

package instrumentation

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ASCIITable extends AnyRef

    Renders a table using ASCII characters.

  2. case class ASCIITableHeader(name: String, alignment: Alignment = Alignment.Right) extends Product with Serializable

  3. class Clock extends Serializable

  4. abstract class ConfigurableMonitor extends Taggable with Serializable

  5. abstract class Metrics extends Serializable

    Allows metrics to be created for an application.

  6. class MetricsListener extends SparkListener

    Spark listener that accumulates metrics in the passed-in RecordedMetrics object at stage completion time.

  7. class MetricsRecorder extends Serializable

    Allows metrics to be recorded.

  8. class MonitorTable extends AnyRef

    Tabular representation of a set of Monitors.

  9. class RecordedMetrics extends AnyRef

    Currently this consists only of metrics collected from Spark, but there may be others in the future.

  10. case class RecordedTiming(timingNanos: Long, pathToRoot: TimingPath) extends Serializable with Product

    Specifies a timing that is to recorded

  11. class ServoTimer extends ConfigurableMonitor with CompositeMonitor[AnyRef]

    Timer that implements the interface.

  12. class ServoTimers extends Serializable

    Holds a collection of ServoTimers.

  13. class ServoTimersAccumulableParam extends AccumulableParam[ServoTimers, RecordedTiming]

    Implementation of AccumulableParam that records timings and returns a ServoTimers with the accumulated timings.

  14. abstract class SparkMetrics extends AnyRef

    Allows metrics for Spark to be captured and rendered in tabular form.

  15. case class SparkTaskContext(hostname: String, stageId: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  16. case class StageTiming(stageId: Int, stageName: Option[String], duration: Duration) extends Product with Serializable

  17. case class TableHeader(name: String, valueExtractor: ValueExtractor, formatFunction: Option[(Any) ⇒ String] = scala.None, alignment: Alignment = Alignment.Right) extends Product with Serializable

    Specifies the title of a column, as well as how data is extracted to form the cells of this column

  18. trait Taggable extends AnyRef

  19. class TaskTimer extends AnyRef

  20. class TimingPath extends Serializable

    Specifies a timer name, along with all of its ancestors.

  21. class TimingPathKey extends AnyRef

  22. trait ValueExtractor extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Alignment extends Enumeration

    Represents alignment of a cell in a table

  2. object DurationFormatting

    Functions for formatting durations.

  3. object InstrumentationFunctions

    Helper functions for instrumentation

  4. object Metrics extends Serializable

    Manages recording of metrics in an application.

  5. object ServoTimer extends Serializable

  6. object SparkMetrics

  7. object ValueExtractor
