignmentStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'mateAlignmentStart' field has been set.
hasMateMapped() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'mateMapped' field has been set.
hasMateNegativeStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'mateNegativeStrand' field has been set.
hasMateReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'mateReferenceName' field has been set.
hasMd5() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Checks whether the 'md5' field has been set.
hasMessages() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'messages' field has been set.
hasMinReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'minReadDepth' field has been set.
hasMismatchingPositions() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'mismatchingPositions' field has been set.
hasMqRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'mqRankSum' field has been set.
hasName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'name' field has been set.
hasName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Checks whether the 'name' field has been set.
hasName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Checks whether the 'name' field has been set.
hasName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Checks whether the 'name' field has been set.
hasName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Checks whether the 'name' field has been set.
hasName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Checks whether the 'name' field has been set.
hasName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'name' field has been set.
hasNames() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'names' field has been set.
hasNonReferenceLikelihoods() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'nonReferenceLikelihoods' field has been set.
hasNotes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'notes' field has been set.
hasOntologyTerms() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'ontologyTerms' field has been set.
hasOriginalCigar() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'originalCigar' field has been set.
hasOriginalQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'originalQualityScores' field has been set.
hasOriginalStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'originalStart' field has been set.
hasParentIds() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'parentIds' field has been set.
hasPhase() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'phase' field has been set.
hasPhased() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'phased' field has been set.
hasPhaseQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'phaseQuality' field has been set.
hasPhaseSetId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'phaseSetId' field has been set.
hasPlatform() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'platform' field has been set.
hasPlatformModel() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'platformModel' field has been set.
hasPlatformUnit() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'platformUnit' field has been set.
hasPredictedMedianInsertSize() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'predictedMedianInsertSize' field has been set.
hasPreviousId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Checks whether the 'previousId' field has been set.
hasPrimaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'primaryAlignment' field has been set.
hasProcessingDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'processingDescription' field has been set.
hasProcessingSteps() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'processingSteps' field has been set.
hasProcessingSteps() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Checks whether the 'processingSteps' field has been set.
hasProgramName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Checks whether the 'programName' field has been set.
hasProperPair() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'properPair' field has been set.
hasProteinHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'proteinHgvs' field has been set.
hasProteinLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'proteinLength' field has been set.
hasProteinPosition() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'proteinPosition' field has been set.
hasQuality() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'quality' field has been set.
hasQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'qualityScores' field has been set.
hasQualityScores() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Checks whether the 'qualityScores' field has been set.
hasRank() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'rank' field has been set.
hasReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'readDepth' field has been set.
hasReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'readDepth' field has been set.
hasReadGroupId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'readGroupId' field has been set.
hasReadGroupId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Checks whether the 'readGroupId' field has been set.
hasReadGroupSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'readGroupSampleId' field has been set.
hasReadInFragment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'readInFragment' field has been set.
hasReadMapped() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'readMapped' field has been set.
hasReadName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'readName' field has been set.
hasReadNegativeStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'readNegativeStrand' field has been set.
hasReadPaired() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'readPaired' field has been set.
hasReadPositionRankSum() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'readPositionRankSum' field has been set.
hasReferenceAllele() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'referenceAllele' field has been set.
hasReferenceForwardReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'referenceForwardReadDepth' field has been set.
hasReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'referenceName' field has been set.
hasReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'referenceName' field has been set.
hasReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'referenceName' field has been set.
hasReferenceName() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'referenceName' field has been set.
hasReferenceReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'referenceReadDepth' field has been set.
hasReferenceReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'referenceReadDepth' field has been set.
hasReferenceReverseReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'referenceReverseReadDepth' field has been set.
hasReverseReadDepth() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'reverseReadDepth' field has been set.
hasRmsMapQ() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'rmsMapQ' field has been set.
hasRunDateEpoch() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'runDateEpoch' field has been set.
hasSampleDescription() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'sampleDescription' field has been set.
hasSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'sampleId' field has been set.
hasSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'sampleId' field has been set.
hasSampleId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'sampleId' field has been set.
hasScore() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'score' field has been set.
hasSecondaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'secondaryAlignment' field has been set.
hasSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'sequence' field has been set.
hasSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Checks whether the 'sequence' field has been set.
hasSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Checks whether the 'sequence' field has been set.
hasSequence() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'sequence' field has been set.
hasSequencingCenter() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Checks whether the 'sequencingCenter' field has been set.
hasSlices() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'slices' field has been set.
hasSomatic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'somatic' field has been set.
hasSource() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'source' field has been set.
hasSourceAccessions() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Checks whether the 'sourceAccessions' field has been set.
hasSourceUri() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Checks whether the 'sourceUri' field has been set.
hasSpecies() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Checks whether the 'species' field has been set.
hasSplitFromMultiAllelic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field has been set.
hasSplitFromMultiAllelic() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field has been set.
hasStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'start' field has been set.
hasStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'start' field has been set.
hasStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'start' field has been set.
hasStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'start' field has been set.
hasStart() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Checks whether the 'start' field has been set.
hasStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'strand' field has been set.
hasStrand() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'strand' field has been set.
hasStrandBiasComponents() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'strandBiasComponents' field has been set.
hasSupplementaryAlignment() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Checks whether the 'supplementaryAlignment' field has been set.
hasTarget() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'target' field has been set.
hasThousandGenomes() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'thousandGenomes' field has been set.
hasTotal() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'total' field has been set.
hasTotalLength() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Checks whether the 'totalLength' field has been set.
hasTranscriptEffects() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'transcriptEffects' field has been set.
hasTranscriptHgvs() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Checks whether the 'transcriptHgvs' field has been set.
hasTranscriptId() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Checks whether the 'transcriptId' field has been set.
hasValidated() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Checks whether the 'validated' field has been set.
hasVariant() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'variant' field has been set.
hasVariantBuilder() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'variant' field has an active Builder instance The variant called at this site.
hasVariantCallingAnnotations() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'variantCallingAnnotations' field has been set.
hasVariantCallingAnnotationsBuilder() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Checks whether the 'variantCallingAnnotations' field has an active Builder instance Statistics collected at this site, if available.
hasVersion() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Checks whether the 'version' field has been set.
hasVqslod() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Checks whether the 'vqslod' field has been set.


id - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
id - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
id - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
index - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
index - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
insertSize - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
insertSize - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment


keySequence - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup


length - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
length - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
length - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
length - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
library - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup


mappingQuality - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
mapq0Reads - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
mateAlignmentStart - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
mateMapped - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
mateNegativeStrand - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
mateReferenceName - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
md5 - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
messages - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
minReadDepth - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
mismatchingPositions - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
mqRankSum - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations


name - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
name - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
name - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
name - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
name - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
name - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
name - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
names - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Creates a new Alignment RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(Alignment.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Creates a new Alignment RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(Alignment) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Creates a new Alignment RecordBuilder by copying an existing Alignment instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Creates a new Dbxref RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(Dbxref.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Creates a new Dbxref RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(Dbxref) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Creates a new Dbxref RecordBuilder by copying an existing Dbxref instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Creates a new Feature RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(Feature.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Creates a new Feature RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(Feature) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Creates a new Feature RecordBuilder by copying an existing Feature instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Creates a new Fragment RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(Fragment.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Creates a new Fragment RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(Fragment) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Creates a new Fragment RecordBuilder by copying an existing Fragment instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Creates a new Genotype RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(Genotype.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Creates a new Genotype RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(Genotype) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Creates a new Genotype RecordBuilder by copying an existing Genotype instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Creates a new OntologyTerm RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(OntologyTerm.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Creates a new OntologyTerm RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(OntologyTerm) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Creates a new OntologyTerm RecordBuilder by copying an existing OntologyTerm instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Creates a new ProcessingStep RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(ProcessingStep.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Creates a new ProcessingStep RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(ProcessingStep) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Creates a new ProcessingStep RecordBuilder by copying an existing ProcessingStep instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Creates a new Read RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(Read.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Creates a new Read RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(Read) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Creates a new Read RecordBuilder by copying an existing Read instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Creates a new ReadGroup RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(ReadGroup.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Creates a new ReadGroup RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(ReadGroup) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Creates a new ReadGroup RecordBuilder by copying an existing ReadGroup instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Creates a new Reference RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(Reference.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Creates a new Reference RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(Reference) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Creates a new Reference RecordBuilder by copying an existing Reference instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Creates a new Sample RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(Sample.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Creates a new Sample RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(Sample) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Creates a new Sample RecordBuilder by copying an existing Sample instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Creates a new Sequence RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(Sequence.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Creates a new Sequence RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(Sequence) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Creates a new Sequence RecordBuilder by copying an existing Sequence instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Creates a new Slice RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(Slice.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Creates a new Slice RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(Slice) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Creates a new Slice RecordBuilder by copying an existing Slice instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Creates a new TranscriptEffect RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(TranscriptEffect.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Creates a new TranscriptEffect RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(TranscriptEffect) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Creates a new TranscriptEffect RecordBuilder by copying an existing TranscriptEffect instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Creates a new Variant RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(Variant.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Creates a new Variant RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(Variant) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Creates a new Variant RecordBuilder by copying an existing Variant instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Creates a new VariantAnnotation RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(VariantAnnotation.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Creates a new VariantAnnotation RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(VariantAnnotation) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Creates a new VariantAnnotation RecordBuilder by copying an existing VariantAnnotation instance.
newBuilder() - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Creates a new VariantCallingAnnotations RecordBuilder.
newBuilder(VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Creates a new VariantCallingAnnotations RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
newBuilder(VariantCallingAnnotations) - Static method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Creates a new VariantCallingAnnotations RecordBuilder by copying an existing VariantCallingAnnotations instance.
nonReferenceLikelihoods - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
notes - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature


OntologyTerm - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
OntologyTerm() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Default constructor.
OntologyTerm(String, String) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
All-args constructor.
OntologyTerm.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for OntologyTerm instances.
ontologyTerms - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
org.bdgenomics.formats.avro - package org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
originalCigar - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
originalQualityScores - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
originalStart - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment


parentIds - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
phase - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
phased - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
phaseQuality - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
phaseSetId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
platform - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
platformModel - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
platformUnit - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
predictedMedianInsertSize - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
previousId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
primaryAlignment - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
processingDescription - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
ProcessingStep - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
ProcessingStep() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Default constructor.
ProcessingStep(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
All-args constructor.
ProcessingStep.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for ProcessingStep instances.
processingSteps - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
processingSteps - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
programName - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
properPair - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
proteinHgvs - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
proteinLength - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
proteinPosition - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.BDG.Callback
PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.BDG
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations


quality - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
qualityScores - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
qualityScores - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read


rank - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Read - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
Read() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Default constructor.
Read(String, String, Alphabet, String, Long, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
All-args constructor.
Read.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for Read instances.
readDepth - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
readDepth - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
ReadGroup - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
ReadGroup() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Default constructor.
ReadGroup(String, String, String, Long, String, String, String, Integer, String, String, String, String, List<ProcessingStep>) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
All-args constructor.
ReadGroup.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for ReadGroup instances.
readGroupId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
readGroupId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
readGroupSampleId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
readInFragment - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
readMapped - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
readName - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
readNegativeStrand - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
readPaired - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
readPositionRankSum - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Reference - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
Reference() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Default constructor.
Reference(String, Long, String, String, String, List<String>, String, Integer) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
All-args constructor.
Reference.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for Reference instances.
referenceAllele - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
referenceForwardReadDepth - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
referenceName - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
referenceName - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
referenceName - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
referenceName - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
referenceReadDepth - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
referenceReadDepth - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
referenceReverseReadDepth - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
reverseReadDepth - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
rmsMapQ - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
runDateEpoch - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup


Sample - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
Sample() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Default constructor.
Sample(String, String, Map<String, String>, List<ProcessingStep>) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
All-args constructor.
Sample.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for Sample instances.
sampleDescription - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
sampleId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
sampleId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
sampleId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alphabet
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.GenotypeAllele
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.GenotypeType
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Strand
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotationMessage
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
score - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
secondaryAlignment - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
sequence - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
sequence - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Sequence - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
Sequence() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Default constructor.
Sequence(String, String, Alphabet, String, Long, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
All-args constructor.
sequence - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
sequence - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sequence.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for Sequence instances.
sequencingCenter - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
setAccession(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref.Builder
Sets the value of the 'accession' field.
setAccession(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Sets the value of the 'accession' field.
setAccession(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm.Builder
Sets the value of the 'accession' field.
setAccession(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Sets the value of the 'accession' field.
setAliases(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'aliases' field.
setAliases(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'aliases' field.
setAlignments(List<Alignment>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'alignments' field.
setAlignments(List<Alignment>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Sets the value of the 'alignments' field.
setAlleleCount(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'alleleCount' field.
setAlleleCount(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'alleleCount' field.
setAlleleFrequency(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'alleleFrequency' field.
setAlleleFrequency(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'alleleFrequency' field.
setAlleles(List<GenotypeAllele>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'alleles' field.
setAlleles(List<GenotypeAllele>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'alleles' field.
setAlphabet(Alphabet) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Sets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
setAlphabet(Alphabet) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Sets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
setAlphabet(Alphabet) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Sets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
setAlphabet(Alphabet) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Sets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
setAlphabet(Alphabet) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
setAlphabet(Alphabet) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'alphabet' field.
setAlternateAllele(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'alternateAllele' field.
setAlternateAllele(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'alternateAllele' field.
setAlternateAllele(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'alternateAllele' field.
setAlternateAllele(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'alternateAllele' field.
setAlternateReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'alternateReadDepth' field.
setAlternateReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'alternateReadDepth' field.
setAncestralAllele(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'ancestralAllele' field.
setAncestralAllele(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'ancestralAllele' field.
setAnnotation(VariantAnnotation) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'annotation' field.
setAnnotation(VariantAnnotation) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'annotation' field.
setAnnotationBuilder(VariantAnnotation.Builder) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the Builder instance for the 'annotation' field Annotation for this variant, if any.
setAssembly(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Sets the value of the 'assembly' field.
setAssembly(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Sets the value of the 'assembly' field.
setAttributes(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'attributes' field.
setBaseQRankSum(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'baseQRankSum' field.
setBaseQRankSum(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'baseQRankSum' field.
setBasesTrimmedFromEnd(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'basesTrimmedFromEnd' field.
setBasesTrimmedFromEnd(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'basesTrimmedFromEnd' field.
setBasesTrimmedFromStart(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'basesTrimmedFromStart' field.
setBasesTrimmedFromStart(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'basesTrimmedFromStart' field.
setBiotype(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'biotype' field.
setBiotype(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'biotype' field.
setCdnaLength(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'cdnaLength' field.
setCdnaLength(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'cdnaLength' field.
setCdnaPosition(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'cdnaPosition' field.
setCdnaPosition(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'cdnaPosition' field.
setCdsLength(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'cdsLength' field.
setCdsLength(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'cdsLength' field.
setCdsPosition(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'cdsPosition' field.
setCdsPosition(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'cdsPosition' field.
setCigar(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'cigar' field.
setCigar(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'cigar' field.
setCigar(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'cigar' field.
setCigar(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'cigar' field.
setCircular(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'circular' field.
setCircular(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'circular' field.
setCommandLine(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Sets the value of the 'commandLine' field.
setCommandLine(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Sets the value of the 'commandLine' field.
setCulprit(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'culprit' field.
setCulprit(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'culprit' field.
setDb(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref.Builder
Sets the value of the 'db' field.
setDb(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Sets the value of the 'db' field.
setDb(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm.Builder
Sets the value of the 'db' field.
setDb(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Sets the value of the 'db' field.
setDbSnp(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'dbSnp' field.
setDbSnp(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'dbSnp' field.
setDbxrefs(List<Dbxref>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'dbxrefs' field.
setDbxrefs(List<Dbxref>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'dbxrefs' field.
setDerivesFrom(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'derivesFrom' field.
setDerivesFrom(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'derivesFrom' field.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Sets the value of the 'description' field.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Sets the value of the 'description' field.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Sets the value of the 'description' field.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Sets the value of the 'description' field.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'description' field.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'description' field.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Sets the value of the 'description' field.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Sets the value of the 'description' field.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'description' field.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'description' field.
setDistance(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'distance' field.
setDistance(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'distance' field.
setDownsampled(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'downsampled' field.
setDownsampled(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'downsampled' field.
setDuplicateRead(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'duplicateRead' field.
setDuplicateRead(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'duplicateRead' field.
setEffects(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'effects' field.
setEffects(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'effects' field.
setEnd(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'end' field.
setEnd(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'end' field.
setEnd(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'end' field.
setEnd(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'end' field.
setEnd(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'end' field.
setEnd(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'end' field.
setEnd(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'end' field.
setEnd(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'end' field.
setEnd(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'end' field.
setEnd(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'end' field.
setExonId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'exonId' field.
setExonId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'exonId' field.
setExpectedAlleleDosage(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'expectedAlleleDosage' field.
setExpectedAlleleDosage(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'expectedAlleleDosage' field.
setFailedVendorQualityChecks(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'failedVendorQualityChecks' field.
setFailedVendorQualityChecks(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'failedVendorQualityChecks' field.
setFeatureId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'featureId' field.
setFeatureId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'featureId' field.
setFeatureId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'featureId' field.
setFeatureId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'featureId' field.
setFeatureType(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'featureType' field.
setFeatureType(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'featureType' field.
setFeatureType(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'featureType' field.
setFeatureType(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'featureType' field.
setFiltersApplied(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'filtersApplied' field.
setFiltersApplied(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'filtersApplied' field.
setFiltersApplied(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'filtersApplied' field.
setFiltersApplied(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'filtersApplied' field.
setFiltersFailed(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'filtersFailed' field.
setFiltersFailed(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'filtersFailed' field.
setFiltersFailed(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'filtersFailed' field.
setFiltersFailed(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'filtersFailed' field.
setFiltersPassed(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'filtersPassed' field.
setFiltersPassed(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'filtersPassed' field.
setFiltersPassed(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'filtersPassed' field.
setFiltersPassed(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'filtersPassed' field.
setFisherStrandBiasPValue(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'fisherStrandBiasPValue' field.
setFisherStrandBiasPValue(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'fisherStrandBiasPValue' field.
setFlowOrder(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'flowOrder' field.
setFlowOrder(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'flowOrder' field.
setForwardReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'forwardReadDepth' field.
setForwardReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'forwardReadDepth' field.
setFrame(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'frame' field.
setFrame(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'frame' field.
setGap(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'gap' field.
setGap(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'gap' field.
setGeneId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'geneId' field.
setGeneId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'geneId' field.
setGeneId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'geneId' field.
setGeneId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'geneId' field.
setGeneName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'geneName' field.
setGeneName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'geneName' field.
setGenomicHgvs(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'genomicHgvs' field.
setGenomicHgvs(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'genomicHgvs' field.
setGenotypeLikelihoods(List<Double>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'genotypeLikelihoods' field.
setGenotypeLikelihoods(List<Double>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'genotypeLikelihoods' field.
setGenotypePosteriors(List<Float>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'genotypePosteriors' field.
setGenotypePosteriors(List<Float>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'genotypePosteriors' field.
setGenotypePriors(List<Float>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'genotypePriors' field.
setGenotypePriors(List<Float>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'genotypePriors' field.
setGenotypeQuality(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'genotypeQuality' field.
setGenotypeQuality(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'genotypeQuality' field.
setHapMap2(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'hapMap2' field.
setHapMap2(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'hapMap2' field.
setHapMap3(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'hapMap3' field.
setHapMap3(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'hapMap3' field.
setId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Sets the value of the 'id' field.
setId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Sets the value of the 'id' field.
setId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'id' field.
setId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'id' field.
setId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Sets the value of the 'id' field.
setId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Sets the value of the 'id' field.
setIndex(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Sets the value of the 'index' field.
setIndex(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Sets the value of the 'index' field.
setIndex(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'index' field.
setIndex(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'index' field.
setInsertSize(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'insertSize' field.
setInsertSize(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'insertSize' field.
setInsertSize(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'insertSize' field.
setInsertSize(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Sets the value of the 'insertSize' field.
setKeySequence(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'keySequence' field.
setKeySequence(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'keySequence' field.
setLength(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Sets the value of the 'length' field.
setLength(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Sets the value of the 'length' field.
setLength(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Sets the value of the 'length' field.
setLength(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Sets the value of the 'length' field.
setLength(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Sets the value of the 'length' field.
setLength(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Sets the value of the 'length' field.
setLength(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'length' field.
setLength(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'length' field.
setLibrary(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'library' field.
setLibrary(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'library' field.
setMappingQuality(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'mappingQuality' field.
setMappingQuality(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'mappingQuality' field.
setMapq0Reads(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'mapq0Reads' field.
setMapq0Reads(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'mapq0Reads' field.
setMateAlignmentStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'mateAlignmentStart' field.
setMateAlignmentStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'mateAlignmentStart' field.
setMateMapped(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'mateMapped' field.
setMateMapped(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'mateMapped' field.
setMateNegativeStrand(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'mateNegativeStrand' field.
setMateNegativeStrand(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'mateNegativeStrand' field.
setMateReferenceName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'mateReferenceName' field.
setMateReferenceName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'mateReferenceName' field.
setMd5(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Sets the value of the 'md5' field.
setMd5(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Sets the value of the 'md5' field.
setMessages(List<VariantAnnotationMessage>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'messages' field.
setMessages(List<VariantAnnotationMessage>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'messages' field.
setMinReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'minReadDepth' field.
setMinReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'minReadDepth' field.
setMismatchingPositions(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'mismatchingPositions' field.
setMismatchingPositions(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'mismatchingPositions' field.
setMqRankSum(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'mqRankSum' field.
setMqRankSum(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'mqRankSum' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setNames(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'names' field.
setNames(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'names' field.
setNonReferenceLikelihoods(List<Double>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'nonReferenceLikelihoods' field.
setNonReferenceLikelihoods(List<Double>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'nonReferenceLikelihoods' field.
setNotes(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'notes' field.
setNotes(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'notes' field.
setOntologyTerms(List<OntologyTerm>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'ontologyTerms' field.
setOntologyTerms(List<OntologyTerm>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'ontologyTerms' field.
setOriginalCigar(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'originalCigar' field.
setOriginalCigar(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'originalCigar' field.
setOriginalQualityScores(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'originalQualityScores' field.
setOriginalQualityScores(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'originalQualityScores' field.
setOriginalStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'originalStart' field.
setOriginalStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'originalStart' field.
setParentIds(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'parentIds' field.
setParentIds(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'parentIds' field.
setPhase(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'phase' field.
setPhase(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'phase' field.
setPhased(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'phased' field.
setPhased(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'phased' field.
setPhaseQuality(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'phaseQuality' field.
setPhaseQuality(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'phaseQuality' field.
setPhaseSetId(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'phaseSetId' field.
setPhaseSetId(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'phaseSetId' field.
setPlatform(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'platform' field.
setPlatform(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'platform' field.
setPlatformModel(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'platformModel' field.
setPlatformModel(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'platformModel' field.
setPlatformUnit(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'platformUnit' field.
setPlatformUnit(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'platformUnit' field.
setPredictedMedianInsertSize(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'predictedMedianInsertSize' field.
setPredictedMedianInsertSize(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'predictedMedianInsertSize' field.
setPreviousId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Sets the value of the 'previousId' field.
setPreviousId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Sets the value of the 'previousId' field.
setPrimaryAlignment(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'primaryAlignment' field.
setPrimaryAlignment(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'primaryAlignment' field.
setProcessingDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'processingDescription' field.
setProcessingDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'processingDescription' field.
setProcessingSteps(List<ProcessingStep>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'processingSteps' field.
setProcessingSteps(List<ProcessingStep>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'processingSteps' field.
setProcessingSteps(List<ProcessingStep>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample.Builder
Sets the value of the 'processingSteps' field.
setProcessingSteps(List<ProcessingStep>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Sets the value of the 'processingSteps' field.
setProgramName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Sets the value of the 'programName' field.
setProgramName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Sets the value of the 'programName' field.
setProperPair(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'properPair' field.
setProperPair(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'properPair' field.
setProteinHgvs(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'proteinHgvs' field.
setProteinHgvs(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'proteinHgvs' field.
setProteinLength(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'proteinLength' field.
setProteinLength(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'proteinLength' field.
setProteinPosition(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'proteinPosition' field.
setProteinPosition(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'proteinPosition' field.
setQuality(Double) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'quality' field.
setQuality(Double) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'quality' field.
setQualityScores(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'qualityScores' field.
setQualityScores(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'qualityScores' field.
setQualityScores(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Sets the value of the 'qualityScores' field.
setQualityScores(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Sets the value of the 'qualityScores' field.
setRank(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'rank' field.
setRank(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'rank' field.
setReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'readDepth' field.
setReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'readDepth' field.
setReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'readDepth' field.
setReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'readDepth' field.
setReadGroupId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'readGroupId' field.
setReadGroupId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'readGroupId' field.
setReadGroupId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'readGroupId' field.
setReadGroupId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Sets the value of the 'readGroupId' field.
setReadGroupSampleId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'readGroupSampleId' field.
setReadGroupSampleId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'readGroupSampleId' field.
setReadInFragment(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'readInFragment' field.
setReadInFragment(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'readInFragment' field.
setReadMapped(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'readMapped' field.
setReadMapped(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'readMapped' field.
setReadName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'readName' field.
setReadName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'readName' field.
setReadNegativeStrand(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'readNegativeStrand' field.
setReadNegativeStrand(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'readNegativeStrand' field.
setReadPaired(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'readPaired' field.
setReadPaired(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'readPaired' field.
setReadPositionRankSum(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'readPositionRankSum' field.
setReadPositionRankSum(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'readPositionRankSum' field.
setReferenceAllele(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'referenceAllele' field.
setReferenceAllele(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'referenceAllele' field.
setReferenceForwardReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'referenceForwardReadDepth' field.
setReferenceForwardReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'referenceForwardReadDepth' field.
setReferenceName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
setReferenceName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
setReferenceName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
setReferenceName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
setReferenceName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
setReferenceName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
setReferenceName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
setReferenceName(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'referenceName' field.
setReferenceReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'referenceReadDepth' field.
setReferenceReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'referenceReadDepth' field.
setReferenceReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'referenceReadDepth' field.
setReferenceReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'referenceReadDepth' field.
setReferenceReverseReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'referenceReverseReadDepth' field.
setReferenceReverseReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'referenceReverseReadDepth' field.
setReverseReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'reverseReadDepth' field.
setReverseReadDepth(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'reverseReadDepth' field.
setRmsMapQ(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'rmsMapQ' field.
setRmsMapQ(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'rmsMapQ' field.
setRunDateEpoch(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'runDateEpoch' field.
setRunDateEpoch(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'runDateEpoch' field.
setSampleDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'sampleDescription' field.
setSampleDescription(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'sampleDescription' field.
setSampleId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
setSampleId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
setSampleId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
setSampleId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
setSampleId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
setSampleId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'sampleId' field.
setScore(Double) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'score' field.
setScore(Double) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'score' field.
setSecondaryAlignment(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'secondaryAlignment' field.
setSecondaryAlignment(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'secondaryAlignment' field.
setSequence(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'sequence' field.
setSequence(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'sequence' field.
setSequence(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read.Builder
Sets the value of the 'sequence' field.
setSequence(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Sets the value of the 'sequence' field.
setSequence(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence.Builder
Sets the value of the 'sequence' field.
setSequence(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Sets the value of the 'sequence' field.
setSequence(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'sequence' field.
setSequence(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'sequence' field.
setSequencingCenter(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup.Builder
Sets the value of the 'sequencingCenter' field.
setSequencingCenter(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Sets the value of the 'sequencingCenter' field.
setSlices(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'slices' field.
setSlices(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'slices' field.
setSomatic(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'somatic' field.
setSomatic(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'somatic' field.
setSource(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'source' field.
setSource(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'source' field.
setSourceAccessions(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Sets the value of the 'sourceAccessions' field.
setSourceAccessions(List<String>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Sets the value of the 'sourceAccessions' field.
setSourceUri(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Sets the value of the 'sourceUri' field.
setSourceUri(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Sets the value of the 'sourceUri' field.
setSpecies(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference.Builder
Sets the value of the 'species' field.
setSpecies(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Sets the value of the 'species' field.
setSplitFromMultiAllelic(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field.
setSplitFromMultiAllelic(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field.
setSplitFromMultiAllelic(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field.
setSplitFromMultiAllelic(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'splitFromMultiAllelic' field.
setStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'start' field.
setStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'start' field.
setStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'start' field.
setStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'start' field.
setStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'start' field.
setStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'start' field.
setStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'start' field.
setStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'start' field.
setStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant.Builder
Sets the value of the 'start' field.
setStart(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Sets the value of the 'start' field.
setStrand(Strand) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'strand' field.
setStrand(Strand) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'strand' field.
setStrand(Strand) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'strand' field.
setStrand(Strand) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'strand' field.
setStrandBiasComponents(List<Integer>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'strandBiasComponents' field.
setStrandBiasComponents(List<Integer>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'strandBiasComponents' field.
setSupplementaryAlignment(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment.Builder
Sets the value of the 'supplementaryAlignment' field.
setSupplementaryAlignment(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Sets the value of the 'supplementaryAlignment' field.
setTarget(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'target' field.
setTarget(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'target' field.
setThousandGenomes(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'thousandGenomes' field.
setThousandGenomes(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'thousandGenomes' field.
setTotal(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'total' field.
setTotal(Integer) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'total' field.
setTotalLength(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice.Builder
Sets the value of the 'totalLength' field.
setTotalLength(Long) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Sets the value of the 'totalLength' field.
setTranscriptEffects(List<TranscriptEffect>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'transcriptEffects' field.
setTranscriptEffects(List<TranscriptEffect>) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'transcriptEffects' field.
setTranscriptHgvs(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect.Builder
Sets the value of the 'transcriptHgvs' field.
setTranscriptHgvs(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Sets the value of the 'transcriptHgvs' field.
setTranscriptId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature.Builder
Sets the value of the 'transcriptId' field.
setTranscriptId(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Sets the value of the 'transcriptId' field.
setValidated(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation.Builder
Sets the value of the 'validated' field.
setValidated(Boolean) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Sets the value of the 'validated' field.
setVariant(Variant) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'variant' field.
setVariant(Variant) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'variant' field.
setVariantBuilder(Variant.Builder) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the Builder instance for the 'variant' field The variant called at this site.
setVariantCallingAnnotations(VariantCallingAnnotations) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the value of the 'variantCallingAnnotations' field.
setVariantCallingAnnotations(VariantCallingAnnotations) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Sets the value of the 'variantCallingAnnotations' field.
setVariantCallingAnnotationsBuilder(VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype.Builder
Sets the Builder instance for the 'variantCallingAnnotations' field Statistics collected at this site, if available.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep.Builder
Sets the value of the 'version' field.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Sets the value of the 'version' field.
setVqslod(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder
Sets the value of the 'vqslod' field.
setVqslod(Float) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Sets the value of the 'vqslod' field.
Slice - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
Slice() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Default constructor.
Slice(String, String, Alphabet, String, Long, Long, Strand, Long, Long, Integer, Integer, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
All-args constructor.
Slice.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for Slice instances.
slices - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
somatic - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
source - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
sourceAccessions - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
sourceUri - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
species - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
splitFromMultiAllelic - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
splitFromMultiAllelic - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
start - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
start - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
start - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
start - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
start - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
strand - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
strand - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Strand - Enum in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
strandBiasComponents - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
supplementaryAlignment - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment


target - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
thousandGenomes - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
Serializes this Alignment to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
Serializes this Dbxref to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
Serializes this Feature to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
Serializes this Fragment to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Serializes this Genotype to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
Serializes this OntologyTerm to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
Serializes this ProcessingStep to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
Serializes this Read to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
Serializes this ReadGroup to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
Serializes this Reference to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
Serializes this Sample to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
Serializes this Sequence to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
Serializes this Slice to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Serializes this TranscriptEffect to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Serializes this Variant to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Serializes this VariantAnnotation to a ByteBuffer.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Serializes this VariantCallingAnnotations to a ByteBuffer.
total - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
totalLength - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
TranscriptEffect - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
TranscriptEffect() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
Default constructor.
TranscriptEffect(String, List<String>, String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, List<VariantAnnotationMessage>) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
All-args constructor.
TranscriptEffect.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for TranscriptEffect instances.
transcriptEffects - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
transcriptHgvs - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
transcriptId - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature


validated - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alphabet
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.GenotypeAllele
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.GenotypeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Strand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotationMessage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alphabet
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.GenotypeAllele
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.GenotypeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Strand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotationMessage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
variant - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
Variant - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
Variant() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
Default constructor.
Variant(String, Long, Long, List<String>, Boolean, String, String, Double, Boolean, Boolean, List<String>, VariantAnnotation) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
All-args constructor.
Variant.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for Variant instances.
VariantAnnotation - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
VariantAnnotation() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
Default constructor.
VariantAnnotation(String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Float, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, List<TranscriptEffect>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
All-args constructor.
VariantAnnotation.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for VariantAnnotation instances.
VariantAnnotationMessage - Enum in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
variantCallingAnnotations - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
VariantCallingAnnotations - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
VariantCallingAnnotations() - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
Default constructor.
VariantCallingAnnotations(Boolean, Boolean, List<String>, Boolean, Float, Float, Float, Integer, Float, Float, List<Float>, List<Float>, Float, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
All-args constructor.
VariantCallingAnnotations.Builder - Class in org.bdgenomics.formats.avro
RecordBuilder for VariantCallingAnnotations instances.
version - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
vqslod - Variable in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations


writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Alignment
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Dbxref
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Feature
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Fragment
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.OntologyTerm
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ProcessingStep
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Read
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.ReadGroup
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Reference
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sample
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Sequence
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Slice
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.TranscriptEffect
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantAnnotation
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.VariantCallingAnnotations
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