Class BEROctetStringGenerator

public class BEROctetStringGenerator extends BERGenerator
A generator for indefinite-length OCTET STRINGs
  • Constructor Details

    • BEROctetStringGenerator

      public BEROctetStringGenerator(OutputStream out) throws IOException
      Use the passed in stream as the target for the generator, writing out the header tag for a constructed OCTET STRING.
      out - target stream
      IOException - if the target stream cannot be written to.
    • BEROctetStringGenerator

      public BEROctetStringGenerator(OutputStream out, int tagNo, boolean isExplicit) throws IOException
      Use the passed in stream as the target for the generator, writing out the header tag for a tagged constructed OCTET STRING (possibly implicit).
      out - target stream
      tagNo - the tag number to introduce
      isExplicit - true if this is an explicitly tagged object, false otherwise.
      IOException - if the target stream cannot be written to.
  • Method Details

    • getOctetOutputStream

      public OutputStream getOctetOutputStream()
      Return a stream representing the content target for this OCTET STRING
      an OutputStream which chunks data in blocks of 1000 (CER limit).
    • getOctetOutputStream

      public OutputStream getOctetOutputStream(byte[] buf)
      Return a stream representing the content target for this OCTET STRING
      buf - the buffer to use for chunking the data.
      an OutputStream which chunks data in blocks of buf length.