Class CMSAuthenticatedDataGenerator

  • public class CMSAuthenticatedDataGenerator
    extends CMSAuthenticatedGenerator
    General class for generating a CMS authenticated-data message. A simple example of usage. CMSAuthenticatedDataGenerator fact = new CMSAuthenticatedDataGenerator(); adGen.addRecipientInfoGenerator(new JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator(recipientCert).setProvider("BC")); CMSAuthenticatedData data = fact.generate(new CMSProcessableByteArray(data), new JceCMSMacCalculatorBuilder(CMSAlgorithm.DES_EDE3_CBC).setProvider(BC).build()));
    • Constructor Detail

      • CMSAuthenticatedDataGenerator

        public CMSAuthenticatedDataGenerator()
        base constructor
    • Method Detail

      • generate

        public CMSAuthenticatedData generate​(CMSTypedData typedData,
                                             org.bouncycastle.operator.MacCalculator macCalculator)
                                      throws CMSException
        Generate an authenticated data object from the passed in typedData and MacCalculator.
        typedData - the data to have a MAC attached.
        macCalculator - the calculator of the MAC to be attached.
        the resulting CMSAuthenticatedData object.
        CMSException - on failure in encoding data or processing recipients.
      • generate

        public CMSAuthenticatedData generate​(CMSTypedData typedData,
                                             org.bouncycastle.operator.MacCalculator macCalculator,
                                             org.bouncycastle.operator.DigestCalculator digestCalculator)
                                      throws CMSException
        Generate an authenticated data object from the passed in typedData and MacCalculator.
        typedData - the data to have a MAC attached.
        macCalculator - the calculator of the MAC to be attached.
        digestCalculator - calculator for computing digest of the encapsulated data.
        the resulting CMSAuthenticatedData object.
        CMSException - on failure in encoding data or processing recipients.