Class CMSEncryptedDataGenerator

  • public class CMSEncryptedDataGenerator
    extends CMSEncryptedGenerator
    General class for generating a CMS encrypted-data message. A simple example of usage. CMSTypedData msg = new CMSProcessableByteArray("Hello World!".getBytes()); CMSEncryptedDataGenerator edGen = new CMSEncryptedDataGenerator(); CMSEncryptedData ed = edGen.generate( msg, new JceCMSContentEncryptorBuilder(CMSAlgorithm.DES_EDE3_CBC) .setProvider("BC").build());
    • Constructor Detail

      • CMSEncryptedDataGenerator

        public CMSEncryptedDataGenerator()
        base constructor
    • Method Detail

      • generate

        public CMSEncryptedData generate​(CMSTypedData content,
                                         org.bouncycastle.operator.OutputEncryptor contentEncryptor)
                                  throws CMSException
        generate an encrypted object that contains an CMS Encrypted Data structure.
        content - the content to be encrypted
        contentEncryptor - the symmetric key based encryptor to encrypt the content with.