Class DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator

        public DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator()
        Initialise to use all defaults
      • DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator

        public DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator​(org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.AttributeTable attributeTable)
        Initialise with some extra attributes or overrides.
        attributeTable - initial attribute table to use.
    • Method Detail

      • createStandardAttributeTable

        protected java.util.Hashtable createStandardAttributeTable​(java.util.Map parameters)
        Create a standard attribute table from the passed in parameters - this will normally include contentType, signingTime, messageDigest, and CMS algorithm protection. If the constructor using an AttributeTable was used, entries in it for contentType, signingTime, and messageDigest will override the generated ones.
        parameters - source parameters for table generation.
        a filled in Hashtable of attributes.
      • getAttributes

        public org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.AttributeTable getAttributes​(java.util.Map parameters)
        Specified by:
        getAttributes in interface CMSAttributeTableGenerator
        parameters - source parameters
        the populated attribute table