

package bean

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Disposable extends AnyRef

    Disposable interface.

  2. trait Factory[T] extends AnyRef

  3. trait Initializing extends AnyRef

    Initializing interface.

  4. class PropertyNameResolver extends AnyRef

    Default Property Name Resolver .

    Default Property Name Resolver .

    This class assists in resolving property names in the following four formats, with the layout of an identifying String in parentheses:

    • Simple (name) - The specified name identifies an individual property of a particular JavaBean. The name of the actual getter or setter method to be used is determined using standard JavaBeans instrospection, a property named "xyz" will have a getter method named getXyz() or (for boolean properties only) isXyz(), and a setter method named setXyz().
    • Indexed (name[index]) - The underlying property value is assumed to be an array. The appropriate (zero-relative) entry in the array is selected. List objects are now also supported for read/write.
    • Mapped (name(key)) - The JavaBean is assumed to have an property getter and setter methods with an additional attribute of type java.lang.String.
    • Nested (name1.name2[index].name3(key)) - Combining mapped, nested, and indexed references is also supported.


  5. class ScalaSingletonFactory[T] extends Factory[T]

  6. class component extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

Value Members

  1. object Properties

  2. object PropertyNameResolver

  3. package orderings

  4. package predicates
