Class CCMBlockCipher

All Implemented Interfaces:
AEADBlockCipher, AEADCipher, CCMModeCipher

public class CCMBlockCipher extends Object implements CCMModeCipher
Implements the Counter with Cipher Block Chaining mode (CCM) detailed in NIST Special Publication 800-38C.

Note: this mode is a packet mode - it needs all the data up front.

  • Constructor Summary

    use the CCMBlockCipher.newInstance() static method.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    doFinal(byte[] out, int outOff)
    Finish the operation either appending or verifying the MAC at the end of the data.
    Return the name of the algorithm.
    Returns a byte array containing the mac calculated as part of the last encrypt or decrypt operation.
    getOutputSize(int len)
    return the size of the output buffer required for a processBytes plus a doFinal with an input of len bytes.
    return the underlying block cipher that we are wrapping.
    return the size of the output buffer required for a processBytes an input of len bytes.
    init(boolean forEncryption, CipherParameters params)
    initialise the underlying cipher.
    Return a new CCM mode cipher based on the passed in base cipher
    processAADByte(byte in)
    Add a single byte to the associated data check.
    processAADBytes(byte[] in, int inOff, int len)
    Add a sequence of bytes to the associated data check.
    processByte(byte in, byte[] out, int outOff)
    encrypt/decrypt a single byte.
    processBytes(byte[] in, int inOff, int inLen, byte[] out, int outOff)
    process a block of bytes from in putting the result into out.
    processPacket(byte[] in, int inOff, int inLen)
    Process a packet of data for either CCM decryption or encryption.
    processPacket(byte[] in, int inOff, int inLen, byte[] output, int outOff)
    Process a packet of data for either CCM decryption or encryption.
    Reset the cipher.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • CCMBlockCipher

      public CCMBlockCipher(BlockCipher c)
      use the CCMBlockCipher.newInstance() static method.
      Basic constructor.
      c - the block cipher to be used.
  • Method Details

    • newInstance

      public static CCMModeCipher newInstance(BlockCipher cipher)
      Return a new CCM mode cipher based on the passed in base cipher
      cipher - the base cipher for the CCM mode.
    • getUnderlyingCipher

      public BlockCipher getUnderlyingCipher()
      return the underlying block cipher that we are wrapping.
      Specified by:
      getUnderlyingCipher in interface AEADBlockCipher
      the underlying block cipher that we are wrapping.
    • init

      public void init(boolean forEncryption, CipherParameters params) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: AEADCipher
      initialise the underlying cipher. Parameter can either be an AEADParameters or a ParametersWithIV object.
      Specified by:
      init in interface AEADCipher
      forEncryption - true if we are setting up for encryption, false otherwise.
      params - the necessary parameters for the underlying cipher to be initialised.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the params argument is inappropriate.
    • getAlgorithmName

      public String getAlgorithmName()
      Description copied from interface: AEADCipher
      Return the name of the algorithm.
      Specified by:
      getAlgorithmName in interface AEADCipher
      the algorithm name.
    • processAADByte

      public void processAADByte(byte in)
      Description copied from interface: AEADCipher
      Add a single byte to the associated data check.
      If the implementation supports it, this will be an online operation and will not retain the associated data.
      Specified by:
      processAADByte in interface AEADCipher
      in - the byte to be processed.
    • processAADBytes

      public void processAADBytes(byte[] in, int inOff, int len)
      Description copied from interface: AEADCipher
      Add a sequence of bytes to the associated data check.
      If the implementation supports it, this will be an online operation and will not retain the associated data.
      Specified by:
      processAADBytes in interface AEADCipher
      in - the input byte array.
      inOff - the offset into the in array where the data to be processed starts.
      len - the number of bytes to be processed.
    • processByte

      public int processByte(byte in, byte[] out, int outOff) throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException
      Description copied from interface: AEADCipher
      encrypt/decrypt a single byte.
      Specified by:
      processByte in interface AEADCipher
      in - the byte to be processed.
      out - the output buffer the processed byte goes into.
      outOff - the offset into the output byte array the processed data starts at.
      the number of bytes written to out.
      DataLengthException - if the output buffer is too small.
    • processBytes

      public int processBytes(byte[] in, int inOff, int inLen, byte[] out, int outOff) throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException
      Description copied from interface: AEADCipher
      process a block of bytes from in putting the result into out.
      Specified by:
      processBytes in interface AEADCipher
      in - the input byte array.
      inOff - the offset into the in array where the data to be processed starts.
      inLen - the number of bytes to be processed.
      out - the output buffer the processed bytes go into.
      outOff - the offset into the output byte array the processed data starts at.
      the number of bytes written to out.
      DataLengthException - if the output buffer is too small.
    • doFinal

      public int doFinal(byte[] out, int outOff) throws IllegalStateException, InvalidCipherTextException
      Description copied from interface: AEADCipher
      Finish the operation either appending or verifying the MAC at the end of the data.
      Specified by:
      doFinal in interface AEADCipher
      out - space for any resulting output data.
      outOff - offset into out to start copying the data at.
      number of bytes written into out.
      IllegalStateException - if the cipher is in an inappropriate state.
      InvalidCipherTextException - if the MAC fails to match.
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Description copied from interface: AEADCipher
      Reset the cipher. After resetting the cipher is in the same state as it was after the last init (if there was one).
      Specified by:
      reset in interface AEADCipher
    • getMac

      public byte[] getMac()
      Returns a byte array containing the mac calculated as part of the last encrypt or decrypt operation.
      Specified by:
      getMac in interface AEADCipher
      the last mac calculated.
    • getUpdateOutputSize

      public int getUpdateOutputSize(int len)
      Description copied from interface: AEADCipher
      return the size of the output buffer required for a processBytes an input of len bytes.

      The returned size may be dependent on the initialisation of this cipher and may not be accurate once subsequent input data is processed - this method should be invoked immediately prior to input data being processed.

      Specified by:
      getUpdateOutputSize in interface AEADCipher
      len - the length of the input.
      the space required to accommodate a call to processBytes with len bytes of input.
    • getOutputSize

      public int getOutputSize(int len)
      Description copied from interface: AEADCipher
      return the size of the output buffer required for a processBytes plus a doFinal with an input of len bytes.

      The returned size may be dependent on the initialisation of this cipher and may not be accurate once subsequent input data is processed - this method should be invoked immediately prior to a call to final processing of input data and a call to AEADCipher.doFinal(byte[], int).

      Specified by:
      getOutputSize in interface AEADCipher
      len - the length of the input.
      the space required to accommodate a call to processBytes and doFinal with len bytes of input.
    • processPacket

      public byte[] processPacket(byte[] in, int inOff, int inLen) throws IllegalStateException, InvalidCipherTextException
      Process a packet of data for either CCM decryption or encryption.
      in - data for processing.
      inOff - offset at which data starts in the input array.
      inLen - length of the data in the input array.
      a byte array containing the processed input..
      IllegalStateException - if the cipher is not appropriately set up.
      InvalidCipherTextException - if the input data is truncated or the mac check fails.
    • processPacket

      public int processPacket(byte[] in, int inOff, int inLen, byte[] output, int outOff) throws IllegalStateException, InvalidCipherTextException, DataLengthException
      Process a packet of data for either CCM decryption or encryption.
      in - data for processing.
      inOff - offset at which data starts in the input array.
      inLen - length of the data in the input array.
      output - output array.
      outOff - offset into output array to start putting processed bytes.
      the number of bytes added to output.
      IllegalStateException - if the cipher is not appropriately set up.
      InvalidCipherTextException - if the input data is truncated or the mac check fails.
      DataLengthException - if output buffer too short.