
package authc

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractAccountRealm extends Realm with Logging with Initializing

  2. abstract class AbstractAuthenticator extends Authenticator with Logging

  3. trait Account extends AuthorizationInfo with Principal with Mergable with Serializable

    Authentication Information

  4. class AccountExpiredException extends AccountStatusException

  5. class AccountStatusException extends AuthenticationException

  6. trait AccountStore extends AnyRef

  7. class AuthenticationException extends SecurityException



  8. trait AuthenticationListener extends AnyRef

  9. trait AuthenticationToken extends Principal with Serializable

    Authentication Token used before authentication

  10. trait Authenticator extends AnyRef

    Authentication Manager

  11. class BadCredentialsException extends AuthenticationException

  12. class CredentialsExpiredException extends AccountStatusException

  13. class DefaultAccount extends Account

  14. class DisabledException extends AccountStatusException

  15. class LockedException extends AccountStatusException

  16. trait Mergable extends AnyRef

    Authentication Info can merge with others

  17. trait RealmAuthenticationStrategy extends AnyRef

    How we authenticate user within multiple realms

  18. class RealmAuthenticator extends AbstractAuthenticator with Logging

    Realm Authenticator

  19. class UsernameNotFoundException extends BadCredentialsException

  20. class UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken extends AuthenticationToken

    Simple Authentication Token

    Simple Authentication Token


Value Members

  1. object AccountStatusMask

  2. object AllSuccessfulStrategy extends RealmAuthenticationStrategy with Logging

    All realms should pass the authentication when it support then token and return merged authenticaiton info.

  3. object AnonymousToken extends AuthenticationToken

  4. object AtLeastOneSuccessfulStrategy extends RealmAuthenticationStrategy with Logging

    Pass Through all possible realm and aggregate authentication info

  5. object DetailNames

  6. object FirstSuccessfulStrategy extends RealmAuthenticationStrategy with Logging

    First win,imply at least one and ignore remainders
