Class SearchEntityMembersCommand

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SearchEntityMembersCommand
    extends EntityMemberCommand
    Parameter keys: DISCRIMINATOR_ID_KEY: the discriminator to isolate the different functional notions, SEARCH_OPTIONS_KEY: the Search options to filter & sort the results, MEMBER_TYPE_KEY: Member Type to search for (USER, GROUP, ROLE, or MEMBERSHIP).
    Emmanuel Duchastenier
    • Constructor Detail

      • SearchEntityMembersCommand

        public SearchEntityMembersCommand()
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public execute​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​> parameters,
                                            ServiceAccessor serviceAccessor)
                                     throws SCommandParameterizationException,
        Description copied from interface: Command
        Method that is called by the engine on the server side when the client calls CommandAPI.execute(String, Map) with the name or id of this command. Implementors of commands must put here the code to be executed on the server side
        parameters - a map of parameters that can be used by the command and that is given by the client when executing the command
        serviceAccessor - the ServiceAccessor that provides access to the engine's server-side services
        a result that will be returned to the client
        SCommandParameterizationException - can be thrown if insufficient or wrong parameters are given by the client
        SCommandExecutionException - can be thrown when something unexpected happens while executing the command